Minnesota Moths


Order Lepidoptera

Lepidoptera is the order of insects that is characterized by having four large wings; mouthparts adapting for sucking, the proboscis in the form of a long coiled tube; and wings and body completely or mostly covered by scales. The order includes butterflies, skippers, and moths.

There are about 174,250 known Lepidoptera species in 126 families worldwide, 12,423 species in 82 families in North America north of Mexico, and at least 1,206 species in Minnesota.

No Taxonomic Rank: Moths

Differentiating moths and butterflies is complicated because on the tree of evolution (phylogenetically) butterflies are moths. Moths is a paraphyletic group, meaning that all are descendant from a common ancestor but not all of the descendants of that ancestor are moths. The order Lepidoptera was historically divided into four suborders.The suborders Aglossata, Heterobathmiina, and Zeugloptera were all moths. The suborder Glossata contained 44 superfamilies. Two of those superfamilies are butterflies, the remaining superfamilies are moths. Recently, lepidopterists have abandoned suborders and all other taxonomic ranks between orders and superfamilies.

Moths have feathery or or thread-like antennae without knobs at the end. When at rest, moths hold their wings roof-like over their body, curled around their body, or flat against a support. All other differences have exceptions. Most moths fly at night, are smaller, and have drab wings. Most moths have one or more bristles (frenulum) and scales (retinaculum) that hold their forewings in contact with their hindwings. No butterflies have this feature.

About 93% of Lepidoptera species are moths. According The Lepidopterist’s Society, there are about 127,600 moth species worldwide, about 10,850 species in North America. There may also be between 1,500 and 3,500 undescribed species, mostly micromoths (Microlepidoptera). There are at least 1,049 moth species found in Minnesota.

  cecropia moth  
  Photo by Bill Reynolds  








Recent Additions

Ailanthus webworm moth

Ailanthus webworm moth (Atteva aurea) is a small, native, ermine moth with a colorful appearance and an unusual history. It was formerly native to the tropical Americas, including southern Florida, Central America, and the Caribbean, where its larval hosts were paradise tree (Simarouba glauca) and Simarouba amara. In 1784, the Chinese tree of heaven was introduced into Philadelphia. The tree was fast growing and spread quickly. When it reached Florida in the 1850s, ailanthus webworm moth found it to be an acceptable host. The moths then began moving north to wherever their new host was found.

Ailanthus webworm now occurs throughout the United States east of the Great Plains, and in southern Quebec and Ontario Canada. It is common in the eastern United States, uncommon but increasing in Minnesota.

  ailanthus webworm moth

Photo by Babette Kis

Tree of heaven, which is often planted as an ornamental in urban areas, remains the primary larval host, but larvae have also been found on avocado, Emory’s crucifixion-thorn, and sumac. Adults are found visiting flowers from May to October in Minnesota. They can’t survive northern winters, but they recolonize the northern range of tree of heaven every year. Although its range has recently expanded greatly, ailanthus webworm moth is not considered invasive by any state or province.

Adults are 716 to in length and have a 1116 to 1316 wingspan. The forewings are reddish-orange with four broad black bands filled with white or pale yellow spots of varying size. The bright pattern is thought to be a warning to predators of their unpalatability. The black areas have bluish-purple reflections. The hindwings are mostly translucent with black on the margins and black veins.

Horned spanworm moth

Horned spanworm moth (Nematocampa resistaria) is a small geometer moth. It occurs across the United States and southern Canada. In the U.S. it is common east of the Great Plains and in the northwest but is rare or absent elsewhere. Adults are found from early June to late September in deciduous and mixed forests and woodlands, in meadows, and in parks.

Female forewings are whitish or cream-colored with reddish-brown lines and veins, numerous short horizontal lines, and a purplish-brown patch on the inner half of the wingtip. The hindwing is similar, but the entire tip of the wing is dark. The male is similar but smaller, is usually yellowish, and there is a dark brown blotch at the tip of the wing.

The adult sometimes rests on the upper side of a leaf, where it resembles a dead leaf; on the underside of a leaf, where it resembles a dead patch; or on leaf litter on the ground, where it blends in with the background.

The caterpillar is up to ¾ long and is instantly recognizable. The ground color varies from yellow to brown and is heavily mottled with brown. On each of the first and second abdominal segments there is a pair of curled, extendable, white-tipped tentacles (filaments).

The caterpillar often rests on an upper leaf surface with the body looped. It has been suggested that this mimics a fallen flower and its stamens. When alarmed, it inflates the filaments to twice their length.

  horned spanworm moth

Photo by Babette Kis



horned spanworm moth

Photo by Alfredo Colon

Meal moth

Meal moth (Pyralis farinalis) is a small, broad-winged, triangular moth. It is cosmopolitan, occurring around the world, but is most common in Europe and the United States. It is found anywhere grain is processed or stored, including warehouses, barns, and most home pantries. It is not the only moth common to home pantries, nor is it the most common. That distinction belongs to Indian meal moth. Other common pantry moths are Mediterranean flour moth, brown house moth, and white shouldered house moth.

  meal moth

Photo by Mike Poeppe

Meal moth larva feed on cereals (plants in the grass family), grains (edible seeds of cereals), and vegetables, including potatoes. Adults do not feed and are short-lived. They mate as soon as possible after emerging, then die after nine or ten days. They rest with their wings spread wide, their abdomen raised at a right angle to the body, and their antennae folded back over the body.

Leafy spurge hawkmoth

Leafy spurge hawkmoth (Hyles euphorbiae) is a large exotic moth. It is native to Europe and western Asia. In the 1960s it was introduced into the United States to control leafy spurge, and separately into Canada to control leafy and cypress spurges. Hawkmoth populations are never large due to predation and disease, and they are susceptible to insecticides used to control grasshoppers. While the larvae can entirely defoliate a host plant, the damage to the host plant population is never significant.

Leafy spurge hawkmoth is identified by its large size; pale tan forewings with a slight pinkish tinge; a squarish, olive-brown spot in the basal area and another in the median area; an olive-brown post-medial band; and black peppering in the pale areas.

  leafy spurge hawkmoth

Photo by Lucy Morrissey

Since its introduction, leafy spurge hawkmoth has spread widely and its range continues to expand. It now occurs in the northern United States and southern Canada east of the Rocky Mountains. It is found from late May through July in disturbed meadows and other grasslands with large populations of leafy spurge. Larvae feed on the foliage of leafy spurge and other members of the Euphorbiaceae (spurge) family. Adults feed on flower nectar. They hover like a hummingbird when visiting flowers.

Armyworm moth

Armyworm moth (Mythimna unipuncta), also called true armyworm and the white speck. is a migratory wainscot moth. It is medium-sized for a moth, large for a wainscot moth. It occurs in Europe, northern Africa, Iceland, North America, Central America, and northern South America. It is common throughout the United States and Canada, common and sometimes abundant in Minnesota. It does not survive cold winters. Adults migrate south in the fall and a later generation disperses north in the spring. Adults are found in Minnesota from March to November. Caterpillars feed on leaves and sometimes seed heads of mostly grains and other grasses, but also many broadleaf plants close to their infestations. After defoliating a stand of plants, they will move as a group to a nearby stand and resume feeding. They are often a serious agricultural pest, especially on wheat and corn.


Photo by Alfredo Colon

Armyworm moths are ¾ to 1 long. Their forewings are tan with dark peppering and a small but conspicuous white spot. The caterpillar is up to 2 long.

Other Recent Additions

morbid owlet (Chytolita morbidalis)

plume moths (Geina spp.)

plume moths (Hellinsia spp.)

tortricine leafroller moths (Subfamily Tortricinae)

striped garden caterpillar moth (Trichordestra legitima)

delicate cycnia (Cycnia tenera)

plume moth (Hellinsia sp.)

Photo by Babette Kis









This list includes only moths that have been recorded in Minnesota, but not all of the moths found in Minnesota.



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Abbott’s sphinx (Sphecodina abbottii)

Abbott’s sphinx

afflicted dagger moth

agreeable tiger moth

ailanthus webworm moth

alfalfa webworm moth

American dagger moth

American idia moth




arcigera flower moth

arge moth


artichoke plume moth

ashen pinion

asteroid moth


abbreviated button slug moth (Tortricidia flexuosa)


abbreviated underwing (Catocala abbreviatella)


acesias buff gem (Heliothis acesias)


achemon sphinx (Eumorpha achemon)


adorable brocade moth (Platypolia mactata)

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afflicted dagger moth (Acronicta afflicta)

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agreeable tiger moth (Spilosoma congrua)

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ailanthus webworm moth (Atteva aurea)


airy brocade (Apamea vultuosa)


alder tubemaker moth (Acrobasis rubrifasciella)


alfalfa looper moth (Tathorhynchus exsiccata)

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alfalfa webworm moth (Loxostege cereralis)


alien probole (Probole alienaria)


Amanda’s pinion (Lithophane amanda)


American brindle moth (Lithomoia germana)

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American dagger moth (Acronicta americana)


American dun-bar moth (Cosmia calami)


American ear moth (Amphipoea americana)


American hornet moth (Sesia tibiale)

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American idia moth (Idia americalis)


American swordgrass moth (Xylena nupera)


angled metarranthis (Metarranthis angularia)


angled wave (Scopula ancellata)


angle-lined prominent (Clostera inclusa)


angulose prominent (Peridea angulosa)


Anna tiger moth (Apantesis anna)


apical prominent (Clostera apicalis)


apple sphinx (Sphinx gordius)


arch (Eremobina leucoscelis)


arched hooktip (Drepana arcuata)

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arcigera flower moth (Schinia arcigera)

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arge moth (Apantesis arge)


army cutworm moth (Euxoa auxiliaris)

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armyworm moth (Mythimna unipuncta)


Arthur’s sunflower moth (Cochylichroa arthuri)

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artichoke plume moth (Platyptilia carduidactylus)


ash tip borer (Papaipema furcata)

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ashen pinion (Lithophane antennata)


aspen twoleaf tier moth (Enargia decolor)


aspen webworm moth (Pococera aplastella)


aster eucosma moth (Eucosma parmatana)


aster leafminer moth (Leucospilapteryx venustella)


aster leafminer moth (Leucospilapteryx venustella)


aster-head eucosma moth (Eucosma tomonana)

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asteroid moth (Cucullia asteroides)


astronomer moth (Olethreutes astrologana)


Atlantic arches moth (Lacanobia atlantica)


Aweme borer moth (Papaipema aweme)


Aweme grass-veneer (Crambus awemellus)


azalea sphinx (Darapsa choerilus)


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bad-wing moth (Dyspteris abortivaria)










banded tussock moth




bent-lined carpet

Bethune’s pinion

















blackberry looper

black-dotted glyph








blinded sphinx































brown panopoda moth








Bruce spanworm moth

butterfly or moth (Order Lepidoptera)


Bailey’s pinion moth (Lithophane baileyi)


Baltimore snout (Hypena baltimoralis)


banded olethreutes moth (Olethreutes fasciatana)


banded quaker (Protorthodes incincta)


banded sunflower moth (Cochylichroa hospes)


banded tiger moth (Apantesis vittata)

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banded tussock moth (Halysidota tessellaris)


bare-patched leafroller moth (Pseudexentera spoliana)


basswood leafroller moth (Pantographa limata)


beet webworm moth (Loxostege sticticalis)


beggar moth (Eubaphe mendica)


belted leafroller moth (Sciota vetustella)

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bent-lined carpet (Costaconvexa centrostrigaria)


bent-winged acleris moth (Acleris subnivana)


Bertha armyworm moth (Mamestra configurata)

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Bethune’s pinion (Lithophane bethunei)


bicolored moth (Manulea bicolor)


bicolored sallow (Sunira bicolorago)


bicolored woodgrain moth (Morrisonia evicta)


big poplar sphinx (Pachysphinx occidentalis)


birch ermel (Swammerdamia caesiella)


birch tubemaker moth (Acrobasis betulella)


birch-leaf blotchminer moth (Cameraria betulivora)


black dash epinotia moth (Epinotia sotipena)


black grass-veneer (Neodactria caliginosellus)


black wedge-spot (Homophoberia apicosa)


black zigzag moth (Panthea acronyctoides)


black-and-yellow lichen moth (Lycomorpha pholus)


black-banded orange moth (Epelis truncataria)


black-banded owlet (Phalaenostola larentioides)

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blackberry looper (Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria)


black-crescent proteoteras moth (Proteoteras crescentana)

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black-dotted glyph (Maliattha synochitis)


black-lined acleris (Acleris nigrolinea)


black-marked ancylis moth (Ancylis metamelana)


black-marked plume moth (Hellinsia inquinatus)


black-patched clepsis moth (Clepsis melaleucanus)


black-rimmed prominent (Pheosia rimosa)


black-spotted leafroller moth (Sciota virgatella)


black-spotted prominent (Dasylophia anguina)


blazing star borer moth (Carmenta anthracipennis)

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blinded sphinx (Paonias excaecata)


blueberry dart (Coenophila opacifrons)


blurry chocolate angle (Macaria transitaria)


blurry-patched nola moth (Nola cilicoides)


bog bibarrambla moth (Bibarrambla allenella)


bog glyph (Deltote bellicula)


bog holomelina moth (Virbia lamae)


bog tiger moth (Apantesis speciosa)


bordered apamea moth (Apamea sordens)


bordered sallow (Pyrrhia umbra)


Bower’s leafroller (Sparganothis boweri)


bracken borer (Papaipema pterisii)


brick-red borer moth (Papaipema marginidens)


bridled arches moth (Lacinipolia lorea)


Brighton’s epiblema moth (Epiblema brightonana)


briseis underwing (Catocala briseis)


bristly cutworm moth (Lacinipolia renigera)


broad-banded eulogia (Eulogia ochrifrontella)


broken-banded leafroller moth (Choristoneura fractivittana)


broken-lined hypenodes moth (Hypenodes fractilinea)


bronzed cutworm moth (Nephelodes minians)


bronzy owlet (Macrochilo orciferalis)


brother moth (Raphia frater)


brown angle shades (Phlogophora periculosa)

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brown panopoda moth (Panopoda carneicosta)


brown pine looper moth (Caripeta angustiorata)


brown satyr moth (Ufeus satyricus)


brown-blotched amydria moth (Amydria effrentella)


brown-bordered geometer moth (Eumacaria madopata)


brown-collared dart (Protolampra brunneicollis)


brown-hooded owlet (Cucullia convexipennis)


brown-tipped thorn (Selenia alciphearia)

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Bruce spanworm moth (Operophtera bruceata)


buck moth (Hemileuca maia)


buff-tipped eucosma moth (Eucosma ochroterminana)


buffy dichomeris (Dichomeris aleatrix)


bunchberry leaffolder moth (Olethreutes connectum)


burdock borer (Papaipema cataphracta)

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butterflies and moths (Order Lepidoptera)


