Resinous Polypore

(Ischnoderma resinosum)

Conservation Status
Resinous Polypore
Photo by Honey Fae (Farah)
  IUCN Red List

not listed


not listed


not listed


Resinous Polypore is a common, easily recognized, shelf fungus. It occurs in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Indian subcontinent. In the United States it is common east of the Great Plains, less common west of the Rocky Mountains, and mostly absent in between. It is found from September through November; alone, in groups, or in overlapping clusters; in deciduous and mixed woodlands. It grows on stumps and logs of hardwood that has died recently or several years before but is not well-rotted. It does not grow on conifers. It is saprobic, getting its nutrients from dead wood. It causes white rot.

The fruiting body is a large, bracket-shaped polypore. The cap is irregularly fan-shaped, kidney-shaped, or almost semicircular in outline; 2 to 7½ (5 to 19 cm) wide; 1316 to 3½ (3 to 9 cm) deep; and to 1316 (1 to 3 cm) thick. It is concentrically zoned with dark brown and medium pinkish-brown with a broad whitish margin. When young it is thick, velvety, and often has a yellowish-brown coating above. Young brackets exude reddish droplets of resin, especially near the margin. This is the feature that gives this mushroom its common name. As it ages it becomes thinner, darker, and hairless. On mature caps the darkest zones are often shiny, metallic, and blackish. It is often radially wrinkled, the wrinkles extending from the base to the margins. When growing on the underside of a log the fruiting body may be closely appressed, with a pore surface just on the curled edges; or resupinate, with only the pore surface showing.

There is no stalk.

The pore surface on the underside is whitish and soft when young, with 3 to 6 minute pores each 1 32 (1 mm). The pores are angular or round and 1 16 to 516 (2 to 8 mm) deep. When pressed it bruises brown quickly. As it ages it darkens, becoming yellowish-brown to brown on older brackets.

The flesh is thick, soft, watery, and whitish to dull pink when young. It is edible but the taste is not distinctive. As it ages it becomes brown, tough, and inedible.

The spore print is white.


Similar Species


Benzoin Bracket (Ischnoderma benzoinum) is a similar polypore that grows only on conifers. It is sometimes treated as a synonym of Ischnoderma resinosum. The cap is thinner and it has slightly darker flesh.

Habitat and Hosts

Deciduous and mixed woodlands.




September through November


Distribution Map



4, 24, 26, 29, 30, 77.




Widespread and common

  Kingdom Fungi (fungi)  
  Subkingdom Dikarya  
  Phylum Basidiomycota (club fungi)  
  Subphylum Agaricomycotina (jelly fungi, yeasts, and mushrooms)  
  Class Agaricomycetes (mushrooms, bracket fungi, puffballs, and allies)  
  Subclass Agaricomycetidae  
  Order Polyporales (shelf fungi)  
  Family Fomitopsidaceae (bracket polypores)  



This species was originally described as Boletus resinosus in 1794. Since then it has been transferred into different genera several times. It was transferred to the genus Ischnoderma in 1879.




Boletus resinosus

Fomes resinosus

Fomitopsis resinosa

Ochroporus resinosus

Placodes resinosus

Polyporus resinosus


Common Names


Late Fall Polypore

Resinous Polypore












A bracket fungi. A fungi that produces its spores in pores on the underside of a woody fruiting body (conk).



A term often used for saprotrophic fungi. Referring to fungi that obtain their nutrients from decayed organic matter.

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Honey Fae (Farah)

    Resinous Polypore      

Bobbi Johnson

    Resinous Polypore      








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Other Videos
  Ischnoderma resinosum
Learn Your Land

Nov 23, 2016

The resinous polypore (Ischnoderma resinosum) is a fungus with the remarkable ability to degrade synthetic dyes in our environment. Interested in learning how? Check out the video!

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  Resinous polypore with The Mushroom Hunter
Don King

Oct 26, 2020

This video explains how to identify, harvest, and cook Ischnoderma resinosum aka the resinous polypore.

  A beautiful fungus, Ischnoderma resinosum, which produces "forest pearls"
Adrian through nature

Jan 7, 2020

A beautiful fungus, Ischnoderma resinosum, which produces "forest pearls"

Ischnoderma resinosum, a beautiful fungus, but like many beautiful things, a little complicated. As I said, the scientific name of a species helps us to cross on the other side of the river, but only if we swimming ourself.

More than twenty scientific names have this fungus. It is neither the first nor the last. So tangled is life in mycology. And not only.

We see for ourselves what our lives look like when it slip out of our own mind and when it is driven by foreign and enemies thoughts. And when it doesn't slip ...?

Ischnoderma resinosum is a species of fungus in the family Fomitopsidaceae. This fungus fruits on hardwood logs and stumps in late autumn.

Commonly known as the late fall polypore, resinous polypore, or benzoin bracket it is a shelf mushroom velvety, dark red or dark brown, aging black.

The flesh is spongy but tough, sweet smelling.

Its flesh exudes a red liquid when young.

I was lucky, today, to find it young, full of small red pearls, as in a fairy tale, from which you would not want to escape.

To tell you that this mushroom is edible at a young stage is like saying that angels can be prepared in the kitchen as roast in the oven.

Let's leave the beautiful, the ineffable and the miracle... where their place is. In the soul and not in the stomach.

A wonderful life, for you all!

I go through the forests, mountains, hills, fields, and waters to understand the living world and to create a living mind.

I'm just a man who is on passing on this living earth.

A living earth that is closer to death, because of us, of the human being. I spend all my time in nature, enjoying its show. All this time I try to make a video encyclopedia with flora and fauna that I encounter on this living earth. Sometimes with human fauna ...

I meet wild mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms, edible mushrooms, dead mushrooms, toxic mushrooms, magic mushrooms. Every wild mushroom with its mystery and story. The living earth is still amazing. I meet plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, grass, leaves fallen on the living land, leaves fallen on the dead land, leaves that dance in our thoughts and soul. I meet insects, invertebrates of all kinds, butterflies, worms, larvae, birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, amphibians...

But I also encounter deforested forests, hunters, poachers, animals killed, tormented, in a suffering that words can not express. I also meet people who think it is good that they behave like this.

I stretch my hand and save an insect from the drowning. But this people trample under foot my hand. They make their choice. I make my choice.

Sometimes I manage to correctly identify the species of living beings: mushrooms, plants, animals, insects. Sometimes not. What I know is much less than what I do not know. I am just a man in front of a knowledge that surpasses me, overcomes us.

I do not know enough English yet to make my clips more attractive. But I'm learning...A wonderful life, I wish you all!




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  Honey Fae (Farah)
October, 2021

Location: Hennepin County

Resinous Polypore

  Apricity Apricity
Fall 2021

Location: Martin County, Fairmont, MN







Created: 8/18/2021

Last Updated:

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