eastern yellow-backed laphria

(Laphria thoracica)

Conservation Status
IUCN Red List

not listed


not listed


not listed

eastern yellow-backed laphria
Photo by Babette Kis

Eastern yellow-backed laphria is a large bumble bee mimic robber fly. It occurs in the United States from the northeast to the Midwest and south to Tennessee, and in adjacent Canadian provinces. There are at least 33 Laphria species in the eastern United States. Laphria thoracica is probably the most common. It is relatively uncommon in Minnesota, where it is at the western extent of its range.

Adults are robust, very hairy, and about ¾ long. The thorax and abdomen are partially covered with long yellow hairs making it resemble a bumble bee. It is a mimic of common eastern bumble bee (Bombus impatiens), half-black bumble bee (B. vagans), and lemon cuckoo bumble bee (B. citrinus).

The thorax is stout and black. It is densely covered with long, erect, yellow hairs except for a small, round, black, bare spot in the middle. The yellow hairs extend in an arc from the front of the thorax to the side below the wing base.

The abdomen widens beyond the middle. The amount of yellow on the abdomen varies. On the female, the abdomen is entirely black. On the male, segment 1 is always black, and segments 2, 3, and 4 are often completely or partially covered with long yellow hairs.

There are two large compound eyes and three small simple eyes (ocelli). The compound eyes extend above the level of the top of the head (vertex), making the head appear hollowed out between the eyes when viewed from the front. The ocelli are arranged in a triangle on a prominent rounded projection (tubercle) in the middle of the head between the compound eyes. The upper face is covered with long, erect hairs that may be mostly yellow, mostly black, or entirely black. There is a dense mustache of long stiff bristles (mystax) on the face between the compound eyes at the lower margin, and a cluster of forward-directed bristles (a “beard”) on the lower part of the face. The mystax and beard are mostly black with a few scattered yellow hairs. The antennae have 3 segments. The third segment is elongated.

The legs are stout and black. They are covered with black hairs with patches of orange hairs. The last part of the leg (tarsus), corresponding to the foot, has five segments. The last segment has 2 pads.

On the wing, the first and second branches of the radial sector vein (R1 and R2+3) join before the end of R1 creating a closed cell that does not reach the margin.



Total length: about ¾


Similar Species


Woodland edges



Late May through July



It buzzes loudly when it flies. It captures its prey in flight. It uses its sharp proboscis to pierce its prey, inject enzymes which liquefy the prey’s organs, and suck out the resulting liquid.

It can deliver a painful bite when handled.


Life Cycle

Larvae are borers in moist, dead wood.


Larva Food

Beetle larvae


Adult Food

Bees and beetles


Distribution Map



7, 24, 27, 29, 30, 82.






Diptera (flies)








Asilidae (robber flies)






Laphria (bee-mimic robber flies)


Orthorrhapha was historically one of two infraorders of Brachycera, a suborder of Diptera. However, Brachycera did not contain all of the descendants of the last common ancestor (paraphyletic). It was split into five extant (still existing) and one extinct infraorder. Orthorrhapha is now considered obsolete and has not been used in decades, but it persists in printed literature and on some online sources. A recent revision of the order Diptera (Pope, et al., 2011) revived the name Orthorrhapha, but this has not been widely accepted.


Subordinate Taxa




Dasyllis thoracica

Laphria alcanor

Laphria fulvithorax


Common Names

eastern yellow-backed laphria











On flies, especially in the family Asilidae, a patch of bristles or hairs (mustache) immediately above the mouth.



Simple eye; an eye with a single lens. Plural: ocelli.



On insects, the last two to five subdivisions of the leg, attached to the tibia; the foot. On spiders, the last segment of the leg. Plural: tarsi.






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Babette Kis

eastern yellow-backed laphria  

eastern yellow-backed laphria

Laphria thoracica bee like robberfly

Laphria thoracica, bee-like robberfly, with bumblebee prey, near the hedgerow at Barnes Prairie, Racine Co., WI. Photos taken June 29, 2020.

Seirra Quinn

eastern yellow-backed laphria  


Alfredo Colon

eastern yellow-backed laphria   eastern yellow-backed laphria
eastern yellow-backed laphria    
MinnesotaSeasons.com Photos
eastern yellow-backed laphria   eastern yellow-backed laphria
eastern yellow-backed laphria    




Laphria thoracica
Steve Collins

Laphria thoracica



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Other Videos

bee-like robber Fly (Asilidae: Laphria thoracica) Anterior View
Carl Barrentine


Published on Jun 12, 2012

Photographed at the Turtle River State Park, North Dakota (12 June 1012). This species of robber fly is a good mimic of this local bumble bee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbD04dxYpTM

bee-like robber Fly (Asilidae: Laphria thoracica)
Carl Barrentine


Published on Sep 13, 2009

Photographed at the Kellys Slough NWR, North Dakota (13 September 2009).

Predators: The Watchful Robber Fly
Carl Barrentine


Published on Jul 12, 2015

This short film introduces a robber fly that mimics a bumble bee (Family Asilidae), Laphria thoracica. This very large raptor-like fly is known to feed on honey bees. Filmed at Grand Forks, North Dakota (09 July 2015). A Lucretius Production.



Visitor Sightings

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Up North Mom

Location: Coon Rapids, MN

Found on hostas in back yard.

Seirra Quinn

Location: Eden Valley, MN

eastern yellow-backed laphria
Babette Kis

Location: Barnes Prairie, Racine Co., WI

Laphria thoracica, bee-like robberfly, with bumblebee prey, near the hedgerow at Barnes Prairie, Racine Co., WI. Photos taken June 29, 2020.

eastern yellow-backed laphria
Alfredo Colon
Summer 2018

Location: Woodbury, Minnesota

eastern yellow-backed laphria
Alfredo Colon

Location: Woodbury, Minnesota

eastern yellow-backed laphria
MinnesotaSeasons.com Sightings





Created: 12/1/2018

Last Updated:

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