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cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni)






carpenterworm moth

carrot seed moth


cecropia moth

celery looper

changeable grass-veneer

cherry shoot borer moth

chestnut-marked pondweed moth

chickweed geometer





















common angle

common bagworm moth

common eupithecia

common grass-veneer

common gray

common oak moth

common tan wave

confused eusarca

confused haploa

confused woodgrain moth

copper underwing

corn earworm moth

crocus geometer moth (Xanthotype sp.)












cutworm or dart moth (Subfamily Noctuinae)


Canadian melanolophia moth (Melanolophia canadaria canadaria)


Canadian owlet (Calyptra canadensis)


Canadian sphinx (Sphinx canadensis)


carmine snout (Peoria approximella)


Carolina sphinx (Manduca sexta)

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carpenterworm moth (Prionoxystus robiniae)


carpet moth (Eulithis flavibrunneata)


carpet moth (Orthonama evansi)

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carrot seed moth (Sitochroa palealis)


catalpa sphinx (Ceratomia catalpae)


catocaline dart (Cryptocala acadiensis)


cattail borer moth (Bellura obliqua)

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cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia)


celery leaftier moth (Udea rubigalis)

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celery looper (Anagrapha falcifera)


celypha moth (Celypha cespitana)


chain-dotted geometer (Cingilia catenaria)

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changeable grass-veneer (Fissicrambus mutabilis)


charming underwing (Catocala blandula)


cherry scallop shell moth (Rheumaptera prunivorata)

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cherry shoot borer moth (Argyresthia oreasella)

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chestnut-marked pondweed moth (Parapoynx badiusalis)


chevron moth (Eulithis testata)

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chickweed geometer (Haematopis grataria)


chinquapin leafminer moth (Dyseriocrania griseocapitella)


chocolate prominent (Peridea ferruginea)


chocolate renia moth (Renia nemoralis)


chosen looper moth (Syngrapha selecta)


cinnamon tussock moth (Dasychira cinnamomea)


clandestine dart (Spaelotis clandestina)


clay-colored agonopterix moth (Agonopterix argillacea)


Clemens’ clepsis moth (Clepsis clemensiana)


Clemens’ sphinx (Sphinx luscitiosa)


Clinton’s underwing (Catocala clintonii)


cloaked marvel (Chytonix palliatricula)


clouded underwing (Catocala nebulosa)


cloudy arches moth (Polia imbrifera)


clover hayworm moth (Hypsopygia costalis)


clover looper moth (Caenurgina crassiuscula)


clymene moth (Haploa clymene)


codling moth (Cydia pomonella)


colorful zale moth (Zale minerea)


Columbia silkmoth (Hyalophora columbia)


columbine borer (Papaipema leucostigma)

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common angle (Macaria aemulataria)

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common bagworm moth (Psyche casta)

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common eupithecia (Eupithecia miserulata)


common fungus moth (Metalectra discalis)


common gluphisia (Gluphisia septentrionis)

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common grass-veneer (Crambus praefectellus)

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common gray (Anavitrinella pampinaria)


common hyppa moth (Hyppa xylinoides)


common idia moth (Idia aemula)


common looper moth (Autographa precationis)


common lytrosis moth (Lytrosis unitaria)


common metarranthis (Metarranthis hypochraria)

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common oak moth (Phoberia atomaris)


common pinkband (Ogdoconta cinereola)


common spring moth (Heliomata cycladata)

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common tan wave (Pleuroprucha insulsaria)


complex fan-foot (Zanclognatha protumnusalis)


Comstock’s sallow (Feralia comstocki)

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confused eusarca (Eusarca confusaria)

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confused haploa (Haploa confusa)


confused meganola moth (Meganola minuscula)

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confused woodgrain moth (Morrisonia confusa)


confused zale moth (Zale confusa)


conifer coneworm moths (Dioryctria spp.)


connected looper moth (Plusia contexta)


connubial underwing (Catocala connubialis)


contracted datana (Datana contracta)

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copper underwing (Amphipyra pyramidoides)

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corn earworm moth (Helicoverpa zea)


cottonwood dagger (Acronicta lepusculina)


crambid snout moth (Eoreuma crawfordi)


crambid snout moth (Occidentalia comptulatalis)


crambid snout moth (Thaumatopsis pectinifer)


cranberry fruitworm moth (Acrobasis vaccinii)


crocus geometer (Xanthotype sospeta)

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crocus geometer moths (Xanthotype spp.)


cupid dart (Abagrotis cupida)


currant clearwing borer (Synanthedon tipuliformis)


currant pug (Eupithecia assimilata)


curved halter moth (Capis curvata)


curved-lined agonopterix moth (Agonopterix curvilineella)


curved-toothed geometer moth (Eutrapela clemataria)


curve-lined vaxi moth (Vaxi auratella)


cutworm or dart moth (Brachylomia algens)


cutworm or dart moth (Homorthodes reliqua)


cutworm or dart moth (Lacinipolia lustralis)


cutworm or dart moth (Lacinipolia vicina)


cutworm or dart moth (Platypolia anceps)


cutworm or dart moth (Lasionycta secedens)

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cutworms and dart moths (Subfamily Noctuinae)


cynical quaker (Orthodes cynica)


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dark brown scoparia moth (Scoparia penumbralis)



dark-banded owlet

dark-spotted palthis

darling underwing




delicate cycnia













dingy cutworm moth


dogbane saucrobotys moth


dark marbled carpet (Dysstroma citrata glacialis)


dark metanema moth (Metanema determinata)


dark phalaenostola moth (Phalaenostola eumelusalis)

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dark-banded owlet (Phalaenophana pyramusalis)


darkened-winged wave moth (Scopula fuscata)


darker moodna moth (Moodna ostrinella)


dark-spotted looper moth (Diachrysia aereoides)

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dark-spotted palthis (Palthis angulalis)

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darling underwing (Catocala cara)


dashed gray pinion (Lithophane disposita)


deceptive snout (Hypena deceptalis)


decorated owlet (Pangrapta decoralis)


deep yellow euchlaena moth (Euchlaena amoenaria amoenaria)


delicate cutworm moth (Feltia mollis)

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delicate cycnia (Cycnia tenera)


delightful bird-dropping moth (Trachea delicata)


delightful dagger (Acronicta vinnula)


derelict pelochrista moth (Pelochrista derelicta)


destructive pruneworm moth (Acrobasis tricolorella)


diamondback epinotia moth (Epinotia lindana)


diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella)


diminutive grass-veneer (Raphiptera argillaceellus)


dimorphic eulithis moth (Eulithis molliculata)


dimorphic sitochroa moth (Sitochroa chortalis)


dimorphic snout (Hypena bijugalis)

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dingy cutworm moth (Feltia jaculifera)


disparaged aches moth (Orthodes detracta)


divergent dart (Euxoa divergens)


divided olethreutes moth (Olethreutes bipartitana)


dock rustic moth (Resapamea passer)

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dogbane saucrobotys moth (Saucrobotys futilalis)


dogwood borer (Synanthedon scitula)


dogwood leafroller (Acleris cornana)


dot-and-dash swordgrass moth (Xylena curvimacula)


dotted gymnandrosoma moth (Gymnandrosoma punctidiscanum)


dotted leaftier moth (Psilocorsis reflexella)


double-banded grass-veneer (Crambus agitatellus)


Doubleday’s baileya moth (Baileya doubledayi)


double-lined prominent (Lochmaeus bilineata)


double-striped scoparia moth (Scoparia biplagialis)


double-toothed prominent (Nerice bidentata)


doubtful apamea moth (Apamea dubitans)


drab dart (Anicla tenuescens)


dried fruit moth (Vitula edmandsii)


dull reddish dart (Xestia dilucida)


dusky apamea moth (Apamea plutonia)


dusky clearwing moth (Paranthrene tabaniformis)


dusky leafroller moth (Orthotaenia undulana)


dusky raisin moth (Ephestiodes gilvescentella)


dusky saucrobotys moth (Saucrobotys fumoferalis)


dusky-back leaf roller (Archips mortuana)


dwarf tawny wave (Cyclophora nanaria)


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early aspen leafroller moth (Pseudexentera oregonana)

eastern grass-veneer

eastern tent caterpillar

eight-spotted forester moth

elegant grass-veneer

elm spanworm moth

elm sphinx




early button slug moth (Tortricidia testacea)


early fan-foot (Zanclognatha cruralis)


eastern black-headed budworm moth (Acleris variana)

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eastern grass-veneer (Crambus laqueatellus)


eastern panthea moth (Panthea furcilla)


eastern spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana)

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eastern tent caterpillar moth (Malacosoma americana)


effective euchlaena moth (Euchlaena effecta)

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eight-spotted forester moth (Alypia octomaculata)


elder shoot borer moth (Achatodes zeae)

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elegant grass-veneer (Microcrambus elegans)


elegant prominent (Odontosia elegans)


Elliot’s plume moth (Hellinsia elliottii)


ello sphinx (Erinnyis ello)


elm leaftier moth (Canarsia ulmiarrosorella)

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elm spanworm moth (Ennomos subsignaria)

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elm sphinx (Ceratomia amyntor)


epauletted pitcher plant poth (Exyra fax)


epione underwing (Catocala epione)


ermine moths (Zelleria spp.)


eupatorium plume moth (Oidaematophorus eupatorii)


European corn borer moth (Ostrinia nubilalis)


European small festooned roller (Ancylis diminutana)


even-lined sallow (Ipimorpha pleonectusa)


eyed paectes moth (Paectes oculatrix)


eye-ringed chionodes moth (Chionodes discoocellella)


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fall cankerworm moth (Alsophila pometaria)

fall cankerworm moth







fan-foot moth (Zanclognatha sp.)




















forage looper moth

forest tent caterpillar


fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea)


false Bruce spanworm (Macaria loricaria)


false burnet moth (Wockia asperipunctella)


false crocus geometer moth (Xanthotype urticaria)


false hemlock looper moth (Nepytia canosaria)


false pinion moth (Litholomia napaea)


false rosy rustic moth (Hydraecia perobliqua)


false wainscot (Leucania pseudargyria)

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fan-foot moths (Zanclognatha spp.)


fervid plagodis moth (Plagodis fervidaria)


festive midget (Elaphria festivoides)


figured tiger moth (Apantesis figurata)


filbertworm moth (Cydia latiferreana)


fillet dart (Euxoa redimicula)


fine-lined sallow (Catabena lineolata)


fir needle inchworm (Eupithecia luteata)


five-spotted hawkmoth (Manduca quinquemaculata)


flagged fan-foot (Zanclognatha theralis)


flame-shouldered dart (Ochropleura implecta)


flat-bodied moth (Agonopterix nigrinotella)


flat-bodied moth (Agonopterix paulae)


flat-bodied moth (Gonioterma mistrella)


flat-bodied moths (Ethmia spp.)


Fletcher’s larch looper (Eupithecia fletcherata)


flower moth (Schinia mortua)


flower moth (Scythris eboracensis)

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forage looper moth (Caenurgina erechtea)


Forbes’ dart (Anicla forbesi)

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forest tent caterpillar moth (Malacosoma disstria)


forked euchlaena moth (Euchlaena pectinaria)


forked grass-veneer (Crambus bidens)


four-dotted agonopterix moth (Agonopterix robiniella)


four-lined borer moth (Resapamea stipata)


four-lined leafroller moth (Argyrotaenia quadrifasciana)


four-spotted ghost moth (Sthenopis purpurascens)


fragile dagger (Acronicta fragilis)


friendly probole moth (Probole amicaria)


frigid wave (Scopula frigidaria)


fruit-tree leafroller moth (Archips argyrospila)


funerary dagger (Acronicta funeralis)


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galium sphinx (Hyles gallii)

galium sphinx

garden tortrix

gem moth

geometer moth (Family Geometridae)

giant leopard moth

Glenn’s plume moth

glossy black idia moth

golden borer










grapeleaf skeletonizer

grapevine epimenis





gray half-spot










great brocade

greater black-letter dart








green pug


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garden tortrix (Clepsis peritana)


garden webworm moth (Achyra rantalis)

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gem moth (Orthonama obstipata)


generous pyrausta moth (Pyrausta generosa)


geometer moth (Iridopsis spp.)


geometer moth (Plataea calcaria)


geometer moth (Spodolepis substriataria)

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geometer moths (Family Geometridae)


Georgian prominent (Hyperaeschra georgica)


giant eucosma moth (Eucosma giganteana)

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giant leopard moth (Hypercompe scribonia)


Girard’s grass-veneer (Crambus girardellus)


girdler moth (Dargida procinctus)


girlfriend underwing (Catocala amica)


glassy cutworm moth (Apamea devastator)

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Glenn’s plume moth (Hellinsia glenni)

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glossy black idia moth (Idia lubricalis)


goat sallow (Homoglaea hircina)


goblet moth (Anania extricalis)

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golden borer (Papaipema cerina)


goldenrod gall moth (Epiblema scudderiana)


goldenrod leaffolder moth (Agonopterix pulvipennella)


goldenrod pelochrista moth (Pelochrista cataclystiana)


goldenrod spindle-gall moth (Gnorimoschema gallaesolidaginis)


gold-striped leaftier moth (Machimia tentoriferella)


Goodell’s arches moth (Orthodes goodelli)


graceful underwing (Catocala gracilis)


grand arches moth (Lacanobia grandis)


granite angle (Macaria granitata)


grape leaf miner moth (Phyllocnistis vitegenella)


grape leaf miner moth (Phyllocnistis vitifoliella)


grape leaffolder moth (Desmia funeralis)


grape plume moth (Geina periscelidactylus)

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grapeleaf skeletonizer (Harrisina americana)

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grapevine epimenis (Psychomorpha epimenis)


grass veneer (Crambus alienellus)


grass-veneer (Crambus spp.)


gray copper (Lycaena dione)


gray dagger (Acronicta grisea)


gray ethmia moth (Ethmia monticola)


gray furcula (Furcula cinerea)

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gray half-spot (Nedra ramosula)


gray hooded owlet (Cucullia florea)


gray-marked tortricid (Decodes basiplagana)


gray marvel moth (Anterastria teratophora)


gray pug moth (Eupithecia subfuscata)


gray quaker (Orthosia alurina)


gray scoopwing (Callizzia amorata)


gray spring moth (Lomographa glomeraria)


gray spruce looper moth (Caripeta divisata)


gray-edged snout (Hypena madefactalis)


grayish fan-foot (Zanclognatha pedipilalis)


great ash sphinx (Sphinx chersis)

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great brocade (Eurois occulta)


great brown dart (Eurois astricta)


great tiger moth (Arctia caja)

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greater black-letter dart (Xestia dolosa)


greater oak dagger (Acronicta lobeliae)


green arches (Anaplectoides prasina)


green aspen leafroller (Apotomis removana)


green aspen leaftier (Pandemis canadana)


green cloverworm moth (Hypena scabra)


green leuconycta moth (Leuconycta diphteroides)


green marvel (Acronicta fallax)

