American White Pelican

(Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)

Conservation Status
IUCN Red List

LC - Least Concern


N4 - Apparently Secure

S3B - Vulnerable Breeding


Special Concern

Species in Greatest Conservation Need

American White Pelican
Photo by Lynn Rubey




54 to 60 in length

108 wingspan




Similar Species


Large, shallow bodies of water



Early April to early June and late August to mid-November









Common migrant, uncommon breeder



The Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union All Seasons Species Occurrence Map



Aves (birds)


Pelecaniformes (pelicans, herons, ibises, and allies)


Pelecanidae (pelicans)


Pelecanus (pelicans)


Subordinate Taxa




Pelecanus erythrorhynchus










Visitor Photos

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Dan W. Andree

Trumpeter Swans, Geese and American White Pelican...

A pretty calm scene. However a little later on when most were on shore preening and resting a large bobcat bolted out fast and furious in pursuit of the trumpeter swans. Things were no longer calm.

Took place at a pond in Norman Co. Mn.


Trumpeter Swan


American White Pelican...

This pelican was at a pond in Norman Co. Mn. 9-20-24. It was the only pelican. It is so light colored it almost looks albino but it has black outer wings but it has them folded under out of sight.

First pelican I seen at that pond area. I believe it may be an American White Pelican. Seemed healthy it spent a lot of time preening, then went out in the pond and dunked its head and neck underwater feeding. Seemed to get along just fine with swans, geese and ducks etc. I decided to check the pond out one more time before Waterfowl Hunting Season opened up which it just did today.


American White Pelican


American White Pelican Preening...

It spent a lot of time preening or grooming its feathers. Can see a little of the black outer wing. A good sized and interesting bird. I haven’t seen one in my area before probably migrating.


American White Pelican

Brian S

American White Pelican

Nancy Falkum

Kellogg Weaver Dunes SNA, Weaver Dunes Unit

New KWD sign w/ American Pelicans up high on the left.

Blujean Clunis

American White Pelican   American White Pelican
Large flock on a very windy day, maybe 200  


American White Pelican  


Ramona Abrego

American White Pelican   American White Pelican


American White Pelican   American White Pelican

Norm & Peg Dibble

Great White Pelican migration over our house October 2015.

Wish I had a bigger lens on at that time. I saw them coming from up north circling as they got closer and closer. I took many photos and films. We happened to see them a week or more earlier north of us on a small lake in Albertville and assumed it was probably the same flock.

  American White Pelican

Lynn Rubey

American White Pelican   American White Pelican

A breeding American White Pelican landing in waters near Madison, Mn. the black flight feathers ( black primary and secondary remiges) are visible when the wings are spread and in flight.

A breeding American White Pelican, their breeding horn on their bill is shed after they have mated and laid their eggs. During breeding season the bill above and the throat sac below as well as the iris, the bare skin around the eye and the feet are a vivid orange color.  


Christa Rittberg

American White Pelican   American White Pelican


American White Pelican   American White Pelican

I saw these birds on my lake for the first time. I finally figured out what they were and they are beautiful. I live in Rockford Township in MN on Lake Crawford. I hope they stay around.

American White Pelican  


Kirk Nelson

American White Pelican   American White Pelican
Pelicans on Albert Lea Lake  


Bill Reynolds

American White Pelican Photos








American White Pelican
Ed McVicker

American White Pelican

American White Pelican
JMC Nature Photos

American White Pelican

American White Pelican
Joshua Mayer

American White Pelican

Pelecanus erythrorhynchos

Craig A. Mullenbach




Visitor Videos

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Holly Potter

American White Pellican 01
Holly Potter


American White Pellican 02
Holly Potter

Other Videos

The American White Pelican (Pelecanidae: Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
Carl Barrentine


Uploaded on Dec 25, 2009

A brief contemplative look at the American White Pelican, which is a species common to some large fresh water lakes and marshes in the upper midwest of the United States. Specimens shown here were photographed in North Dakota during the summer of 2009.

