Cape May Warbler

(Setophaga tigrina)

Conservation Status
IUCN Red List

LC - Least Concern


N5B - Secure Breeding

SNRB - Unranked Breeding


not listed

Species in Greatest Conservation Need

Cape May Warbler
Photo by Ramona Abrego

Cape May Warbler is a small perching bird but a medium-sized New World Warbler. Its breeds in Canada from Nova Scotia to the Northwest Territories, and in the United States in northern New England and the Upper Midwest. It winters in the West Indies. In Minnesota it breeds in Arrowhead region. It is an uncommon migrant in most of the state in May and from early August through October. It is rare in the west.

Cape May Warbler adult is 4¾ to 5 in length and has a wingspan of 7½to 8¾. On the breeding male, the upper parts are dark olive green, the chin, sides of the neck (“collar”), and rump are yellow. The crown is dark and the face is yellow. There is a large chestnut-brown ear patch and a dark eye line. The bill is thin, dark, and slightly curved downward. The breast and flanks are yellow with dark stripes that converge on the throat. The undertail coverts are white. On each wing there is a distinct white patch formed by the greater coverts. The tail is short.

The female is paler overall and has two thin white wing patches. The crown is olive-gray and there is a grayish cheek patch.



4¾ to 5 in length

7½to 8¾ wingspan




Similar Species


Breeding: Mature coniferous and mixed forests

Migration: Forests, woodlands, and thickets



May and early August through October



The nest is built in a mature forest near the top of a tall spruce or balsam fir tree usually near the trunk.



Insects, especially spruce budworm; flower nectar; and fruit juices



Uncommon migrant, sporadic breeder



The Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union All Seasons Species Occurrence Map



Aves (birds)


Passeriformes (perching birds)


Parulidae (New World warblers, wood warblers)


Setophaga (Setophaga warblers)


In 2011 all of the wood warblers were reclassified resulting in new genus names for almost all of them. The genus Dendroica, with 29 members, was merged with the genus Setophaga, with just 3 members. All of the former Dendroica species have been renamed to Setophaga.

Cape May Warbler, formerly Dendroica tigrina, is now Setophaga tigrina.


Subordinate Taxa




Dendroica tigrina










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Bill Reynolds

Cape May Warbler

First time ever for me. I grew up on the NE side of the state and I don't ever recall spotting this warbler. Today, it was hanging out on a hummingbird feed. It kept getting chased off by Orioles.


Cape May Warbler

Ramona Abrego

Cape May Warbler   Cape May Warbler
Cape May Warbler Photos







Cape May Warbler
JMC Nature Photos

Cape May Warbler



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Other Videos

Setophaga tigrina CAPE MAY WARBLER feeding
Rob Curtis


Oct 11, 2019

Setophaga tigrina CAPE MAY WARBLER feeding on scale insects, trying for flying insects, scared by wasp, Montrose Point, Chicago, 9/23/2019.

Cape May Warbler (Setophaga/Dendroica tigrina)
Carl Barrentine


May 20, 2013

This migrant male Cape May Warbler (Setophaga/Dendroica tigrina) takes a brief respite from foraging to dry and vigorously preen on too cold, too wet mid-May day in Grand Forks, North Dakota (20 May 2013).



Visitor Sightings

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Bill Reynolds

Location: Pennington Co. MN, Numedal Twp

First time ever for me. I grew up on the NE side of the state and I don't ever recall spotting this warbler. Today, it was hanging out on a hummingbird feed. It kept getting chased off by Orioles.

Cape May Warbler

Ramona Abrego

Location: Washington County

Cape May Warbler Sightings






Created: 7/11/2020

Last Updated:

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