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green pug (Pasiphila rectangulata)


greenish apple moth (Clepsis virescana)


Grote’s black-tipped quaker (Dichagyris grotei)


Grote’s pinion moth (Lithophane grotei)


Grote’s sallow (Copivaleria grotei)


Guenée’s pearl (Anania tertialis)


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habilis underwing (Catocala habilis)




















hickory tussock moth

hitched arches






honeysuckle moth

horned spanworm moth

hummingbird clearwing


hackberry leafroller moth (Sciota celtidella)


hairy euxoa moth (Euxoa comosa)

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half-wing (Phigalia titea)


haploa (Haploa spp.)


harnessed tiger moth (Apantesis phalerata)


Harris’ three-spot (Harrisimemna trisignata)


Haworth’s glyphipterid moth (Glyphipterix haworthana)


hawthorn underwing (Catocala crataegi)


hazel leaftier moth (Nites grotella)


hemina pinion (Lithophane hemina)


hemlock angle (Macaria fissinotata)


hemlock looper moth (Lambdina fiscellaria)


heracleum stem borer moth (Papaipema harrisii)


herald moth (Scoliopteryx libatrix)


hermit sphinx (Lintneria eremitus)


heterodox wainscot moth (Leucania insueta)


hickory leafstem borer (Acrobasis angusella)

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hickory tussock moth (Lophocampa caryae)


highland grey (Eudonia alpina)


Himmelman’s plume moth (Geina tenuidactylus)

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hitched arches (Melanchra adjuncta)


hoary pinion (Lithophane fagina)


Hoffman’s cochylid moth (Cochylichroa hoffmanana)


hog peanut moth (Macrosaccus morrisella)


hollow-spotted angle (Digrammia gnophosaria)


hollow-spotted plagodis moth (Plagodis alcoolaria alcoolaria)


hologram moth (Diachrysia balluca)


homogenous-yellow angle (Macaria amboflava)


honeysuckle budworm (Sympistis badistriga)

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honeysuckle moth (Ypsolopha dentella)


hooded owlet (Cucullia lucifuga)


hooked silver Y moth (Syngrapha alias)


hop borer moth (Papaipema circumlucens)


hop vine snout (Hypena humuli)

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horned spanworm moth (Nematocampa resistaria)


Hübner’s pero moth (Pero ancetaria)

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hummingbird clearwing (Hemaris thysbe)


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ilia underwing (Catocala ilia)








io moth

ipsilon dart

Isabella tiger moth

Ithaca clearwing moth


immaculate virbia (Virbia immaculata)


immigrant pinion (Lithophane oriunda)


impressive dagger (Acronicta impressa)


impulsive brocade (Apamea impulsa)


Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella)


indigo stem borer (Papaipema baptisiae)


infant moth (Archiearis infans)


inlaid grass-veneer (Crambus pascuella)


inornate olethreutes moth (Olethreutes inornatana)


interrupted dagger (Acronicta interrupta)

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io moth (Automeris io)

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ipsilon dart (Agrotis ipsilon)


iris borer moth (Macronoctua onusta)


iris rover moth (Hillia iris)


ironweed plume moth (Hellinsia paleaceus)


ironwood leafcone moth (Caloptilia ostryaeella)

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Isabella tiger moth (Pyrrharctia isabella)

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Ithaca clearwing moth (Carmenta ithacae)


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jack pine budworm moth (Choristoneura pinus)


jack pine tube moth (Argyrotaenia tabulana)


joe-pye-weed borer (Papaipema eupatorii)


Johnson’s euchlaena moth (Euchlaena johnsonaria johnsonaria)


joker (Feralia jocosa)


joyful virbia moth (Virbia laeta)


Judith’s underwing (Catocala judith)


juniper looper moth (Eupithecia interruptofasciata)


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Kearfott’s eucosma (Eucosma sombreana)





knot-horn moth (Tribe Phycitini)


kidney-spotted rustic moth (Helotropha reniformis)


knapweed root moth (Agapeta zoegana)


knee-joint dart (Feltia geniculata)

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knot-horn moths (Tribe Phycitini)


knot-horn moth (Bandera binotella)


knot-horn moth (Interjectio niviella)


knot-horn moths (Sciota spp.)


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Labrador dart (Paradiarsia littoralis)











large lace-border





large yellow underwing

laurel sphinx

leafy spurge hawkmoth

Leconte’s haploa

lesser appleworm moth



lesser maple spanworm moth

lesser vagabond sod webworm moth







linden looper

little underwing

little white lichen moth

lost sallow

lucerne moth


Langton’s forester (Alypia langtoni)


larch pug moth (Eupithecia annulata)


larch tolype moth (Tolype laricis)


large aspen tortrix (Choristoneura conflictana)


large clover casebearer moth (Coleophora trifolii)


large gray dagger (Acronicta insita)


large hypenodes moth (Hypenodes caducus)

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large lace-border (Scopula limboundata)


large looper moth (Autographa ampla)


large maple spanworm moth (Prochoerodes lineola)


large mossy glyph (Protodeltote muscosula)


large ruby tiger moth (Phragmatobia assimilans)


large tolype moth (Tolype velleda)

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large yellow underwing (Noctua pronuba)


large-spotted looper moth (Plusia magnimacula)


laugher moth (Charadra deridens)

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laurel sphinx (Sphinx kalmiae)


Leach’s grass-veneer (Crambus leachellus)


leadplant flower moth (Schinia lucens)


leaf crumpler moth (Acrobasis indigenella)

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leafy spurge hawkmoth (Hyles euphorbiae)


least-marked euchlaena moth (Euchlaena irraria)

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Leconte’s haploa (Haploa lecontei)


lemon plagodis moth (Plagodis serinaria)

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lesser appleworm moth (Grapholita prunivora)


lesser aspen webworm moth (Meroptera pravella)


lesser black-letter dart (Xestia c-nigrum)


lesser grapevine looper moth (Eulithis diversilineata)


lesser maple leafroller (Acleris chalybeana)

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lesser maple spanworm moth (Macaria pustularia)


lesser peachtree borer (Synanthedon pictipes)

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lesser vagabond sod webworm moth (Agriphila ruricolellus)


lesser viburnum clearwing moth (Synanthedon fatifera)


lesser wainscot (Mythimna oxygala)


lettered fan-foot (Zanclognatha lituralis)


lettered habrosyne (Habrosyne scripta)


lettered sphinx (Deidamia inscripta)


lettered sphinx (Deidamia inscriptum)


light carpet moth (Hydrelia lucata)

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linden looper (Erannis tiliaria)


linden prominent (Ellida caniplaga)


lined black aspen woodling (Egira dolosa)


little carpenterworm (Prionoxystus macmurtrei)


little lined underwing (Catocala lineella)

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little underwing (Catocala minuta)


little virgin tiger moth (Apantesis virguncula)

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little white lichen moth (Clemensia albata)


locust leafroller moth (Sciota subcaesiella)


loosestrife borer moth (Papaipema lysimachiae)

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lost sallow (Eupsilia devia)


Louisiana aethes moth (Aethes louisiana)

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lucerne moth (Nomophila nearctica)


luke-warm pinion moth (Lithophane tepida)


luna moth (Actias luna)


lycophotia moth (Lycophotia phyllophora)


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Manchester treble-bar moth (Carsia sororiata)


maple-basswood leafroller moth






maple twig borer moth






meal moth

metarranthis moth (Metarranthis spp.)

milkweed tussock moth







morbid owlet












mournful thyris


many-lined wainscot (Leucania multilinea)

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maple-basswood leafroller moth (Cenopis pettitana)


maple bud borer moth (Proteoteras moffatiana)


maple callus borer (Synanthedon acerni)


maple looper moth (Parallelia bistriaris)


maple spanworm moth (Ennomos magnaria magnaria)


maple spanworm moth (Ennomos magnaria)


maple trumpet skeletonizer moth (Catastega aceriella)

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maple twig borer moth (Proteoteras aesculana)


maple webworm moth (Pococera asperatella)


marbled carpet moth (Dysstroma truncata truncata)


marbled-green leuconycta moth (Leuconycta lepidula)


maritime sunflower borer (Papaipema maritima)


marsh dagger (Acronicta insularis)


Master’s dart (Feltia herilis)


mayapple borer moth (Papaipema rutila)


meadow-rue borer (Papaipema unimoda)

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meal moth (Pyralis farinalis)


Merrick’s pyralid moth (Loxostegopsis merrickalis)


metallic coleophora moth (Coleophora mayrella)

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metarranthis moth (Metarranthis spp.)

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milkweed tussock moth (Euchaetes egle)


miller dagger (Acronicta vulpina)


minor angle (Macaria minorata)


minor grass-veneer (Microcrambus minor)


mint root borer moth (Fumibotys fumalis)


miranda moth (Proxenus miranda)


mixed dart moth (Euxoa immixta)


modest furcula (Furcula modesta)


modest sphinx (Pachysphinx modesta)


moonseed moth (Plusiodonta compressipalpis)

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morbid owlet (Chytolita morbidalis)


morning-glory plume moth (Emmelina monodactyla)


Morrison’s borer moth (Pelochrista morrisoni)


Morrison’s pero moth (Pero morrisonaria)


Morrison’s sallow (Eupsilia morrisoni)


Morrison’s sooty dart (Pseudohermonassa tenuicula)


mosaic sparganothis moth (Sparganothis xanthoides)


moth (Hypenodes palustris)


mother underwing (Catocala parta)


mottled euchlaena moth (Euchlaena tigrinaria)


mottled grass-veneer (Neodactria luteolellus)


mottled gray carpet (Cladara limitaria)


mottled snout (Hypena palparia)

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mournful thyris (Pseudothyris sepulchralis)


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nais tiger moth (Apantesis nais)


neighbor moth

nessus sphinx


Norman’s quaker


northern flower moth


nameless pinion (Lithophane innominata)


neighbor moth (Haploa contigua)

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nessus sphinx (Amphion floridensis)


Nevada buck moth (Hemileuca nevadensis)


New Jersey tea inchworm (Apodrepanulatrix liberaria)


nondescript dagger (Acronicta spinigera)


Norman’s dart (Xestia normaniana)


Norman’s dart (Xestia normanianus)

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Norman’s quaker (Crocigrapha normani)


North American black-headed birch leaffolder moth (Acleris placidana)


northern apple sphinx (Sphinx poecila)


northern burdock borer (Papaipema arctivorens)

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northern flower moth (Schinia septentrionalis)


northern pine looper moth (Caripeta piniata)


northern pine sphinx (Lapara bombycoides)


northern pitch twig moth (Retinia albicapitana)


northern variable dart (Xestia badicollis)


northern willow clearwing (Synanthedon bolteri)


noted sunflower moth (Tricholita notata)


notocelia moth (Notocelia culminana)


nutmeg moth (Anarta trifolii)


nymphula moth (Elophila ekthlipsis)


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oak beauty (Phaeoura quernaria)

oak besma











































olive-shaded bird-dropping moth

omnivorous leafroller

one-eyed sphinx

one-spotted variant

orange mint moth

orange virbia moth

orange-headed epicallima

orbed narrow-wing

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oak besma (Besma quercivoraria)


oak leaffolder moth (Ancylis burgessiana)


oak leafroller moth (Archips semiferanus)


obelisk dart (Euxoa obeliscoides)


oblique-banded leafroller moth (Choristoneura rosaceana)


oblong sedge borer moth (Globia oblonga)


obscure pondweed moth (Parapoynx obscuralis)


obscure sphinx (Erinnyis obscura)


obscure underwing (Catocala obscura)


obtuse euchlaena moth (Euchlaena obtusaria)


ochre dagger (Acronicta morula)


old man dart (Agrotis vetusta)


oldwife underwing (Catocala palaeogama)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Ancylis subaequana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Cydia lacustrina)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Endothenia heinrichi)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Endothenia nubilana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Eucosma awemeana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Eucosma glomerana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Eucosma indagatricana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Eucosma millerana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Eucosma spiculana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Lobesia carduana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Notocelia illotana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Olethreutes atrodentana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Olethreutes coruscana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Olethreutes troglodanum)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Olethreutes valdanum)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Pelochrista agricolana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Pelochrista canana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Pelochrista consobrinana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Pelochrista corosana)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Pelochrista costastriata)


olethreutine leafroller moth (Pelochrista matutina)


olethreutine leafroller moths (Cydia spp.)


olethreutine leafroller moths (Subfamily Olethreutinae)


olivaceous eucosma moth (Eucosma olivaceana)


olive angle shades (Phlogophora iris)


olive arches moth (Lacinipolia olivacea)

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olive-shaded bird-dropping moth (Ponometia candefacta)

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omnivorous leafroller (Archips purpurana)


once-married underwing (Catocala unijuga)

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one-eyed sphinx (Smerinthus cerisyi)


one-lined sparganothis moth (Sparganothis unifasciana)

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one-spotted variant (Hypagyrtis unipunctata)


opalescent apamea moth (Apamea lutosa)

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orange mint moth (Pyrausta orphisalis)


orange sallow (Pyrrhia aurantiago)

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orange virbia moth (Virbia aurantiaca)


orange-barred carpet moth (Dysstroma hersiliata hersiliata)

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orange-headed epicallima (Callima argenticinctella)


orange-headed monopis (Monopis spilotella)


orange-tipped oakworm moth (Anisota senatoria)


ordered angle (Digrammia ordinata)


Oregon cycnia (Cycnia oregonensis)


ornate eucosma (Eucosma ornatula)


ornate moth (Utetheisa ornatrix)

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orbed narrow-wing (Magusa divaricata)


otter spiramater moth (Spiramater lutra)


Owen’s angle (Macaria oweni)


owl-eyed bird dropping moth (Cerma cora)


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painted lichen moth (Hypoprepia fucosa)

pale beauty







pallid leafroller moth

pandorus sphinx

pasture grass-veneer

pearly wood-nymph
















pink underwing






pink-spotted hawkmoth




plume moth (Geina sp.)

plume moth (Hellinsia sp.)

plume moth (Subfamily Pterophorinae)

polyphemus moth

pondside pyralid moth










primrose moth


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pale beauty (Campaea perlata)


pale glyph (Protodeltote albidula)


pale lichen moth (Crambidia pallida)


pale metanema moth (Metanema inatomaria)


pale phalaenostola moth (Phalaenostola metonalis)


pale-banded dart (Agnorisma badinodis)


pale-headed aspen leafroller moth (Anacampsis niveopulvella)


pale-headed eucosma moth (Eucosma ochrocephala)


pale-marked angle (Macaria signaria)


pale-winged gray (Iridopsis ephyraria)

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pallid leafroller moth (Xenotemna pallorana)


palmerworm moth (Dichomeris ligulella)

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pandorus sphinx (Eumorpha pandorus)


parthenice tiger moth (Apantesis parthenice)

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pasture grass-veneer (Crambus saltuellus)


peachtree borer (Synanthedon exitiosa)


pearl moth (Mecyna spp.)