White Pelicans at Ackerman Park - (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
Mark Vance


Uploaded on Jan 21, 2012

White Pelicans at Ackerman Park - By: Mark H. Vance Be sure to check out of all Mark's bird videos on his channel page -

Please subscribe if you like birds, many more great videos to come! Thanks

Mark Vance
5342 Clark Rd #144
Sarasota, Fl 34233

The Celery Fields - Sarasota, Florida Facebook Page -

American White Pelicans (Pelecanidae: Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) on Parade
Carl Barrentine


Uploaded on Jul 23, 2009

Photographed at Kellys Slough NWR, North Dakota (23 July 2009). "A wonderful bird is the pelican. His bill can hold more than his belly can..." --Dixon Lanier Merritt

America White Pelicans
Frank Wimberley


Uploaded on Sep 26, 2009

A large squadron of migrating American White Pelicans over Heber Springs, AR was a beautiful sight. These seabirds grow to over 30 pounds and can have wing spans of over 9 feet.

American white pelicans
The State Journal-Register


Uploaded on Apr 6, 2011

American white pelicans fish together to music of Tchaikovsky. Pelicans numbering in the hundreds are making a migratory stopover on Lake Springfield.



Visitor Sightings

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Dan W. Andree

Location: Norman Co. Mn.

This pelican was at a pond in Norman Co. Mn. 9-20-24. It was the only pelican. It is so light colored it almost looks albino but it has black outer wings but it has them folded under out of sight.

American White Pelican

First pelican I seen at that pond area. I believe it may be an American White Pelican. Seemed healthy it spent a lot of time preening, then went out in the pond and dunked its head and neck underwater feeding. Seemed to get along just fine with swans, geese and ducks etc. I decided to check the pond out one more time before Waterfowl Hunting Season opened up which it just did today.

Christina Hill

Location: Hinds Lake, Minnesota

Saw 3 in a line. First time this season on the lake.

Brian S

Location: Fish Hook Lake near Park Rapids


American White Pelican
Nancy Falkum

Location: Kellogg Weaver Dunes SNA, Weaver Dunes Unit

New KWD sign w/ American Pelicans up high on the left.

Kellogg Weaver Dunes SNA, Weaver Dunes Unit

Location: Westwood Hills Nature Center, St. Louis Park, MN

Spotted on the lake; large flock; confirmed by local photographer with very long lens

Blujean Clunis

Location: In Chisago City, MN on pond near Wallmark Lake

Large flock on a very windy day, maybe 200

American White Pelican
Jessica St George

Location: Oakdale MN

Saw one bird flying over a residential area that has a swamp and pond nearby. It was flying south around 7pm. It freaked me out. 

… it was a mating white American pelican. Black feathers on wings 


Location: Edina, MN

Floating on Lake Cornelia in Edina.

Lynn Rubey

Location: Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge

A breeding American White Pelican, their breeding horn on their bill is shed after they have mated and laid their eggs. During breeding season the bill above and the throat sac below as well as the iris, the bare skin around the eye and the feet are a vivid orange color.

American White Pelican
Ramona Abrego

Location: Becker County


American White Pelican

Holly Potter

Location: Backus, MN

Location: Lake Crawford, Rockford Township, MN

I saw these birds on my lake for the first time. I finally figured out what they were and they are beautiful. I live in Rockford Township in MN on Lake Crawford. I hope they stay around.

American White Pelican
Norm & Peg Dibble
October 2015

Location: Maple Grove, MN

Great White Pelican migration over our house October 2015. Wish I had a bigger lens on at that time. I saw them coming from up north circling as they got closer and closer. I took many photos and films. We happened to see them a week or more earlier north of us on a small lake in Albertville and assumed it was probably the same flock.

American White Pelican
Kirk Nelson

Location: Myre-Big Island State Park, Freeborn County

Pelicans on Albert Lea Lake

American White Pelican
Bill Reynolds
Location: Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, Marshall Co MN American White Pelican Sightings






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