Late Oyster

(Sarcomyxa serotina)

Conservation Status
Late Oyster
  IUCN Red List

not listed


not listed


not listed


Late Oyster is a common, widespread, small to medium-sized, fleshy, shelf-like fungus. It is saprobic on decaying stumps and logs. It is found singly or in overlapping groups on the trunk or a large branch of a dead and decaying tree. It usually occurs on a hardwood, especially black cherry, but occasionally also on a conifer. It appears in the late fall with the onset of cold weather.

There is often no stalk. If there is a stalk it is short, 3 16 to long, thick, and laterally attached. It is yellow, brownish-white, or the same color as the cap, and is covered with velvety hairs.

The cap is kidney-shaped or semi-circular and 13 16 to 4 in diameter. The color is variable, often on the same cap. When young it is downy and often flushed with violet. As it ages it becomes hairless and olive-green to yellowish-green. Eventually it turns yellowish-olive or light brown. When wet it is somewhat slimy or sticky to the touch (viscid). The margin is rolled inward and often lobed, indented, or wavy. As it ages the margin flattens out. The flesh is thick, white, and firm, and there is a gelatinous layer just below the skin (cuticle) of the cap. It is edible but has a mediocre taste and becomes bitter as it ages.

There is no universal veil.

The gills are narrow, close together and run down the stalk if there is one (decurrent) or broadly attached (adnate). They are bright orangish-yellow, yellowish-orange with a brown tinge, pale orange, or pale yellow at first, fading with age.

The spore print is pale yellow.


Similar Species

Habitat and Hosts

Mostly dead hardwoods, especially cherry, but also dead conifers.




October through December


Distribution Map



4, 7, 24, 26, 29, 30, 77.




Widespread and common

  Kingdom Fungi (fungi)  
  Subkingdom Dikarya  
  Division Basidiomycota (club fungi)  
  Subdivision Agaricomycotina (jelly fungi, yeasts, and mushrooms)  
  Class Agaricomycetes (mushrooms, bracket fungi, puffballs, and allies)  
  Subclass Agaricomycetidae  
  Order Agaricales (common gilled mushrooms and allies)  
  Suborder Pleurotineae  
  Family Sarcomyxaceae  
  Genus Sarcomyxa  

Late Oyster was formerly placed in the family Tricholomataceae and known as Sarcomyxa serotina. Tricholomataceae was a “wastebasket taxon” containing all mushrooms in the order Agaricales with white, yellow, or pink spores that have not already been classified into another family. Following a large-scale phylogenetic study of Agaricales (Moncalvo, Vilgalys, Redhead, et al., 2002), seven families were segregated from Tricholomataceae. Late Oyster Mushroom was transferred to the new family Mycenaceae with the new name Panellus serotinus. In 2019 it was transferred again, this time to the new family Sarcomyxaceae, and the old name Sarcomyxa serotina was restored. The last move was not universally accepted. Species Fungorum and GBIF use the name Sarcomyxa serotina, while MycoBank and NatureServe use the name Panellus serotinus.




Agaricus serotinus

Hohenbuehelia serotina

Panellus serotinus

Panus serotinus

Pleurotus serotinus


Common Names


Late Fall Oyster

Late Oyster

Olive Oysterling












A term often used for saprotrophic fungi. Referring to fungi that obtain their nutrients from decayed organic matter.

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The orangish-yellow area at the base of this mushroom cap was revealed after peeling off a dead leaf.

  Late Oyster  
    Late Oyster   Late Oyster  


    Late Oyster      



  Panellus serotinus - fungi kingdom
Nineli Lishina

Published on Jan 24, 2015

Panellus serotinus - fungi kingdom




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Other Videos
  Pařezník pozdní - Panellus serotinus
Jiří Laštůvka - Kudláček

Published on Dec 27, 2012

Takto tu momentálně roste Pařezník pozdní - Panellus serotinus, na několika stromech.

Google Translate: Thus there are currently growing Pařezník late - Panellus serotinus, several trees.

  Fall Oyster Mushrooms Identification Panellus Serotinus

Uploaded on Nov 2, 2011

Gelatinous mushroom with velvety cap! Cap 3-10 cm wide and stem .8-1.5 cm tall by .5-1 cm wide.

  Panellus serotinus pařezník pozdní
Karel Filip

Published on Nov 18, 2014

Vzácná jedlá houba nižší kvality vynikající však na čínu. Roste na živých i odumřelých listnatých stromech.

Google Translate: Rare edible mushroom of lower quality but at an excellent Chinese food. It grows on living and dead deciduous trees.

  Late Fall Oyster, Wild mushroom

Uploaded on Nov 6, 2011

If you have a different thought about the type of mushroom, please comment.




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