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pearly wood-nymph (Eudryas unio)


pearly-winged lichen moth (Crambidia casta)


pecan blotchminer moth (Phyllonorycter caryaealbella)


penitent underwing (Catocala piatrix)


pepper and salt geometer (Biston betularia cognataria)


phlox moth (Schinia indiana)


phragmites wainscot (Leucania phragmitidicola)


phyllira tiger moth (Apantesis phyllira)


pine barrens fan-foot (Zanclognatha martha)


pine conelet looper moth (Nepytia semiclusaria)


pine false looper moth (Zale duplicata)


pine measuringworm moth (Hypagyrtis piniata)


pine powder moth (Eufidonia convergaria)


pine shoot moth (Retinia mafica)


pine tussock moth (Dasychira pinicola)


pink streak moth (Dargida rubripennis)

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pink underwing (Catocala concumbens)


pink-barred pseudeustrotia moth (Pseudeustrotia carneola)


pink-barred sallow (Xanthia togata)


pink-barred sallow (Xanthia totaga)


pink-patched looper moth (Eosphoropteryx thyatyroides)


pink-shaded fern moth (Callopistria mollissima)


pink-spotted dart (Pseudohermonassa bicarnea)

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pink-spotted hawkmoth (Agrius cingulata)


pink-striped oakworm moth (Anisota virginiensis)


pink-striped willow spanworm (Cabera variolaria)


pink-washed aristotelia moth (Aristotelia roseosuffusella)


pitch mass borer (Synanthedon pini)


pitcher plant borer moth (Papaipema appassionata)


plain plume moth (Hellinsia homodactylus)

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plume moths (Geina spp.)

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plume moths (Hellinsia spp.)

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plume moths (Subfamily Pterophorinae)


plush-naped pinion (Lithophane pexata)


plusiine looper moth (Syngrapha hochenwarthi)


pointed sallow (Epiglaea apiata)


polished dart (Euxoa perpolita)


polymorphic pondweed moth (Parapoynx maculalis)

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polyphemus moth (Antheraea polyphemus)


ponderosa twig moth (Dioryctria ponderosae)

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pondside pyralid moth (Elophila icciusalis)


poplar leafroller moth (Pseudosciaphila duplex)


poplar micromoth (Semioscopis inornata)


porcelain gray (Protoboarmia porcelaria)


powdered bigwing moth (Lobophora nivigerata nivigerata)


powdered dagger (Acronicta impleta)


praeclara underwing (Catocala praeclara)


prairie bird-dropping moth (Ponometia binocula)


prairie sedge moth (Neodactria murellus)


primrose cochylid moth (Atroposia oenotherana)

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primrose moth (Schinia florida)


private sallow (Sutyna privata)


promethea moth (Callosamia promethea)


pug moth (Eupithecia bowmani)


pug moth (Eupithecia columbiata)


pug moth (Eupithecia russeliata)


pug moth (Eupithecia swettii)


purple arches moth (Polia purpurissata)


purple fairy moth (Adela purpurea)


purple plagodis moth (Plagodis kuetzingi)


purple-backed cabbageworm moth (Evergestis pallidata)


puta sallow (Anathix puta)


Putnam’s looper moth (Plusia putnami)


pyralid snout moths (Pococera spp.)


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quivering dart moth (Aplectoides condita)



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ragweed borer moth (Epiblema strenuana)




ragwort stem borer moth































reversed haploa

rigid sunflower borer

rosy maple moth


ragweed flower moth (Schinia rivulosa)


ragweed plume moth (Adaina ambrosiae)

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ragwort stem borer moth (Papaipema insulidens)


Rannoch marble (Apotomis infida)


Rannoch roller (Ancylis tineana)


raspberry crown borer (Pennisetia marginata)


raspberry leafroller moth (Olethreutes permundana)


raspberry pyrausta moth (Pyrausta signatalis)


Razowski’s aethes moth (Aethes razowskii)


reaper dart (Euxoa messoria)


recondite webworm moth (Diathrausta reconditalis)


red carpet (Xanthorhoe decoloraria)


red dart (Diarsia rubifera)


red maple borer (Synanthedon acerrubri)


red pine coneborer moth (Eucopina monitorana)


red twin-spot (Xanthorhoe ferrugata)


red-backed cutworm moth (Euxoa ochrogaster)


red-banded leafroller moth (Argyrotaenia velutinana)


reddish aethes (Aethes biscana)


reddish eucosma moth (Eucosma raracana)


red-edged acleris moth (Acleris albicomana)


red-lined panopoda moth (Panopoda rufimargo)


red-shawled moth (Hypsopygia intermedialis)


reed canary grass borer moth (Xylomoia chagnoni)


renounced hydriomena moth (Hydriomena renunciata)


residua underwing (Catocala residua)


reticulated fruitworm moth (Cenopis reticulatana)

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reversed haploa (Haploa reversa)


rice stalk borer moth (Chilo plejadellus)

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rigid sunflower borer (Papaipema rigida)


Robinson’s underwing (Catocala robinsonii)


Roland’s sallow (Psaphida rolandi)


rose plume moth (Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla)

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rosy maple moth (Dryocampa rubicunda)


rotund idia moth (Idia rotundalis)


rubbed dart (Euxoa detersa)


ruby tiger moth (Phragmatobia fuliginosa)


ruddy holomelina (Virbia rubicundaria)


ruddy metarranthis (Metarranthis duaria)


ruddy quaker (Protorthodes oviduca)


rustic quaker (Orthodes majuscula)


rusty virbia moth (Virbia ferruginosa)


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saddled prominent (Heterocampa guttivitta)



salt marsh moth



scallop moth




Schlaeger’s fruitworm moth


















sigmoid prominent

signate quaker






simple wave












small mocis





smeared dagger




snowberry clearwing

snowy urola moth













speckled green fruitworm moth

speckled renia moth









spongy moth

spotted grass moth




squash vine borer



stout spanworm moth












striped garden caterpillar moth



sumac leaf blotch miner moth



sallow apotomis moth (Apotomis capreana)

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salt marsh moth (Estigmene acrea)


sandhill knot-horn (Anerastia lotella)


satyr pug moth (Eupithecia satyrata)


saw-wing (Euchlaena serrata)

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scallop moth (Cepphis armataria)


scalloped sallow (Eucirroedia pampina)


scarce brindle (Apamea lateritia)


scarlet underwing (Catocala coccinata)


scarlet-winged lichen moth (Hypoprepia miniata)

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Schlaeger’s fruitworm moth (Antaeotricha schlaegeri)


scribbler moth (Cladara atroliturata)


semirelict underwing (Catocala semirelicta)


sensetive fern borer (Papaipema inquaesita)


serrated eulithis moth (Eulithis serrataria)


serviceberry leafroller (Olethreutes appendiceum)


sharp angle shades (Conservula anodonta)


sharp-angled carpet (Euphyia intermediata)


sharp-lined tussock moth (Dasychira dorsipennata)


sharp-lined yellow (Sicya macularia macularia)


shimmering gold adoxophyes moth (Adoxophyes negundana)


shiny gray carpet (Stamnodes gibbicostata)


short-lined chocolate (Argyrostrotis anilis)


shy cosmet moth (Limnaecia phragmitella)


Sidus sallow (Eupsilia sidus)


sigmoid dart (Eueretagrotis sigmoides)

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sigmoid prominent (Clostera albosigma)

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signate quaker (Tricholita signata)


silky sallow (Chaetaglaea sericea)


silphius borer (Papaipema silphii)


silver-bordered aethes (Aethes argentilimitana)


silver-spotted fern moth (Callopistria cordata)


silver-spotted ghost moth (Sthenopis argenteomaculatus)


similar pelochrista (Pelochrista similiana)


similar underwing (Catocala similis)

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simple wave (Scopula junctaria)


singed pinion (Lithophane semiusta)


six-spotted angle (Macaria sexmaculata sexmaculata)


six-spotted gray (Spargaloma sexpunctata)


six-toothed aethes (Aethes sexdentata)


skunk twirler (Agnippe prunifoliella)


slant-lined owlet (Macrochilo absorptalis)


slender pug (Eupithecia tenuiata)


small bird-dropping moth (Ponometia erastrioides)


small dark yellow underwing (Coranarta luteola)


small engrailed (Ectropis crepuscularia crepuscularia)


small gamma looper moth (Syngrapha microgamma)

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small mocis (Mocis latipes)


small phigalia moth (Phigalia strigataria)


small pine looper (Eupithecia palpata)


small purplish gray (Iridopsis humaria)


small white grass-veneer (Crambus albellus)


small-eyed sphinx (Paonias myops)

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smeared dagger (Acronicta oblinita)


Smith’s dart (Xestia smithii)


smoked sallow (Enargia infumata)


snakeweed borer moth (Pelochrista ridingsana)


snaky arches moth (Lacinipolia anguina)

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snowberry clearwing (Hemaris diffinis)


snowy geometer (Eugonobapta nivosaria)

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snowy urola moth (Urola nivalis)


snowy-veined apamea moth (Apamea niveivenosa)


sociable pyrausta moth (Pyrausta socialis)


sod webworm moth (Pediasia trisecta)


soft-lined wave (Scopula inductata)


somber carpet moth (Disclisioprocta stellata)


soothsayer dart (Graphiphora augur)


sordid dart (Euxoa mimallonis)


sordid underwing (Catocala sordida)


southern cloudywing (Thorybes bathyllus)


southern dogface (Zerene cesonia)


sparganothis fruitworm moth (Sparganothis sulfureana)


spear-marked black moth (Rheumaptera hastata)


speckle-back grass-veneer (Pediasia dorsipunctellus)

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speckled green fruitworm moth (Orthosia hibisci)

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speckled renia moth (Renia adspergillus)


speckled rustic (Caradrina multifera)


spectacled nettle moth (Abrostola urentis)


sphinx moth (Family Sphingidae)


spiny oak-slug moth (Euclea delphinii)


spiny oakworm moth (Anisota stigma)


spirea leaftier moth (Evora hemidesma)


splendid dagger (Acronicta superans)


splendid palpita moth (Palpita magniferalis)


split-lined angle (Macaria bitactata)

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spongy moth (Lymantria dispar)


spotted clover moth (Protoschinia nuchalis)

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spotted grass moth (Rivula propinqualis)


spotted thyris (Thyris maculata)


spotted tussock moth (Lophocampa maculata)


spring cankerworm moth (Paleacrita vernata)


spring hemlock looper (Lambdina fervidaria athasaria)


spruce coneworm moth (Dioryctria reniculelloides)


square-patched carpet moth (Perizoma basaliata)

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squash vine borer (Melittia cucurbitae)


St. Lawrence tiger moth (Arctia parthenos)


stalk borer (Papaipema nebris)


stormy arches (Polia nimbosa)

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stout spanworm moth (Lycia ursaria)


straight-lined looper moth (Pseudeva purpurigera)


straight-lined plagodis moth (Plagodis phlogosaria phlogosaria)


straight-lined vaxi moth (Vaxi critica)


straight-toothed sallow (Eupsilia vinulenta)


straw besma (Besma endropiaria)


streaked dagger (Acronicta lithospila)


streaked ethmia moth (Ethmia longimaculella)


streaked orange moth (Nascia acutellus)


striated tortrix moth (Archips strianus)

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striped garden caterpillar moth (Trichordestra legitima)


striped granite moth (Digrammia denticulata)


striped sumac leafroller moth (Sciota subfuscella)


subgothic dart (Feltia subgothica)


sulphur angle (Macaria sulphurea)

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sumac leaf blotch miner moth (Caloptilia rhoifoliella)


sumac leaftier moth (Episimus argutana)


sun moth (Heliodines spp.)


sundew cutworm moth (Hemipachnobia monochromatea)


sunflower borer (Papaipema necopina)


sunflower moth (Homoeosoma electella)


sweet clover root borer moth (Walshia miscecolorella)


sweetfern geometer moth (Cyclophora pendulinaria)


sweetfern leaf casebearer (Acrobasis comptoniella)


sweetfern underwing (Catocala antinympha)


sweetheart underwing (Catocala amatrix)


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tawny eupithecia (Eupithecia ravocostaliata)












three-lined leafroller moth

three-spotted fillip








toothed somberwing







tortricine leafroller moth (Subfamily Tortricinae)

triangle-backed pelochrista moth
















twirler moth (Scrobipalpula manierreorum)


tearful underwing (Catocala lacrymosa)


tersa sphinx (Xylophanes tersa)


Texas buck moth (Hemileuca maia peigleri)


Thaxter’s pinion (Lithophane thaxteri)


the bride (Catocala neogama)


the little nymph (Catocala micronympha)


the old maid (Catocala badia coelebs)


thinker moth (Lacinipolia meditata)

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three-lined leafroller moth (Pandemis limitata)


three-patched bigwing (Heterophleps refusaria)


three-spotted concealer (Eido trimaculella)

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three-spotted fillip (Heterophleps triguttaria)


three-staff underwing (Catocala amestris)


three-streaked sparganothis moth (Sparganothis tristriata)


tick-trefoil caloptilia moth (Caloptilia violacella)


tissue moth (Triphosa haesitata)


titan sphinx (Aellopos titan)


toothed brown carpet (Xanthorhoe lacustrata)


toothed brown carpet (Xanthorhoe lacustrata)


toothed fan-foot (Zanclognatha dentata)

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toothed somberwing (Euclidia cuspidea)


topiary grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia topiarius)


tortricine leafroller moth (Acleris oxycoccana)


tortricine leafroller moth (Lozotaenia costinotana)


tortricine leafroller moth (Phtheochroa baracana)


tortricine leafroller moth (Phtheochroa riscana)


tortricine leafroller moths (Acleris spp.)

