Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

(Dendrocygna autumnalis)

Conservation Status
IUCN Red List

LC - Least Concern


N5 - Secure

S5 - Secure


not listed

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Photo by Mike Poeppe

The neck is long and the head is longish. The face and upper neck are gray. There is a thin but distinct white eye ring. The cap and back of the upper neck, and lower neck are chestnut brown. The bill is long and red.

The chest and back are chestnut brown. The belly, rump, and tail are black. The wings have a large white patch on the upper surface that is obvious in flight but appears as a white stripe on the side when the bird is perched.

The legs are long and pink.



17 to 21 in length

30 wingspan




Similar Species


Shallow freshwater ponds, lakes and marshes, with plentiful vegetation



They redistribute locally but do not migrate









Rare accidental visitor



The Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union All Seasons Species Occurrence Map



Aves (birds)


Anseriformes (waterfowl)


Anatidae (ducks, geese, and swans)


Dendrocygna (whistling-ducks)


Subordinate Taxa

Northern Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis fulgens)

Southern Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis autumnalis)













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Mike Poeppe

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck  


Britton Farms

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck   Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

6 of these ducks show up morning and evening in our yard site.



Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Photos







Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
JMC Nature Photos

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

From Wikipedia:.

The Black-bellied Whistling Duck or Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis), formerly also called Black-bellied Tree Duck, is a whistling duck that breeds from the southernmost United States and tropical Central to south-central South America. In the USA, it can be found year-round in parts of southeast Texas, and seasonally in southeast Arizona, and Louisiana's Gulf Coast. It is a rare breeder in such disparate locations as Florida, Arkansas, Georgia and South Carolina. There is a large population of several hundred that winter each year in Audubon Park in uptown New Orleans, Louisiana.

It is widely known as pijije (also pixixi or pichichi), chiriría or sirirí in Latin America, though this can also refer to other whistling-ducks and a qualifyer such as ala blanca or aliblanco ("white-winged") is usually added to signify this species. In Mexico, it is also called pato maízal ("cornfield duck") due to its habit of visiting such fields after harvest. And since it is one of only two whistling-duck species native to North America, it is occasionally just known as the "whistling duck" in the southern USA.

The Black-bellied Whistling Duck is an unusual species among North American waterfowl. With its long legs, peculiar appearance and odd habits, it was described by one early American ornithologist[who?] as "most un-duck-like". Its numbers are increasing in North America.



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Hunter Bauman

Black bellied Whistling Duck 01
Jun 20, 2024


Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis)
Strobel farms, Pemberton MN
Watched five of these birds land in the feed lot.
Video by Hunter Bauman

Other Videos

Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks in New Orleans
Clive Bramham


Published on Nov 18, 2012

Gorgeous Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks (Dendrocyna autumnalis; rødnebbplystreand) at Audubon Park in New Orleans. The park is increasingly used as a migratory stopover. Shots are from mid-October. Opening bayou scene is from Jean Lafitte Natl Historic Park and Preserve.

BIRDING VISIONS channel. With these vignettes I hope to share some of the sublime beauty of birds and their diverse habitats. These portraits, sound recordings, and landscapes are both documentary and impressions of an experience. The scenes are far-ranging: from the Rock Wren of remote Willis Creek Slot Canyon, Utah, to a Red-eyed Vireo foraging spiders in a closed-canopy forest in Pennsylvania, a singing Whinchat in the coastal heathland of western Norway, a Desert Sparrow in a Bedouin camp in Saharan Morocco or a band of Arabian Babblers in Israel.

Full HD 1920-1080 footage and high-quality audio recording. The videos are organized in playlists by geographical region and country.

This is a non-monetized no-ads channel. Contact for licensing of footage and other enquiries.

2018 Black bellied Whistling Ducks


Published on Jul 11, 2018

We have so much fun watching all the wildlife at our place in 'the Cove'. The Whistling Ducks come to 'visit' our pond and they try out our Wood Duck boxes.....

Black-bellied Whistling Duck
Mark Vance


Published on Jan 19, 2013

Black-bellied Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis) - By: Mark H. Vance - Be sure to check out all of Mark's bird videos at Please subscribe if you like birds, many more great videos to come! Thanks

Mark Vance
5342 Clark Rd #144
Sarasota, Fl 34233

The Celery Fields - Sarasota, Florida Facebook Page -

Please join!

Black-bellied Whistling Duck large family (33 ducklings).


Published on May 13, 2018

Recorded at Hugh Ramsey Nature Park Harlingen, Texas on 2018-05-12

Dendrocygna autumnalis, Pijije ala blanca, suirirí piquirrojo, suirirí piquirrojo, güíchichi, pisingo, pichichi, pichihuila, pichiche, pijije, pisingo, "güirirí", "güire", Piche, (Spanish)

If you want to watch similar bird and other wildlife videos go to my YouTube channel at

Backyard Birding Black Bellied Whistler Ducks
David Montemayor


Published on May 12, 2016

This is a video that I took in my backyard of some Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks.



Visitor Sightings

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Mike Poeppe

Location: Trempealeau, WI

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

Hunter Bauman

Location: Strobel farms, Pemberton MN

Watched five of these birds land in the feed lot.

Britton Farms

Location: south of Janesville, MN

6 of these ducks show up morning and evening in our yard site.

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Sightings







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