Split Rock Lighthouse State Park





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Minnesota DNR















2,260 acres statutory, 2,103 owned


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  Area and County
    County   Lake County
    Region   Northeast Minnesota


Visitor Center
3755 Split Rock Lighthouse Road
Two Harbors, MN 55616

N47 12.062, W91 22.020



Daily from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m.



Daily park permit: $7

Annual park permit: $35



campground (PDF)

lighthouse area (PDF)

summer (PDF)

winter (PDF)

summer (GeoPDF)

winter (GeoPDF)




Mountain biking

Horseback riding




Rock climbing and bouldering





Nature photography


Cross country skiing


Winter hiking





Wheelchair accessible

0.25 mile

Self guided/Interpretive

6 miles


12 miles

Paved bike

The paved Gitchi-Gami State Trail runs through the park.

Mountain bike

22 miles


8.2 miles


Hunting and Fishing

Approximately 50 acres in the far northern part of the park is open to public hunting but closed trapping.

See Hunting and Trapping Regulations (MN DNR) for details.

In most cases, Minnesota residents do not need a permit to fish in Minnesota State Parks.


Ecological Classification

  Ecological Classification
Ecological Province Ecological Province  

Laurentian Mixed Forest Province

Ecological Section Ecological Section  

Northern Superior Uplands

Ecological Subsection Ecological Subsection  

North Shore Highlands

Land Type Association    

Split Rock Till Plain


Native Plant Communities*


Aspen - Birch Forest: Hardwood Subtype

Bedrock Shrubland (Inland)

Bedrock Shrubland (Lake Superior)

Black Ash - Aspen - Balsam Poplar Swamp (Northeastern)

Crystalline Bedrock Outcrop (Northern)

Dry Felsic Cliff (Northern)

Dry Open Talus (Northern)

Exposed Mafic Cliff (Lake Superior)

Gravel/Cobble Beach (Lake Superior)

Lake Superior Rocky Shore

Lowland White Cedar Forest (North Shore)

Spruce - Fir Woodland (North Shore)

Upland White Cedar Forest

White Pine - Red Pine Forest

Wet Mafic Cliff (Northern)

Willow - Dogwood Shrub Swamp

Young Forest Complex

* Source: The Minnesota Biological Survey, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Ecological Resources    

Natural Features







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Wayne Rasmussen

Split Rock Lighthouse State Park   Split Rock Lighthouse State Park
MinnesotaSeasons.com Photos
Split Rock Lighthouse State Park   Split Rock Lighthouse State Park

Park entrance

  View from the lignthouse
Split Rock Lighthouse State Park   Split Rock Lighthouse State Park

Split Rock Lighthouse




Split Rock Lighthouse
Garret Voight

Split Rock Lighthouse

Split Rock Lighthouse State Park
LordWalt Thanks for 6.1 million views

Split Rock Lighthouse State Park

Split Rock Lighthouse State Park
Richard Sanders

Split Rock Lighthouse State Park

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Split Rock Lighthouse MN
Chris Kratzke


Published on Feb 13, 2014

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Split Rock Lighthouse, MN.



Split Rock Light Station was put into service on July 31, 1910 near the town of Two Harbors on the north shore of Lake Superior.It was built in response to a disastrous 1905 storm that sank or damaged 29 ships on western Lake Superior. During its first 20 years, the station was only accessible by boat so lighthouse keepers and families lived on-site for the Lake Superior shipping season and left for the winter months. In 1924 Hwy 61 was extended past the light station which made the site accessible by car. By the 1930s keepers and their families could live there year round and the light station had become a popular tourist attraction.

The bivalve Fresnel lens was built in Paris, France by Barbier, Bernard & Turene. It was assembled prism by prism in the lighthouse's lantern room with a total weight of nearly 6.5 tons. The lens made one revolution every 20 seconds, floating on a thin layer of mercury. Gears driven by weights on cables turned the lens. Light for the beacon was provided by an incandescent kerosene vapor lamp.

Brian Prom
Split Rock Lighthouse Tour - Split Rock Lighthouse State Park, MN


Published on Apr 15, 2012

A tour inside of the Split Rock Lighthouse in Two Harbors Minnesota. The Split Rock Lighthouse is on Lake Superior. The lighthouse is now non-operational, and is part of Split Rock Lighthouse State Park. This is a great place for camping and sight seeing.

The History of Split Rock Lighthouse in Minnesota (Original Video)


Uploaded on Mar 1, 2011

http://OpenRoadAdventures.biz - Explore the history of the Split Rock Lighthouse in Minnesota. Split Rock is located along the North Shore of Lake Superior near the town of Two Harbors. Split Rock Lighthouse is said to be the "most photographed lighthouse in the United States". Take the history tour and see why. Visit www.OpenRoadAdventures.biz for more on the Split Rock Lighthouse in Minnesota and to see our Minnesota Audio Tours.



Visitor Sightings

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Birgitta Anderson


Franklin’s ground squirrel (Poliocitellus franklinii)    
MinnesotaSeasons.com Sightings




Seven bird species with conservation status in Minnesota have been seen here:


Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus)


Common Tern (Sterna hirundo)

Special Concern

American Goshawk (Accipiter atricapillus)

American White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)

Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)

Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator)

Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas Birds List

Minnesota DNR Bird checklist

eBird Field Checklist – Split Rock Lighthouse SP

eBird Field Checklist – campground area

eBird Field Checklist – Split Rock River Wayside



Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas Fishes List


Fungi and Lichens

Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas Fungi List

Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas Lichens List


Insects and Arachnids

Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas Insects List



Eight plant species with conservation status in Minnesota are found here:


northern spikemoss (Selaginella selaginoides)

Special Concern

common butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris ssp. vulgaris)

creeping juniper (Juniperus horizontalis)

Hudson Bay eyebright (Euphrasia hudsoniana var. ramosior)

intermediate sedge (Carex media)

quill spikerush (Eleocharis nitida)

rock whitlow-grass (Draba arabisans)

spike trisetum (Trisetum spicatum)

Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas and Minnesota Biological Survey Vegetation Releves Plant List

Plants frequently found in:

Aspen - Birch Forest: Hardwood Subtype FDn43b2

Bedrock Shrubland (Inland) ROn23a

Bedrock Shrubland (Lake Superior) ROn23b

Black Ash - Aspen - Balsam Poplar Swamp (Northeastern) WFn55a

Crystalline Bedrock Outcrop (Northern) ROn12b

Dry Felsic Cliff (Northern) CTn11d

Dry Open Talus (Northern) CTn12a

Exposed Mafic Cliff (Lake Superior) CTu22a

Gravel/Cobble Beach (Lake Superior) LKu32e

Lake Superior Rocky Shore LKu43

Lowland White Cedar Forest (North Shore) WFn53a

Spruce - Fir Woodland (North Shore) FDn32e

Upland White Cedar Forest FDn43c

White Pine - Red Pine Forest FDn43a

Wet Mafic Cliff (Northern) CTn42a

Willow - Dogwood Shrub Swamp WMn82a







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