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tortricine leafroller moths (Subfamily Tortricinae)

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triangle-backed pelochrista moth (Pelochrista dorsisignatana)


tricose dart (Feltia tricosa)


tufted apple bud moth (Platynota idaeusalis)


turtle head borer (Papaipema nepheleptena)


tussock moth (Halysidota spp.)


twiler moth (Filatima spp.)


twin-spotted sphinx (Smerinthus jamaicensis)


twirler moth (Aristotelia fungivorella)


twirler moth (Chionodes fondella)


twirler moth (Chionodes lugubrella)


twirler moth (Chionodes praeclarella)


twirler moth (Chionodes spp.)


twirler moth (Coleotechnites quercivorella)


twirler moth (Dichomeris purpureofusca)


twirler moth (Keiferia georgei)


twirler moth (Scrobipalpula artemisiella)

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twirler moth (Scrobipalpula manierreorum)


two-banded petrophila (Petrophila bifascialis)


two-lined hooktip (Drepana bilineata)


two-lined wainscot (Leucania commoides)


two-spotted dart (Eueretagrotis perattentus)


two-spotted looper moth (Autographa bimaculata)


two-striped owlet (Macrochilo bivittata)


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ugly-nest caterpillar moth (Archips cerasivorana)








unknown moth

ursula wainscot


ultronia underwing (Catocala ultronia)


umbellifer borer (Papaipema birdi)


unarmed wainscot (Leucania inermis)


unexpected cycnia moth (Cycnia collaris)


unicorn prominent (Schizura unicornis)


Unknown Moths


unmarked dagger (Acronicta innotata)


unsated sallow (Metaxaglaea inulta)


unspotted looper moth (Allagrapha aerea)

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ursula wainscot (Leucania ursula)


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vagabond crambus (Agriphila vulgivagellus)

vagabond crambus

variegated cutworm moth

veiled ear moth

virgin tiger moth

Virginia ctenucha

Virginian tiger moth


variable carpet moth (Anticlea vasiliata)


variable fan-foot (Zanclognatha laevigata)


variable tussock moth (Dasychira vagans)

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variegated cutworm moth (Peridroma saucia)


variegated midget (Elaphria versicolor)


vashti sphinx (Sphinx vashti)

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veiled ear moth (Loscopia velata)


venerable dart (Agrotis venerabilis)


verbena bud moth (Endothenia hebesana)


viburnum acleris moth (Acleris viburnana)


viburnum clearwing (Synanthedon viburni)


virgin moth (Protitame virginalis)

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virgin tiger moth (Apantesis virgo)


Virginia creeper clearwing (Albuna fraxini)


Virginia creeper sphinx (Darapsa myron)

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Virginia ctenucha (Ctenucha virginica)

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Virginian tiger moth (Spilosoma virginica)







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wainscot moth (Leucania lapidaria)













wavy-lined emerald

wedgling moth





white slant-line

white underwing









white-lined sphinx

white-marked tussock moth



white-striped black


Walker’s epinotia moth (Epinotia transmissana)


walnut caterpillar moth (Datana integerrima)


walnut sphinx (Amorpha juglandis)


wandering brocade moth (Fishia illocata)


wanton pinion (Lithophane petulca)


water veneer (Acentria ephemerella)


waterlily borer moth (Elophila gyralis)


waterlily leafcutter moth (Elophila obliteralis)


watermilfoil leafcutter moth (Parapoynx allionealis)


waved sphinx (Ceratomia undulosa)

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wavy-lined emerald (Synchlora aerata)


wavy-lined fan-foot (Zanclognatha jacchusalis)


webbing coneworm moth (Dioryctria disclusa)

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wedgling moth (Galgula partita)


Welsh wave moth (Venusia cambrica)


western furcula (Furcula occidentalis)

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western tent caterpillar moth (Malacosoma californica)


wheat head armyworm (Dargida diffusa)


white eulithis moth (Eulithis explanata)


white pine angle (Macaria pinistrobata)

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white slant-line (Tetracis cachexiata)


white spring moth (Lomographa vestaliata)


white triangle tortrix (Clepsis persicana)

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white underwing (Catocala relicta)


white-banded black moth (Rheumaptera subhastata)


white-banded toothed carpet (Epirrhoe alternata)


white-blotched clothes moth (Monopis monachella)


white-blotched heterocampa (Heterocampa umbrata)


white-dotted groundling (Condica videns)


white-dotted prominent (Nadata gibbosa)


white-edged ancylis moth (Ancylis albacostana)


white-edged phycitodes moth (Phycitodes reliquellum)


white-lined snout (Hypena abalienalis)

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white-lined sphinx (Hyles lineata)

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white-marked tussock moth (Orgyia leucostigma)


white-spotted leafroller moth (Argyrotaenia alisellana)


white-spotted sable (Anania funebris)


white-streaked looper moth (Plusia venusta)


white-streaked prominent (Oligocentria lignicolor)

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white-striped black (Trichodezia albovittata)


white-tailed diver moth (Bellura gortynoides)


Whitney“s underwing (Catocala whitneyi)


wide-striped leafroller (Aphelia alleniana)


widow underwing (Catocala vidua)


wild cherry sphinx (Sphinx drupiferarum)


willow dart (Cerastis salicarum)


willow ghost moth (Sthenopis thule)


willow leafcone caterpillar noth (Caloptilia stigmatella)


willow-and-poplar leafroller (Gypsonoma fasciolana)


wonderful underwing (Catocala mira)


wood-colored apamea moth (Apamea lignicolora)


wood-colored carpet (Zenophleps lignicolorata)


woodgrain leafroller moth (Pandemis lamprosana)


woody underwing (Catocala grynea)


woolly grass-veneer moth (Thaumatopsis pexellus)


wormwood pug (Eupithecia absinthiata)


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xylenine sallows (Eupsilia spp.)

xylenine sallow (Eupsilia spp.)






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Yankee dart (Abagrotis brunneipennis)

yarrow plume moth


yellow slant-line


yellow-collared scape moth

yellow-dusted cream moth

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yarrow plume moth (Gillmeria pallidactyla)


yellow satin veneer (Crambus perlella)


yellow sedge borer moth (Globia subflava)


yellow slant-line (Tetracis crocallata)


yellow stoneroot borer moth (Papaipema astuta)


yellow three-spot (Apamea helva)


yellow-banded underwing (Catocala cerogama)

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yellow-collared scape moth (Cisseps fulvicollis)

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yellow-dusted cream moth (Cabera erythemaria)


yellow-fringed dolichomia moth (Hypsopygia olinalis)


yellow-gray underwing (Catocala retecta)


yellow-headed cutworm moth (Apamea amputatrix)


yellow-lined angle (Digrammia mellistrigata)


yellow-shouldered leafroller (Sciota basilaris)


yellow-shouldered slug moth (Lithacodes fasciola)


yellow-spotted renia moth (Renia flavipunctalis)


yellow-spotted webworm moth (Anageshna primordialis)


yellow-striped armyworm moth (Spodoptera ornithogalli)


yellow-winged oak leafroller moth (Argyrotaenia quercifoliana)


yellowish fan-foot (Zanclognatha marcidilinea)


youthful underwing (Catocala subnata)


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zigzag herpetogramma moth (Herpetogramma thestealis)



Zimmerman pine moth (Dioryctria zimmermani)



Abagrotis brunneipennis (Yankee dart)

Abagrotis cupida (cupid dart)

Abrostola urentis (spectacled nettle moth)

Acentria ephemerella (water veneer)

Achatodes zeae (elder shoot borer moth)

Achyra rantalis (garden webworm moth)

Acleris albicomana (red-edged acleris moth)

Acleris chalybeana (lesser maple leafroller)

Acleris cornana (dogwood leafroller)

Acleris nigrolinea (black-lined acleris)

Acleris oxycoccana (tortricine leafroller moth)

Acleris placidana (North American black-headed birch leaffolder moth)

Acleris spp. (tortricine leafroller moths)

Acleris subnivana (bent-winged acleris moth)

Acleris variana (eastern black-headed budworm moth)

Acleris viburnana (viburnum acleris moth)

Acrobasis angusella (hickory leafstem borer)

Acrobasis betulella (birch tubemaker moth)

Acrobasis comptoniella (sweetfern leaf casebearer)

Acrobasis indigenella (leaf crumpler moth)

Acrobasis rubrifasciella (alder tubemaker moth)

Acrobasis spp. (knot-horn moths)

Acrobasis tricolorella (destructive pruneworm moth)

Acrobasis vaccinii (cranberry fruitworm moth)

Acronicta afflicta (afflicted dagger moth)

Acronicta americana (American dagger moth)

Acronicta fallax (green marvel)

Acronicta fragilis (fragile dagger)

Acronicta funeralis (funerary dagger)

Acronicta grisea (gray dagger)

Acronicta impleta (powdered dagger)

Acronicta impressa (impressive dagger)

Acronicta innotata (unmarked dagger)

Acronicta insita (large gray dagger)

Acronicta insularis (marsh dagger)

Acronicta interrupta (interrupted dagger)

Acronicta lepusculina (cottonwood dagger)

Acronicta lithospila (streaked dagger)

Acronicta lobeliae (greater oak dagger)

Acronicta morula (ochre dagger)

Acronicta oblinita (smeared dagger)

Acronicta spinigera (nondescript dagger)

Acronicta superans (splendid dagger)

Acronicta vinnula (delightful dagger)

Acronicta vulpina (miller dagger)

Actias luna (luna moth)

Adaina ambrosiae (ragweed plume moth)

Adela purpurea (purple fairy moth)

Adoxophyes negundana (shimmering gold adoxophyes moth)

Aellopos titan (titan sphinx)

Aethes argentilimitana (silver-bordered aethes)

Aethes biscana (reddish aethes)

Aethes louisiana (Louisiana aethes moth)

Aethes razowskii (Razowski’s aethes moth)

Aethes sexdentata (six-toothed aethes)

Agapeta zoegana (knapweed root moth)

Agnippe prunifoliella (skunk twirler)

Agonopterix argillacea (clay-colored agonopterix moth)

Agonopterix curvilineella (curved-lined agonopterix moth)

Agonopterix nigrinotella (flat-bodied moth)

Agonopterix paulae (flat-bodied moth)

Agonopterix pulvipennella (goldenrod leaffolder moth)

Agonopterix robiniella (four-dotted agonopterix moth)

Agnorisma badinodis (pale-banded dart)

Agriphila ruricolellus (lesser vagabond sod webworm moth)

Agriphila vulgivagellus (vagabond crambus)

Agrius cingulata (pink-spotted hawkmoth)

Agrotis ipsilon (ipsilon dart)

Agrotis venerabilis (venerable dart)

Agrotis vetusta (old man dart)

Allagrapha aerea (unspotted looper moth)

Alsophila pometaria (fall cankerworm moth)

Alypia langtoni (Langton’s forester)

Alypia octomaculata (eight-spotted forester moth)

Amorpha juglandis (walnut sphinx)

Amphion floridensis (nessus sphinx)

Amphipoea americana (American ear moth)

Amphipyra pyramidoides (copper underwing)

Amydria effrentella (brown-blotched amydria moth)

Anacampsis niveopulvella (pale-headed aspen leafroller moth)

Anageshna primordialis (yellow-spotted webworm moth)

Anagrapha falcifera (celery looper)

Anania extricalis (goblet moth)

Anania funebris (white-spotted sable)

Anania tertialis (Guenée’s pearl)

Anaplectoides prasina (green arches)

Anarta trifolii (nutmeg moth)

Anathix puta (puta sallow)

Anavitrinella pampinaria (common gray)

Ancylis albacostana (white-edged ancylis moth)

Ancylis burgessiana (oak leaffolder moth)

Ancylis diminutana (European small festooned roller)

Ancylis metamelana (black-marked ancylis moth)

Ancylis subaequana (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Ancylis tineana (Rannoch roller)

Anerastia lotella (sandhill knot-horn)

Anicla forbesi (Forbes’ dart)

Anicla tenuescens (drab dart)

Anisota senatoria (orange-tipped oakworm moth)

Anisota stigma (spiny oakworm moth)

Anisota virginiensis (pink-striped oakworm moth)

Antaeotricha schlaegeri (Schlaeger’s fruitworm moth)

Anterastria teratophora (gray marvel moth)

Antheraea polyphemus (polyphemus moth)

Anticlea vasiliata (variable carpet moth)

Apamea amputatrix (yellow-headed cutworm moth)

Apamea devastator (glassy cutworm moth)

Apamea dubitans (doubtful apamea moth)

Apamea helva (yellow three-spot)

Apamea impulsa (impulsive brocade)

Apamea lateritia (scarce brindle)

Apamea lignicolora (wood-colored apamea moth)

Apamea lutosa (opalescent apamea moth)

Apamea niveivenosa (snowy-veined apamea moth)

Apamea plutonia (dusky apamea moth)

Apamea sordens (bordered apamea moth)

Apamea vultuosa (airy brocade)

Apantesis anna (Anna tiger moth)

Apantesis arge (arge moth)

Apantesis figurata (figured tiger moth)

Apantesis nais (nais tiger moth)

Apantesis parthenice (parthenice tiger moth)

Apantesis phalerata (harnessed tiger moth)

Apantesis phyllira (phyllira tiger moth)

Apantesis speciosa (bog tiger moth)

Apantesis virgo (virgin tiger moth)

Apantesis virguncula (little virgin tiger moth)

Apantesis vittata (banded tiger moth)

Aphelia alleniana (wide-striped leafroller)

Aplectoides condita (quivering dart moth)

Apodrepanulatrix liberaria (New Jersey tea inchworm)

Apotomis capreana (sallow apotomis moth)

Apotomis infida (Rannoch marble)

Apotomis removana (green aspen leafroller)

Archiearis infans (infant moth)

Archips argyrospila (fruit-tree leafroller moth)

Archips cerasivorana (ugly-nest caterpillar moth)

Archips mortuana (dusky-back leaf roller)

Archips purpurana (omnivorous leafroller)

Archips semiferanus (oak leafroller moth)

Archips strianus (striated tortrix moth)

Arctia caja (great tiger moth)

Arctia parthenos (St. Lawrence tiger moth)

Argyresthia oreasella (cherry shoot borer moth)

Argyrostrotis anilis (short-lined chocolate)

Argyrotaenia alisellana (white-spotted leafroller moth)

Argyrotaenia quadrifasciana (four-lined leafroller moth)

Argyrotaenia quercifoliana (yellow-winged oak leafroller moth)

Argyrotaenia tabulana (jack pine tube moth)

Argyrotaenia velutinana (red-banded leafroller moth)

Aristotelia fungivorella (twirler moth)

Aristotelia roseosuffusella (pink-washed aristotelia moth)

Atroposia oenotherana (primrose cochylid moth)

Atteva aurea (ailanthus webworm moth)

Autographa ampla (large looper moth)

Autographa bimaculata (two-spotted looper moth)

Autographa precationis (common looper moth)

Automeris io (io moth)




Baileya doubledayi (Doubleday’s baileya moth)

Bandera binotella (knot-horn moth)

Bellura gortynoides (white-tailed diver moth)

Bellura obliqua (cattail borer moth)

Besma endropiaria (straw besma)

Besma quercivoraria (oak besma)

Bibarrambla allenella (bog bibarrambla moth)

Biston betularia cognataria (pepper and salt geometer)

Brachylomia algens (cutworm or dart moth)




Cabera erythemaria (yellow-dusted cream moth)

Cabera variolaria (pink-striped willow spanworm)

Caenurgina crassiuscula (clover looper moth)

Caenurgina erechtea (forage looper moth)

Callima argenticinctella (orange-headed epicallima)

Callizzia amorata (gray scoopwing)

Callopistria mollissima (pink-shaded fern moth)

Callosamia promethea (promethea moth)

Caloptilia ostryaeella (ironwood leafcone moth)

Caloptilia rhoifoliella (sumac leaf blotch miner moth)

Caloptilia stigmatella (willow leafcone caterpillar noth)

