(Boltonia asteroides var. recognita)
Conservation • Wetland • Description • Habitat • Ecology • Use • Distribution • Taxonomy
Description |
White doll’s daisy (var. recognita) is a robust, 16″ to 78″ tall, erect, perennial forb that rises on one or a few aerial stems from a long, slender, underground stem (rhizome). It does not produce basal offshoots (stolons). The stems are erect, hairless, and often somewhat woody at the base. They are round in cross section and have several prominent pale ridges. They are not winged. There are usually numerous branches that curve upward from the base (ascending) above the lower third of the stem. Basal leaves are much longer than wide, thickest toward the tip, and gradually tapering toward the base (oblanceolate) to narrowly oval, thickest in the middle, and narrower at the two equal ends (elliptic). They are withered by flowering time. Stem leaves are alternate, ¾″ to 6″ long, and ⅛″ to 1″ wide. They are attached at the base to the stem without a stalk. They become gradually smaller and narrower as they ascend the stem. Lower middle stem leaves are oblanceolate to narrowly elliptic. Upper stem leaves are narrowly oblanceolate to narrow and parallel-sided (linear). The uppermost leaves are linear. The leaf blades taper to a narrow or broad point at the tip and taper to a narrow base. They do not continue down the stalk below the attachment point (decurrent). The upper and lower surfaces are hairless. There is a single prominent, central vein. The margins are untoothed. The inflorescence is a large, much branched cluster (panicle) of 15 to 60 or more flower heads at the ends of the upper branches. It is usually rounded, sometimes flat-topped, and appears leafy. The flower heads are solitary at the end of 3 ⁄16″ to 8½″ long flower stalks (peduncles). The peduncles have up to 15 leaf-like appendages (bracts). The bracts are green, linear-oblanceolate to narrowly oblanceolate or elliptic, ¾″ to 4¾″ long, and ⅛″ to 11 ⁄16″ wide. The individual flower head is medium-sized, ¾″ to 1¼″ in diameter. The whorl of bracts (phyllaries) at the base of the flower head form a hemispheric, ⅛″ to 3 ⁄16″ long, ⅛″ to 9 ⁄16″ in diameter cup (involucre). The involucre is not sticky or resinous. The phyllaries are oblanceolate to linear-oblanceolate and are narrowed or tapered to a sharp point and tipped with a short, sharp, abrupt point. They are arranged in usually 3, sometimes 4 or 5, overlapping series. The margins are membranous and narrow, 1 ⁄32″ to 3 ⁄32″ (1 to 2.5 mm) wide. Phyllaries in the outer series are 1 ⁄16″ to ⅛″ (1.5 to 3 mm) long and 1 ⁄64″ to 1 ⁄16″ (0.4 to 1.5 mm) wide. Phyllaries in the inner series are 5 ⁄64″ to 5 ⁄32″ (2.1 to 4 mm) long and 1 ⁄64″ to 1 ⁄16″ (0.5 to 1.5 mm) wide. The thickened upper part of the stem (receptacle) is hemispherical. The flower head has 20 to 60 ray florets and 65 to 170 disk florets. The ray florets are ¼″ to ⅝″ long and usually white, sometimes lightly tinged with pink or purple. The disk florets are bright yellow, remaining bright yellow as the flower head ages and the ray florets drop off. The fruit is a dry seed capsule (cypsela) with a tuft of bristles (pappus) attached to the end. The cypsela is egg-shaped, tan to grayish-brown, 1 ⁄32″ to ⅛″ long, 1 ⁄32″ to ⅛″ wide, and strongly flattened. It is not notched at the tip. It has 2 longitudinal ribs, 1 above and 2 below. The margins are winged. The pappus consists of 4 to 10 minute, 1 ⁄64″ to 1 ⁄16″ (0.6 to 1.4 mm) long awns, 2 or 3 long and stiff, the remaining much shorter. The long awns are about ⅔ as long as the cypsela. |
Height |
16″ to 78″ |
Flower Color |
White ray florets, yellow disk florets |
Similar Species |
White doll’s daisy (Boltonia asteroides var. latisquama) inflorescence has 30 to 50 or more flower heads. Inflorescence bracts are smaller, 1″ to 2¾″ long, and 1 ⁄16″ to ¼″ wide. The phyllaries are spatulate to egg-shaped spatulate. The membranous margins are broad, 3 ⁄32″ to 15 ⁄64″ (2.5 to 6 mm) wide. It is the western subspecies but its range overlaps in Minnesota. |
Habitat |
Wet to moist. Prairie swales, riverbanks, streambanks, sloughs, soggy thickets, roadside ditches. |
Ecology |
Flowering |
August to October |
Pests and Diseases |
Use |
Distribution |
Sources |
7/7/2023 | ||||
Nativity |
Native. Also cultivated. |
Occurrence |
Scattered; not common |
Taxonomy |
Kingdom | Plantae (green algae and land plants) | ||
Subkingdom | Viridiplantae (green plants) | ||
Infrakingdom | Streptophyta (land plants and green algae) | ||
