Northern Waterthrush

(Parkesia noveboracensis)

Conservation Status
IUCN Red List

LC - Least Concern


N5B - Secure Breeding

SNRB - Unranked Breeding


not listed

Northern Waterthrush
Photo by Lynn Rubey

Northern Waterthrush looks and behaves like a thrush, and its name suggests that it is a thrush (Family Turdidae). It is actually a New World Warbler (Family Parulidae). In Minnesota it nests exclusively in the Arrowhead region. It is a common migrant throughout the state in the spring and fall. It is found in thickets and at the edges of woodlands near swamps, bogs, lakes, and ponds, and in ravines. It feeds at the edges of standing water for insects, other aquatic invertebrates, and small fish. As it forages it frequently bobs its tail.

At 5 to 6 in length, Northern Waterthrush is a large for a warbler. It has a long body, long legs, and a wingspan of 9½. The upper parts are olive brown. The throat is pale yellowish to buff and lightly streaked. The rest of the underparts pale yellowish to buff with heavy dark streaking. There is little contrast between the flanks and the rest of the underparts. On the head there is a dark eye line and a bold buff “eyebrow”. The eyebrow narrows to a point at the rear, and it ends on the head, not on the neck. On some individuals the eyebrow and the underparts are paler, almost white. The legs are pinkish.



5 to 6 in length

9½ wingspan




Similar Species

Louisiana Waterthrush (Parkesia motacilla) eyebrow line is buff in front of the eye, white behind, and broad in back, not tapered. It continues back to the nape of the neck. The throat is white and unstreaked. The breast and belly are white. The flanks and undertail coverts are tinged buff.


Thickets and woodland edges near swamps, bogs, lakes, beaver ponds, and rivers, and in ravines.



Late April to early June and mid-August to early October.






Invertebrates and small fish.



Common migrant, uncommon breeder



The Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union All Seasons Species Occurrence Map



Aves (birds)


Passeriformes (perching birds)


Parulidae (New World warblers, wood warblers)


Parkesia (waterthrushes)


This species was formerly included with the ovenbird in the genus Seiurus. Recent mitochondrial DNA studies suggest that the waterthrushes are not closely related to the ovenbird. The genus was split and the waterthrushes were placed in the new genus Parkesia.


Subordinate Taxa




Seiurus noveboracensis

Seiurus noveboracensis limnaeus

Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis

Seiurus noveboracensis noveboracensis










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Lynn Rubey

A Northern Waterthrush in The Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge in Lac qui Parle County

along the wooded area of the auto tour road.   Northern Waterthrush
Along the wooded area of the auto tour route where the trees have fallen across the stream.   Northern Waterthrush

I was following a Wood Duck down the river in the Minnesota River as I pulled over and noticed this small Northern Waterthrush along the bank foraging for food.

  Northern Waterthrush Photos







Northern Waterthrush
JMC Nature Photos

Northern Waterthrush



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Other Videos

NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH foraging Parkesia noveboracensis
Rob Curtis


Jun 16, 2019

Parkesia noveboracensis NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH foraging at Montrose Point, Chicago, May, 2019

Northern Waterthrush
Larry Bond


Jul 6, 2014

For more details see:



Visitor Sightings

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Lynn Rubey

Location: Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge

I was following a Wood Duck down the river in the Minnesota River as I pulled over and noticed this small Northern Waterthrush along the bank foraging for food.

Northern Waterthrush

Lynn Rubey

Location: Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge

A Northern Waterthrush in The Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge in Lac qui Parle County along the wooded area of the auto tour road.

Northern Waterthrush Sightings





Created: 6/29/2020

Last Updated:

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