Caloptilia violacella (tick-trefoil caloptilia moth)

Calyptra canadensis (Canadian owlet)

Cameraria betulivora (birch-leaf blotchminer moth)

Campaea perlata (pale beauty)

Canarsia ulmiarrosorella (elm leaftier moth)

Capis curvata (curved halter moth)

Caradrina multifera (speckled rustic)

Caripeta angustiorata (brown pine looper moth)

Caripeta divisata (gray spruce looper moth)

Caripeta piniata (northern pine looper moth)

Carmenta anthracipennis (blazing star borer moth)

Carmenta ithacae (Ithaca clearwing moth)

Carsia sororiata (Manchester treble-bar moth)

Catabena lineolata (fine-lined sallow)

Catastega aceriella (maple trumpet skeletonizer moth)

Catocala abbreviatella (abbreviated underwing)

Catocala amatrix (sweetheart underwing)

Catocala amestris (three-staff underwing)

Catocala amica (girlfriend underwing)

Catocala antinympha (sweetfern underwing)

Catocala badia coelebs (the old maid)

Catocala blandula (charming underwing)

Catocala briseis (briseis underwing)

Catocala cara (darling underwing)

Catocala cerogama (yellow-banded underwing)

Catocala clintonii (Clinton’s underwing)

Catocala coccinata (scarlet underwing)

Catocala concumbens (pink underwing)

Catocala connubialis (connubial underwing)

Catocala crataegi (hawthorn underwing)

Catocala epione (epione underwing)

Catocala gracilis (graceful underwing)

Catocala grynea (woody underwing)

Catocala habilis (habilis underwing)

Catocala ilia (ilia underwing)

Catocala judith (Judith’s underwing)

Catocala lacrymosa (tearful underwing)

Catocala lineella (little lined underwing)

Catocala micronympha (the little nymph)

Catocala minuta (little underwing)

Catocala mira (wonderful underwing)

Catocala nebulosa (clouded underwing)

Catocala neogama (the bride)

Catocala obscura (obscure underwing)

Catocala palaeogama (oldwife underwing)

Catocala parta (mother underwing)

Catocala piatrix (penitent underwing)

Catocala praeclara (praeclara underwing)

Catocala relicta (white underwing)

Catocala residua (residua underwing)

Catocala retecta (yellow-gray underwing)

Catocala robinsonii (Robinson’s underwing)

Catocala semirelicta (semirelict underwing)

Catocala similis (similar underwing)

Catocala sordida (sordid underwing)

Catocala subnata (youthful underwing)

Catocala ultronia (ultronia underwing)

Catocala unijuga (once-married underwing)

Catocala vidua (widow underwing)

Catocala whitneyi (Whitney“s underwing)

Celypha cespitana (celypha moth)

Cenopis pettitana (maple-basswood leafroller moth)

Cenopis reticulatana (reticulated fruitworm moth)

Cepphis armataria (scallop moth)

Cerastis salicarum (willow dart)

Ceratomia amyntor (elm sphinx)

Ceratomia catalpae (catalpa sphinx)

Ceratomia undulosa (waved sphinx)

Cerma cora (owl-eyed bird dropping moth)

Chaetaglaea sericea (silky sallow)

Charadra deridens (laugher moth)

Chilo plejadellus (rice stalk borer moth)

Chionodes discoocellella (eye-ringed chionodes moth)

Chionodes fondella (twirler moth)

Chionodes lugubrella (twirler moth)

Chionodes praeclarella (twirler moth)

Chionodes spp. (twirler moths)

Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria (blackberry looper)

Choristoneura conflictana (large aspen tortrix)

Choristoneura fractivittana (broken-banded leafroller moth)

Choristoneura fumiferana (eastern spruce budworm)

Choristoneura pinus (jack pine budworm moth)

Choristoneura rosaceana (oblique-banded leafroller moth)

Chrysoteuchia topiarius (topiary grass-veneer)

Chytolita morbidalis (morbid owlet)

Chytonix palliatricula (cloaked marvel)

Cingilia catenaria (chain-dotted geometer)

Cisseps fulvicollis (yellow-collared scape moth)

Cladara atroliturata (scribbler moth)

Cladara limitaria (mottled gray carpet)

Clemensia albata (little white lichen moth)

Clepsis melaleucanus (black-patched clepsis moth)

Clepsis peritana (garden tortrix)

Clepsis persicana (white triangle tortrix)

Clepsis virescana (greenish apple moth)

Clostera albosigma (sigmoid prominent)

Clostera apicalis (apical prominent)

Clostera inclusa (angle-lined prominent)

Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla (rose plume moth)

Cochylichroa arthuri (Arthur’s sunflower moth)

Cochylichroa hoffmanana (Hoffman’s cochylid moth)

Cochylichroa hospes (banded sunflower moth)

Coenophila opacifrons (blueberry dart)

Coleophora mayrella (metallic coleophora moth)

Coleophora trifolii (large clover casebearer moth)

Coleotechnites quercivorella (twirler moth)

Condica videns (white-dotted groundling)

Conservula anodonta (sharp angle shades)

Copivaleria grotei (Grote’s sallow)

Coranarta luteola (small dark yellow underwing)

Cosmia calami (American dun-bar moth)

Costaconvexa centrostrigaria (bent-lined carpet)

Crambidia casta (pearly-winged lichen moth)

Crambidia pallida (pale lichen moth)

Crambus agitatellus (double-banded grass-veneer)

Crambus albellus (small white grass-veneer)

Crambus alienellus (grass veneer)

Crambus awemellus (Aweme grass-veneer)

Crambus bidens (forked grass-veneer)

Crambus girardellus (Girard’s grass-veneer)

Crambus laqueatellus (eastern grass-veneer)

Crambus leachellus (Leach’s grass-veneer)

Crambus pascuella (inlaid grass-veneer)

Crambus perlella (yellow satin veneer)

Crambus praefectellus (common grass-veneer)

Crambus saltuellus (pasture grass-veneer)

Crambus spp. (grass-veneers)

Crocigrapha normani (Norman’s quaker)

Cryptocala acadiensis (catocaline dart)

Ctenucha virginica (Virginia ctenucha)

Cucullia asteroides (asteroid moth)

Cucullia convexipennis (brown-hooded owlet)

Cucullia florea (gray hooded owlet)

Cucullia lucifuga (hooded owlet)

Cucullia spp. (hooded owlets)

Cyclophora nanaria (dwarf tawny wave)

Cyclophora pendulinaria (sweetfern geometer moth)

Cycnia collaris (unexpected cycnia moth)

Cycnia oregonensis (Oregon cycnia)

Cycnia tenera (delicate cycnia)

Cydia lacustrina (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Cydia latiferreana (filbertworm moth)

Cydia spp. (olethreutine leafroller moths)




Darapsa choerilus (azalea sphinx)

Darapsa myron (Virginia creeper sphinx)

Dargida diffusa (wheat head armyworm)

Dargida procinctus (girdler moth)

Dargida rubripennis (pink streak moth)

Dasychira cinnamomea (cinnamon tussock moth)

Dasychira dorsipennata (sharp-lined tussock moth)

Dasychira pinicola (pine tussock moth)

Dasychira vagans (variable tussock moth)

Dasylophia anguina (black-spotted prominent)

Datana contracta (contracted datana)

Datana integerrima (walnut caterpillar moth)

Decodes basiplagana (gray-marked tortricid)

Deidamia inscripta (lettered sphinx)

Deidamia inscriptum (lettered sphinx)

Deltote bellicula (bog glyph)

Desmia funeralis (grape leaffolder moth)

Diachrysia aereoides (dark-spotted looper moth)

Diachrysia balluca (hologram moth)

Diarsia rubifera (red dart)

Diathrausta reconditalis (recondite webworm moth)

Dichagyris grotei (Grote’s black-tipped quaker)

Dichomeris aleatrix (buffy dichomeris)

Dichomeris ligulella (palmerworm moth)

Dichomeris purpureofusca (twirler moth)

Digrammia denticulata (striped granite moth)

Digrammia gnophosaria (hollow-spotted angle)

Digrammia mellistrigata (yellow-lined angle)

Digrammia ordinata (ordered angle)

Dioryctria disclusa (webbing coneworm moth)

Dioryctria ponderosae (ponderosa twig moth)

Dioryctria reniculelloides (spruce coneworm moth)

Dioryctria spp. (conifer coneworm moths)

Dioryctria zimmermani (Zimmerman pine moth)

Disclisioprocta stellata (somber carpet moth)

Donacaula spp. (crambid snout moths)

Drepana arcuata (arched hooktip)

Drepana bilineata (two-lined hooktip)

Dryocampa rubicunda (rosy maple moth)

Dyseriocrania griseocapitella (chinquapin leafminer moth)

Dyspteris abortivaria (bad-wing moth)

Dysstroma citrata glacialis (dark marbled carpet)

Dysstroma hersiliata hersiliata (orange-barred carpet moth)

Dysstroma truncata truncata (marbled carpet moth)




Ectropis crepuscularia crepuscularia (small engrailed)

Egira dolosa (lined black aspen woodling)

Eido trimaculella (three-spotted concealer)

Elaphria festivoides (festive midget)

Elaphria versicolor (variegated midget)

Ellida caniplaga (linden prominent)

Elophila ekthlipsis (nymphula moth)

Elophila gyralis (waterlily borer moth)

Elophila icciusalis (pondside pyralid moth)

Elophila obliteralis (waterlily leafcutter moth)

Emmelina monodactyla (morning-glory plume moth)

Enargia decolor (aspen twoleaf tier moth)

Enargia infumata (smoked sallow)

Endothenia hebesana (verbena bud moth)

Endothenia heinrichi (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Endothenia nubilana (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Ennomos magnaria (maple spanworm moth)

Ennomos magnaria magnaria (maple spanworm moth)

Ennomos subsignaria (elm spanworm moth)

Eoreuma crawfordi (crambid snout moth)

Eosphoropteryx thyatyroides (pink-patched looper moth)

Epelis truncataria (black-banded orange moth)

Ephestiodes gilvescentella (dusky raisin moth)

Epiblema brightonana (Brighton’s epiblema moth)

Epiblema scudderiana (goldenrod gall moth)

Epiblema strenuana (ragweed borer moth)

Epiglaea apiata (pointed sallow)

Epinotia lindana (diamondback epinotia moth)

Epinotia sotipena (black dash epinotia moth)

Epinotia transmissana (Walker’s epinotia moth)

Epirrhoe alternata (white-banded toothed carpet)

Episimus argutana (sumac leaftier moth)

Erannis tiliaria (linden looper)

Eremobina leucoscelis (arch)

Erinnyis ello (ello sphinx)

Erinnyis obscura (obscure sphinx)

Estigmene acrea (salt marsh moth)

Ethmia longimaculella (streaked ethmia moth)

Ethmia monticola (gray ethmia moth)

Ethmia spp. (flat-bodied moths)

Eubaphe mendica (beggar moth)

Euchaetes egle (milkweed tussock moth)

Euchlaena amoenaria amoenaria (deep yellow euchlaena moth)

Euchlaena effecta (effective euchlaena moth)

Euchlaena irraria (least-marked euchlaena moth)

Euchlaena johnsonaria johnsonaria (Johnson’s euchlaena moth)

Euchlaena obtusaria (obtuse euchlaena moth)

Euchlaena pectinaria (forked euchlaena moth)

Euchlaena serrata (saw-wing)

Euchlaena tigrinaria (mottled euchlaena moth)

Eucirroedia pampina (scalloped sallow)

Euclea delphinii (spiny oak-slug moth)

Euclidia cuspidea (toothed somberwing)

Eucopina monitorana (red pine coneborer moth)

Eucosma awemeana (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Eucosma giganteana (giant eucosma moth)

Eucosma glomerana (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Eucosma indagatricana (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Eucosma ochrocephala (pale-headed eucosma moth)

Eucosma ochroterminana (buff-tipped eucosma moth)

Eucosma olivaceana (olivaceous eucosma moth)

Eucosma ornatula (ornate eucosma)

Eucosma parmatana (aster eucosma moth)

Eucosma raracana (reddish eucosma moth)

Eucosma sombreana (Kearfott’s eucosma)

Eucosma spiculana (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Eucosma tomonana (aster-head eucosma moth)

Eudonia alpina (highland grey)

Eudryas unio (pearly wood-nymph)

Eueretagrotis perattentus (two-spotted dart)

Eueretagrotis sigmoides (sigmoid dart)

Eufidonia convergaria (pine powder moth)

Eugonobapta nivosaria (snowy geometer)

Eulithis diversilineata (lesser grapevine looper moth)

Eulithis explanata (white eulithis moth)

Eulithis flavibrunneata (carpet moth)

Eulithis molliculata (dimorphic eulithis moth)

Eulithis serrataria (serrated eulithis moth)

Eulithis testata (chevron moth)

Eulogia ochrifrontella (broad-banded eulogia)

Eumacaria madopata (brown-bordered geometer moth)

Eumorpha achemon (achemon sphinx)

Eumorpha pandorus (pandorus sphinx)

Euphyia intermediata (sharp-angled carpet)

Eupithecia absinthiata (wormwood pug)

Eupithecia annulata (larch pug moth)

Eupithecia assimilata (currant pug)

Eupithecia bowmani (pug moth)

Eupithecia columbiata (pug moth)

Eupithecia fletcherata (Fletcher’s larch looper)

Eupithecia interruptofasciata (juniper looper moth)

Eupithecia luteata (fir needle inchworm)

Eupithecia miserulata (common eupithecia)

Eupithecia palpata (small pine looper)

Eupithecia ravocostaliata (tawny eupithecia)

Eupithecia russeliata (pug moth)

Eupithecia satyrata (satyr pug moth)

Eupithecia subfuscata (gray pug moth)

Eupithecia swettii (pug moth)

Eupithecia tenuiata (slender pug)

Eupsilia devia (lost sallow)

Eupsilia morrisoni (Morrison’s sallow)

Eupsilia sidus (Sidus sallow)

Eupsilia spp. (xylenine sallows)

Eupsilia vinulenta (straight-toothed sallow)

Eurois astricta (great brown dart)

Eurois occulta (great brocade)

Eusarca confusaria (confused eusarca)

Eutrapela clemataria (curved-toothed geometer moth)

Euxoa auxiliaris (army cutworm moth)

Euxoa comosa (hairy euxoa moth)

Euxoa detersa (rubbed dart)

Euxoa divergens (divergent dart)

Euxoa immixta (mixed dart moth)

Euxoa messoria (reaper dart)

Euxoa mimallonis (sordid dart)

Euxoa obeliscoides (obelisk dart)

Euxoa ochrogaster (red-backed cutworm moth)

Euxoa perpolita (polished dart)

Euxoa redimicula (fillet dart)

Evergestis pallidata (purple-backed cabbageworm moth)

Evora hemidesma (spirea leaftier moth)