Superdivision | Embryophyta (land plants) | ||
Division | Tracheophyta (vascular plants) | ||
Subdivision | Spermatophytina (seed plants) / Angiospermae (flowering plants) | ||
Class | Magnoliopsida (flowering plants) | ||
Superorder | Asteranae | ||
Order |
Asterales (sunflowers, bellflowers, fanflowers, and allies) | ||
Family |
Asteraceae (sunflowers, daisies, asters, and allies) | ||
Subfamily | Asteroideae | ||
Supertribe | Asterodae | ||
Tribe | Astereae (asters and allies) | ||
Subtribe | Boltoniinae (doll’s daisies and spiny chloracanthas) | ||
Genus | Boltonia (doll’s daisies) | ||
Species | Boltonia asteroides (false aster) | ||
Synonyms |
Boltonia latisquama var. microcephala Boltonia latisquama var. occidentalis Boltonia latisquama var. recognita Boltonia recognita |
Common Names |
false aster star boltonia white doll’s daisy white doll’s-daisy |
Growing upward at an angle or curving upward from the base.
A stiff, bristle-like appendage at the tip of the glume, lemma, or palea of grass florets.
Modified leaf at the base of a flower stalk, flower cluster, or inflorescence.
A dry, one-chambered, single-seeded seed capsule, formed from a single carpel, with the seed attached to the membranous outer layer (wall) only by the seed stalk; the wall, formed from the wall of the inferior ovary and also from other tissues derived from the receptacle or hypanthium, does not split open at maturity, but relies on decay or predation to release the contents.
Extending down the stem from the point of attachment, as with leaf blades and mushroom gills.
Narrowly oval, broadest at the middle, narrower at both ends, with the ends being equal.
An individual flower in a dense cluster of flowers; or a modified flower in the flower head in the Asteraceae family and some other families. In grasses, the modified flower in a spikelet of Poaceae and some Cyperaceae with its lemma and palea.
A whorl of bracts beneath or surrounding a flower, flower head, or flower cluster.
Lance-shaped; much longer than wide, thickest toward the base, and gradually tapering toward the tip.
Long, straight, and narrow, with more or less parallel sides, like a blade of grass.
Reverse lanceolate; much longer than wide, thickest toward the tip, and gradually tapering toward the base.
A pyramidal inflorescence with a main stem and branches. Flowers on the lower, longer branches mature earlier than those on the shorter, upper ones.
The modified calyx composed of awns, scales, bristles, or feather-like hairs in plants of the Asteraceae family.
In angiosperms, the stalk of a single flower or a flower cluster; in club mosses, the stalk of a strobilus or a group of strobili.
An individual bract within the involucre of a plant in the Asteraceae family.
The thickened, upper part of a flower stalk to which flowers or flower parts are attached. In composite flowers, the part on which the flowers are borne. In accessory fruits the receptacle gives rise to the edible part of the fruit.
A horizontal, usually underground stem. It serves as a reproductive structure, producing roots below and shoots above at the nodes.
An above-ground, creeping stem that grows along the ground and produces roots and sometimes new plants at its nodes. A runner.
A thin, flat, membranous, usually transparent appendage on the margin of a structure.
Winged leaf stalk
A leaf stalk with a leaf-like or membrane-like extension along both sides.
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Kirk Nelson |
Full plant |
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Flowers |
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MinnesotaSeasons.com Photos |
Flower |
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Flowers |
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Other Videos |
boltonia asteroides nico |
Published on Jun 26, 2017 |
Boltonia asteroides, Bee Flower, Fall 2009 Hank Chapot |
Published on Nov 13, 2009 This Aster or whatever it is attracts a half dozen types of flying creatures, and it flowers in the Fall so it is the only thing flowering at this time. Know it's genus and species? |
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Kirk Neslon 9/30/2017 |
Location: Whitetail Woods Regional Park I found these along the trail in the SE corner of Whitetail Woods Regional Park; it’s a low-lying area not far from a swampy area. |
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MinnesotaSeasons.com Sightings |
Created: 10/7/2017
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