Exyra fax (epauletted pitcher plant poth)




Feltia geniculata (knee-joint dart)

Feltia herilis (Master’s dart)

Feltia jaculifera (dingy cutworm moth)

Feltia mollis (delicate cutworm moth)

Feltia subgothica (subgothic dart)

Feltia tricosa (tricose dart)

Feralia comstocki (Comstock’s sallow)

Feralia jocosa (joker)

Filatima spp. (twirler moth)

Fishia illocata (wandering brocade moth)

Fissicrambus mutabilis (changeable grass-veneer)

Fumibotys fumalis (mint root borer moth)

Furcula cinerea (gray furcula)

Furcula modesta (modest furcula)

Furcula occidentalis (western furcula)




Galgula partita (wedgling moth)

Geina periscelidactylus (grape plume moth)

Geina sheppardi (Sheppard’s plume moth)

Geina spp. (plume moths)

Geina tenuidactylus (Himmelman’s plume moth)

Geometridae (geometer moths)

Gillmeria pallidactyla (yarrow plume moth)

Globia oblonga (oblong sedge borer moth)

Globia subflava (yellow sedge borer moth)

Gluphisia septentrionis (common gluphisia)

Glyphipterix haworthana (Haworth’s glyphipterid moth)

Gnorimoschema gallaesolidaginis (goldenrod spindle-gall moth)

Gonioterma mistrella (flat-bodied moth)

Graphiphora augur (soothsayer dart)

Grapholita prunivora (lesser appleworm moth)

Gymnandrosoma punctidiscanum (dotted gymnandrosoma moth)

Gypsonoma fasciolana (willow-and-poplar leafroller)




Habrosyne scripta (lettered habrosyne)

Haematopis grataria (chickweed geometer)

Halysidota spp. (tussock moths)

Halysidota tessellaris (banded tussock moth)

Haploa clymene (clymene moth)

Haploa confusa (confused haploa)

Haploa contigua (neighbor moth)

Haploa lecontei (Leconte’s haploa)

Haploa reversa (reversed haploa)

Haploa spp. (haploas)

Harrisimemna trisignata (Harris’ three-spot)

Harrisina americana (grapeleaf skeletonizer)

Helicoverpa zea (corn earworm moth)

Heliodines spp. (sun moths)

Heliomata cycladata (common spring moth)

Heliothis acesias (acesias buff gem)

Hellinsia elliottii (Elliot's plume moth)

Hellinsia glenni (Glenn’s plume moth)

Hellinsia homodactylus (plain plume moth)

Hellinsia inquinatus (black-marked plume moth)

Hellinsia paleaceus (ironweed plume moth)

Hellinsia spp. (plume moths)

Helotropha reniformis (kidney-spotted rustic moth)

Hemaris diffinis (snowberry clearwing)

Hemaris thysbe (hummingbird clearwing)

Hemileuca maia (buck moth)

Hemileuca maia peigleri (Texas buck moth)

Hemileuca nevadensis (Nevada buck moth)

Hemipachnobia monochromatea (sundew cutworm moth)

Herpetogramma thestealis (zigzag herpetogramma moth)

Heterocampa guttivitta (saddled prominent)

Heterocampa umbrata (white-blotched heterocampa)

Heterophleps refusaria (three-patched bigwing)

Heterophleps triguttaria (three-spotted fillip)

Hillia iris (iris rover moth)

Homoeosoma electella (sunflower moth)

Homoglaea hircina (goat sallow)

Homophoberia apicosa (black wedge-spot)

Homorthodes reliqua (cutworm or dart moth)

Hyalophora cecropia (cecropia moth)

Hyalophora columbia (Columbia silkmoth)

Hydraecia perobliqua (false rosy rustic moth)

Hydrelia lucata (light carpet moth)

Hydriomena renunciata (renounced hydriomena moth)

Hyles euphorbiae (leafy spurge hawkmoth)

Hyles gallii (galium sphinx)

Hyles lineata (white-lined sphinx)

Hypagyrtis piniata (pine measuringworm moth)

Hypagyrtis unipunctata (one-spotted variant)

Hypena abalienalis (white-lined snout)

Hypena baltimoralis (Baltimore snout)

Hypena bijugalis (dimorphic snout)

Hypena deceptalis (deceptive snout)

Hypena humuli (hop vine snout)

Hypena madefactalis (gray-edged snout)

Hypena palparia (mottled snout)

Hypena scabra (green cloverworm moth)

Hypenodes caducus (large hypenodes moth)

Hypenodes fractilinea (broken-lined hypenodes moth)

Hypenodes palustris (moth)

Hyperaeschra georgica (Georgian prominent)

Hypercompe scribonia (giant leopard moth)

Hyphantria cunea (fall webworm)

Hypoprepia fucosa (painted lichen moth)

Hypoprepia miniata (scarlet-winged lichen moth)

Hyppa xylinoides (common hyppa moth)

Hypsopygia costalis (clover hayworm moth)

Hypsopygia intermedialis (red-shawled moth)

Hypsopygia olinalis (yellow-fringed dolichomia moth)




Idia aemula (common idia moth)

Idia americalis (American idia moth)

Idia lubricalis (glossy black idia moth)

Idia rotundalis (rotund idia moth)

Interjectio niviella (knot-horn moth)

Ipimorpha pleonectusa (even-lined sallow)

Iridopsis ephyraria (pale-winged gray)

Iridopsis humaria (small purplish gray)

Iridopsis spp. (geometer moths)






Keiferia georgei (twirler moth)




Lacanobia atlantica (Atlantic arches moth)

Lacanobia grandis (grand arches moth)

Lacinipolia anguina (snaky arches moth)

Lacinipolia lorea (bridled arches moth)

Lacinipolia lustralis (cutworm or dart moth)

Lacinipolia meditata (thinker moth)

Lacinipolia olivacea (olive arches moth)

Lacinipolia vicina (cutworm or dart moth)

Lambdina fervidaria athasaria (spring hemlock looper)

Lambdina fiscellaria (hemlock looper moth)

Lapara bombycoides (northern pine sphinx)

Lasionycta secedens (cutworm or dart moth)

Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths)

Leucania commoides (two-lined wainscot)

Leucania inermis (unarmed wainscot)

Leucania insueta (heterodox wainscot moth)

Leucania lapidaria (wainscot moth)

Leucania multilinea (many-lined wainscot)

Leucania phragmitidicola (phragmites wainscot)

Leucania pseudargyria (false wainscot)

Leucania ursula (ursula wainscot)

Leuconycta diphteroides (green leuconycta moth)

Leuconycta lepidula (marbled-green leuconycta moth)

Leucospilapteryx venustella (aster leafminer moth)

Limnaecia phragmitella (shy cosmet moth)

Lintneria eremitus (hermit sphinx)

Lithacodes fasciola (yellow-shouldered slug moth)

Litholomia napaea (false pinion moth)

Lithomoia germana (American brindle moth)

Lithophane amanda (Amanda’s pinion)

Lithophane antennata (ashen pinion)

Lithophane baileyi (Bailey’s pinion moth)

Lithophane bethunei (Bethune’s pinion)

Lithophane disposita (dashed gray pinion)

Lithophane fagina (hoary pinion)

Lithophane grotei (Grote’s pinion moth)

Lithophane hemina (hemina pinion)

Lithophane innominata (nameless pinion)

Lithophane oriunda (immigrant pinion)

Lithophane petulca (wanton pinion)

Lithophane pexata (plush-naped pinion)

Lithophane semiusta (singed pinion)

Lithophane tepida (luke-warm pinion moth)

Lithophane thaxteri (Thaxter’s pinion)

Lobesia carduana (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Lobophora nivigerata nivigerata (powdered bigwing moth)

Lochmaeus bilineata (double-lined prominent)

Lomographa glomeraria (gray spring moth)

Lomographa vestaliata (white spring moth)

Lophocampa caryae (hickory tussock moth)

Lophocampa maculata (spotted tussock moth)

Loscopia velata (veiled ear moth)

Loxostege cereralis (alfalfa webworm moth)

Loxostege sticticalis (beet webworm moth)

Loxostegopsis merrickalis (Merrick’s pyralid moth)

Lozotaenia costinotana (tortricine leafroller moth)

Lycaena dione (gray copper)

Lycia ursaria (stout spanworm moth)

Lycomorpha pholus (black-and-yellow lichen moth)

Lycophotia phyllophora (lycophotia moth)

Lymantria dispar (spongy moth)

Lytrosis unitaria (common lytrosis moth)




Macaria aemulataria (common angle)

Macaria amboflava (homogenous-yellow angle)

Macaria bitactata (split-lined angle)

Macaria fissinotata (hemlock angle)

Macaria granitata (granite angle)

Macaria loricaria (false Bruce spanworm)

Macaria minorata (minor angle)

Macaria oweni (Owen’s angle)

Macaria pinistrobata (white pine angle)

Macaria pustularia (lesser maple spanworm moth)

Macaria sexmaculata sexmaculata (six-spotted angle)

Macaria signaria (pale-marked angle)

Macaria sulphurea (sulphur angle)

Macaria transitaria (blurry chocolate angle)

Machimia tentoriferella (gold-striped leaftier moth)

Macrochilo absorptalis (slant-lined owlet)

Macrochilo bivittata (two-striped owlet)

Macrochilo orciferalis (bronzy owlet)

Macronoctua onusta (iris borer moth)

Macrosaccus morrisella (hog peanut moth)

Magusa divaricata (orbed narrow-wing)

Malacosoma americana (eastern tent caterpillar moth)

Malacosoma californica (western tent caterpillar moth)

Malacosoma disstria (forest tent caterpillar moth)

Maliattha synochitis (black-dotted glyph)

Mamestra configurata (Bertha armyworm moth)

Manduca quinquemaculata (five-spotted hawkmoth)

Manduca sexta (Carolina sphinx)

Manulea bicolor (bicolored moth)

Mecyna spp. (pearl moths)

Meganola minuscula (confused meganola moth)

Melanchra adjuncta (hitched arches)

Melanolophia canadaria canadaria (Canadian melanolophia moth)

Melittia cucurbitae (squash vine borer)

Meroptera pravella (lesser aspen webworm moth)

Metalectra discalis (common fungus moth)

Metanema determinata (dark metanema moth)

Metanema inatomaria (pale metanema moth)

Metarranthis angularia (angled metarranthis)

Metarranthis duaria (ruddy metarranthis)

Metarranthis hypochraria (common metarranthis)

Metarranthis spp. (metarranthis moth)

Metaxaglaea inulta (unsated sallow)

Microcrambus elegans (elegant grass-veneer)

Microcrambus minor (minor grass-veneer)

Mocis latipes (small mocis)

Monopis monachella (white-blotched clothes moth)

Monopis spilotella (orange-headed monopis)

Moodna ostrinella (darker moodna moth)

Morrisonia confusa (confused woodgrain moth)

Morrisonia evicta (bicolored woodgrain moth)

Mythimna oxygala (lesser wainscot)

Mythimna unipuncta (armyworm moth)




Nadata gibbosa (white-dotted prominent)

Nascia acutellus (streaked orange moth)

Nedra ramosula (gray half-spot)

Nematocampa resistaria (horned spanworm moth)

Neodactria caliginosellus (black grass-veneer)

Neodactria luteolellus (mottled grass-veneer)

Neodactria murellus (prairie sedge moth)

Nephelodes minians (bronzed cutworm moth)

Nepytia canosaria (false hemlock looper moth)

Nepytia semiclusaria (pine conelet looper moth)

Nerice bidentata (double-toothed prominent)

Nites grotella (hazel leaftier moth)

Noctua pronuba (large yellow underwing)

Nola cilicoides (blurry-patched nola moth)

Nomophila nearctica (lucerne moth)

Notocelia culminana (notocelia moth)

Notocelia illotana (olethreutine leafroller moth)




Occidentalia comptulatalis (crambid snout moth)

Ochropleura implecta (flame-shouldered dart)

Odontosia elegans (elegant prominent)

Ogdoconta cinereola (common pinkband)

Oidaematophorus eupatorii (eupatorium plume moth)

Olethreutes appendiceum (serviceberry leafroller)

Olethreutes astrologana (astronomer moth)

Olethreutes atrodentana (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Olethreutes bipartitana (divided olethreutes moth)

Olethreutes connectum (bunchberry leaffolder moth)

Olethreutes coruscana (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Olethreutes fasciatana (banded olethreutes moth)

Olethreutes inornatana (inornate olethreutes moth)

Olethreutes permundana (raspberry leafroller moth)

Olethreutes troglodanum (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Olethreutes valdanum (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Olethreutinae (olethreutine leafroller moths)

Oligocentria lignicolor (white-streaked prominent)

Operophtera bruceata (Bruce spanworm moth)

Orgyia leucostigma (white-marked tussock moth)

Orthodes cynica (cynical quaker)

Orthodes detracta (disparaged aches moth)

Orthodes goodelli (Goodell’s arches moth)

Orthodes majuscula (rustic quaker)

Orthonama evansi (carpet moth)

Orthonama obstipata (gem moth)

Orthosia alurina (gray quaker)

Orthosia hibisci (speckled green fruitworm moth)

Orthotaenia undulana (dusky leafroller moth)

Ostrinia nubilalis (European corn borer moth)





Pachysphinx modesta (modest sphinx)

Pachysphinx occidentalis (big poplar sphinx)

Paectes oculatrix (eyed paectes moth)

Paleacrita vernata (spring cankerworm moth)

Palpita magniferalis (splendid palpita moth)

Palthis angulalis (dark-spotted palthis)

Pandemis canadana (green aspen leaftier)

Pandemis lamprosana (woodgrain leafroller moth)

Pandemis limitata (three-lined leafroller moth)

Pangrapta decoralis (decorated owlet)

Panopoda carneicosta (brown panopoda moth)

Panopoda rufimargo (red-lined panopoda moth)

Panthea acronyctoides (black zigzag moth)

Panthea furcilla (eastern panthea moth)

Pantographa limata (basswood leafroller moth)

Paonias excaecata (blinded sphinx)

Paonias myops (small-eyed sphinx)

Papaipema appassionata (pitcher plant borer moth)

Papaipema arctivorens (northern burdock borer)

Papaipema astuta (yellow stoneroot borer moth)

Papaipema aweme (Aweme borer moth)

Papaipema baptisiae (indigo stem borer)

Papaipema birdi (umbellifer borer)

Papaipema cataphracta (burdock borer)

Papaipema cerina (golden borer)

Papaipema circumlucens (hop borer moth)

Papaipema eupatorii (joe-pye-weed borer)

Papaipema furcata (ash tip borer)

Papaipema harrisii (heracleum stem borer moth)

Papaipema inquaesita (sensetive fern borer)

Papaipema insulidens (ragwort stem borer moth)

Papaipema leucostigma (columbine borer)

Papaipema lysimachiae (loosestrife borer moth)

Papaipema marginidens (brick-red borer moth)

Papaipema maritima (maritime sunflower borer)

Papaipema nebris (stalk borer)

Papaipema necopina (sunflower borer)

Papaipema nepheleptena (turtle head borer)

Papaipema pterisii (bracken borer)

Papaipema rigida (rigid sunflower borer)

Papaipema rutila (mayapple borer moth)

Papaipema silphii (silphius borer)

Papaipema unimoda (meadow-rue borer)

Paradiarsia littoralis (Labrador dart)

Parallelia bistriaris (maple looper moth)

Paranthrene tabaniformis (dusky clearwing moth)

Parapoynx allionealis (watermilfoil leafcutter moth)

Parapoynx badiusalis (chestnut-marked pondweed moth)

Parapoynx maculalis (polymorphic pondweed moth)

Parapoynx obscuralis (obscure pondweed moth)

Pasiphila rectangulata (green pug)

Pediasia dorsipunctellus (speckle-back grass-veneer)

Pediasia trisecta (sod webworm moth)

Pelochrista agricolana (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Pelochrista canana (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Pelochrista cataclystiana (goldenrod pelochrista moth)

Pelochrista consobrinana (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Pelochrista corosana (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Pelochrista costastriata (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Pelochrista derelicta (derelict pelochrista moth)

Pelochrista dorsisignatana (triangle-backed pelochrista moth)

Pelochrista matutina (olethreutine leafroller moth)

Pelochrista morrisoni (Morrison’s borer moth)

Pelochrista ridingsana (snakeweed borer moth)

Pelochrista similiana (similar pelochrista)

Pennisetia marginata (raspberry crown borer)

Peoria approximella (carmine snout)

Peridea angulosa (angulose prominent)

Peridea ferruginea (chocolate prominent)

Peridroma saucia (variegated cutworm moth)

Perizoma basaliata (square-patched carpet moth)

Pero ancetaria (Hübner’s pero moth)

Pero morrisonaria (Morrison’s pero moth)

Petrophila bifascialis (two-banded petrophila)

Phaeoura quernaria (oak beauty)

Phalaenophana pyramusalis (dark-banded owlet)

Phalaenostola eumelusalis (dark phalaenostola moth)

Phalaenostola larentioides (black-banded owlet)

Phalaenostola metonalis (pale phalaenostola moth)

Pheosia rimosa (black-rimmed prominent)

Phigalia strigataria (small phigalia moth)

Phigalia titea (half-wing)

Phlogophora iris (olive angle shades)

Phlogophora periculosa (brown angle shades)

Phoberia atomaris (common oak moth)

Phragmatobia assimilans (large ruby tiger moth)

Phragmatobia fuliginosa (ruby tiger moth)

Phtheochroa baracana (tortricine leafroller moth)

Phtheochroa riscana (tortricine leafroller moth)

Phycitodes reliquellum (white-edged phycitodes moth)

Phyllocnistis vitegenella (grape leaf miner moth)

Phyllocnistis vitifoliella (grape leaf miner moth)

Phyllonorycter caryaealbella (pecan blotchminer moth)

Plagodis alcoolaria alcoolaria (hollow-spotted plagodis moth)

Plagodis fervidaria (fervid plagodis moth)

Plagodis kuetzingi (purple plagodis moth)

Plagodis phlogosaria phlogosaria (straight-lined plagodis moth)

Plagodis serinaria (lemon plagodis moth)

Plataea calcaria (geometer moth)

Platynota idaeusalis (tufted apple bud moth)

Platypolia anceps (cutworm or dart moth)

Platypolia mactata (adorable brocade moth)

Platyptilia carduidactylus (artichoke plume moth)

Pleuroprucha insulsaria (common tan wave)

Plodia interpunctella (Indian meal moth)

Plusia contexta (connected looper moth)

Plusia magnimacula (large-spotted looper moth)

Plusia venusta (white-streaked looper moth)

Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth)

Pococera aplastella (aspen webworm moth)

Pococera asperatella (maple webworm moth)

Pococera spp. (pyralid snout moths)

Polia imbrifera (cloudy arches moth)

Polia nimbosa (stormy arches)

Polia purpurissata (purple arches moth)

Ponometia binocula (prairie bird-dropping moth)

Ponometia candefacta (olive-shaded bird-dropping moth)

Ponometia erastrioides (small bird-dropping moth)

Prionoxystus macmurtrei (little carpenterworm)

Prionoxystus robiniae (carpenterworm moth)

Probole alienaria (alien probole)

Probole amicaria (friendly probole moth)

Prochoerodes lineola (large maple spanworm moth)

Proteoteras aesculana (maple twig borer moth)

Proteoteras crescentana (black-crescent proteoteras moth)

Proteoteras moffatiana (maple bud borer moth)

Protitame virginalis (virgin moth)

Protoboarmia porcelaria (porcelain gray)

Protodeltote albidula (pale glyph)

Protodeltote muscosula (large mossy glyph)

Protolampra brunneicollis (brown-collared dart)

Protorthodes incincta (banded quaker)

Protorthodes oviduca (ruddy quaker)

Protoschinia nuchalis (spotted clover moth)

Proxenus miranda (miranda moth)

Psaphida rolandi (Roland’s sallow)

Pseudeva purpurigera (straight-lined looper moth)

Pseudexentera oregonana (early aspen leafroller moth)

Pseudexentera spoliana (bare-patched leafroller moth)

Pseudohermonassa bicarnea (pink-spotted dart)

Pseudohermonassa tenuicula (Morrison’s sooty dart)

Pseudosciaphila duplex (poplar leafroller moth)

Pseudothyris sepulchralis (mournful thyris)

Psilocorsis reflexella (dotted leaftier moth)

Psyche casta (common bagworm moth)

Psychomorpha epimenis (grapevine epimenis)

Pterophorinae (plume moths)

Pyralis farinalis (meal moth)

Pyrausta generosa (generous pyrausta moth)

Pyrausta orphisalis (orange mint moth)

Pyrausta signatalis (raspberry pyrausta moth)

Pyrausta socialis (sociable pyrausta moth)

Pyrrharctia isabella (Isabella tiger moth)

Pyrrhia aurantiago (orange sallow)

Pyrrhia umbra (bordered sallow)







Raphia frater (brother moth)

Raphiptera argillaceellus (diminutive grass-veneer)

Renia adspergillus (speckled renia moth)

Renia flavipunctalis (yellow-spotted renia moth)

Renia nemoralis (chocolate renia moth)

Resapamea passer (dock rustic moth)

Retinia albicapitana (northern pitch twig moth)

Retinia mafica (pine shoot moth)

Rheumaptera hastata (spear-marked black moth)

Rheumaptera prunivorata (cherry scallop shell moth)

Rheumaptera subhastata (white-banded black moth)

Rivula propinqualis (spotted grass moth)




Saucrobotys fumoferalis (dusky saucrobotys moth)

Saucrobotys futilalis (dogbane saucrobotys moth)

Schinia arcigera (arcigera flower moth)

Schinia florida (primrose moth)

Schinia indiana (phlox moth)

Schinia lucens (leadplant flower moth)

Schinia mortua (flower moth)

Schinia rivulosa (ragweed flower moth)

Schinia septentrionalis (northern flower moth)

Schizura unicornis (unicorn prominent)

Sciota basilaris (yellow-shouldered leafroller)

Sciota celtidella (hackberry leafroller moth)

Sciota spp. (knot-horn moths)

Sciota subcaesiella (locust leafroller moth)

Sciota subfuscella (striped sumac leafroller moth)

Sciota virgatella (belted leafroller moth)

Sciota virgatella (black-spotted leafroller moth)

Scoliopteryx libatrix (herald moth)

Scoparia biplagialis (double-striped scoparia moth)

Scoparia penumbralis (dark brown scoparia moth)

Scopula ancellata (angled wave)

Scopula frigidaria (frigid wave)

Scopula fuscata (darkened-winged wave moth)

Scopula inductata (soft-lined wave)

Scopula junctaria (simple wave)

Scopula limboundata (large lace-border)

Scrobipalpula artemisiella (thyme moth)

Scrobipalpula manierreorum (twirler moth)

Scythris eboracensis (flower moth)

Selenia alciphearia (brown-tipped thorn)

Semioscopis inornata (poplar micromoth)

Sesia tibiale (American hornet moth)

Sicya macularia macularia (sharp-lined yellow)

Sitochroa chortalis (dimorphic sitochroa moth)

Sitochroa palealis (carrot seed moth)

Smerinthus cerisyi (one-eyed sphinx)

Smerinthus jamaicensis (twin-spotted sphinx)

Spaelotis clandestina (clandestine dart)

Spargaloma sexpunctata (six-spotted gray)

Sparganothis boweri (Bower’s leafroller)

Sparganothis sulfureana (sparganothis fruitworm moth)

Sparganothis tristriata (three-streaked sparganothis moth)

Sparganothis unifasciana (one-lined sparganothis moth)

Sparganothis xanthoides (mosaic sparganothis moth)

Sphecodina abbottii (Abbott’s sphinx)

Sphingidae (sphinx moth)

Sphinx canadensis (Canadian sphinx)

Sphinx chersis (great ash sphinx)

Sphinx drupiferarum (wild cherry sphinx)

Sphinx gordius (apple sphinx)

Sphinx kalmiae (laurel sphinx)

Sphinx luscitiosa (Clemens’ sphinx)

Sphinx poecila (northern apple sphinx)

Sphinx vashti (vashti sphinx)

Spilosoma congrua (agreeable tiger moth)

Spilosoma virginica (Virginian tiger moth)

Spiramater lutra (otter spiramater moth)

Spodolepis substriataria (geometer moth)

Spodoptera ornithogalli (yellow-striped armyworm moth)

Stamnodes gibbicostata (shiny gray carpet)

Sthenopis argenteomaculatus (silver-spotted ghost moth)

Sthenopis purpurascens (four-spotted ghost moth)

Sthenopis thule (willow ghost moth)

Sunira bicolorago (bicolored sallow)

Sutyna privata (private sallow)

Swammerdamia caesiella (birch ermel)

Sympistis badistriga (honeysuckle budworm)

Synanthedon acerni (maple callus borer)

Synanthedon acerrubri (red maple borer)

Synanthedon bolteri (northern willow clearwing)

Synanthedon exitiosa (peachtree borer)

Synanthedon fatifera (lesser viburnum clearwing moth)

Synanthedon pictipes (lesser peachtree borer)

Synanthedon pini (pitch mass borer)

Synanthedon scitula (dogwood borer)

Synanthedon tipuliformis (currant clearwing borer)

Synanthedon viburni (viburnum clearwing)

Synchlora aerata (wavy-lined emerald)

Syngrapha alias (hooked silver Y moth)

Syngrapha hochenwarthi (plusiine looper moth)

Syngrapha microgamma (small gamma looper moth)

Syngrapha selecta (chosen looper moth)




Tathorhynchus exsiccata (alfalfa looper moth)

Tetracis cachexiata (white slant-line)

Tetracis crocallata (yellow slant-line)

Thaumatopsis pectinifer (crambid snout moth)

Thaumatopsis pexellus (woolly grass-veneer moth)

Thorybes bathyllus (southern cloudywing)

Thyris maculata (spotted thyris)

Tolype laricis (larch tolype moth)

Tolype velleda (large tolype moth)

Tortricidia flexuosa (abbreviated button slug moth)

Tortricidia testacea (early button slug moth)

Tortricinae (tortricine leafroller moths)

Trachea delicata (delightful bird-dropping moth)

Tribe Phycitini (knot-horn moths)

Trichodezia albovittata (white-striped black)

Tricholita notata (noted sunflower moth)

Tricholita signata (signate quaker)

Trichoplusia ni (cabbage looper)

Trichordestra legitima (striped garden caterpillar moth)

Triphosa haesitata (tissue moth)




Udea rubigalis (celery leaftier moth)

Ufeus satyricus (brown satyr moth)

Urola nivalis (snowy urola moth)

Utetheisa ornatrix (ornate moth)




Vaxi auratella (curve-lined vaxi moth)

Vaxi critica (straight-lined vaxi moth)

Venusia cambrica (Welsh wave moth)

Virbia aurantiaca (orange virbia moth)

Virbia ferruginosa (rusty virbia moth)

Virbia immaculata (immaculate virbia)

Virbia laeta (joyful virbia moth)

Virbia rubicundaria (ruddy holomelina)

Vitula edmandsii (dried fruit moth)




Walshia miscecolorella (sweet clover root borer moth)

Wockia asperipunctella (false burnet moth)




Xanthia togata (pink-barred sallow)

Xanthia totaga (pink-barred sallow)

Xanthorhoe ferrugata (red twin-spot)

Xanthorhoe decoloraria (red carpet)

Xanthorhoe lacustrata (toothed brown carpet)

Xanthotype sospeta (crocus geometer)

Xanthotype spp. (crocus geometer moths)

Xanthotype urticaria (false crocus geometer moth)

Xenotemna pallorana (pallid leafroller moth)

Xestia badicollis (northern variable dart)

Xestia c-nigrum (lesser black-letter dart)

Xestia dilucida (dull reddish dart)

Xestia dolosa (greater black-letter dart)

Xestia normaniana (Norman’s dart)

Xestia normanianus (Norman’s dart)

Xestia smithii (Smith’s dart)

Xylena curvimacula (dot-and-dash swordgrass moth)

Xylena nupera (American swordgrass moth)

Xylomoia chagnoni (reed canary grass borer moth)

Xylophanes tersa (tersa sphinx)



Ypsolopha dentella (honeysuckle moth)




Zale confusa (confused zale moth)

Zale duplicata (pine false looper moth)

Zale minerea (colorful zale moth)

Zanclognatha cruralis (early fan-foot)

Zanclognatha dentata (toothed fan-foot)

Zanclognatha jacchusalis (wavy-lined fan-foot)

Zanclognatha laevigata (variable fan-foot)

Zanclognatha lituralis (lettered fan-foot)

Zanclognatha marcidilinea (yellowish fan-foot)

Zanclognatha martha (pine barrens fan-foot)

Zanclognatha pedipilalis (grayish fan-foot)

Zanclognatha protumnusalis (complex fan-foot)

Zanclognatha spp. (fan-foot moths)

Zanclognatha theralis (flagged fan-foot)

Zelleria spp. (ermine moths)

Zenophleps lignicolorata (wood-colored carpet)





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Capitalization of Common Names

Insect scientific names are governed by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). Vernacular (common) names are not. In an attempt to “assure the uniformity of (common) names of common insects” the Entomological Society of America (ESA) published Common Names of Insects and Related Organisms. ESA has no rule or guideline that addresses capitalization of common names. However, the database of common names published by ESA does not capitalize common names. Most other sources, including ITIS, BAMONA, Odonata Central, and the Peterson Field Guides, capitalize common insect names. MinnesotaSeasons.com will adhere to the convention followed by ESA.



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