Order Coleoptera |
Coleoptera (beetles) is the order of insects that is characterized by having a biting mouth and two pairs of wings, the outer pair being hardened and meeting in a straight line down the back. Coleoptera is the largest order in the animal kingdom. According to Catalog of Life, there are worldwide about 327,511 described species, 25,966 genera, 4,405 subgenera, 426 subtribes, 950 tribes, 10 supertribes, 235 subfamilies, 204 families, 25 superfamilies, and 1 suborder. These numbers include both extinct and currently listed (extant) species. Based on the recently published volumes of American Beetles (R. H. Arnett Jr. and M. C. Thomas, [editors]. 2001), there are currently 25,160 species in 3,526 genera in 129 families in North America north of Mexico. The total number of species, described and undescribed, is probably close to 1,000,000. It is likely that Coleoptera will be split into two or more orders in the future. |
Recent Additions |
Emerald Ash Borer Quarantined in Minnesota |
On November 1, 2023, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture declared a quarantine to prevent the further spread of emerald ash borer. It prohibits the importation of firewood and other regulated articles into the state, and the movement of those articles from quarantined areas to uninfected areas. Emerald ash borer, also known by the acronym EAB, is an exotic, invasive, small to medium-sized, metallic wood-boring beetle. It is native to northeastern Asia, including China, Mongolia, North and South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and far eastern Russia. Emerald ash borer was first detected in North America in 2002 in Detroit Michigan. It was probably imported in the wood of a shipping crate in the late 1990s. It has spread rapidly since its introduction. It now occurs from Maine to northern Georgia, west to Minnesota and northeastern Texas. |
It was discovered for the first time in Minnesota on May 14, 2009, in South Saint Anthony Park in St. Paul. It is now common in southeastern Minnesota, and it is continuing to spread in the state. Emerald ash borer larvae feed exclusively on black ash, green ash, and white ash. They feed on the inner bark (cambium), creating serpentine tunnels (galleries) that interrupt the flow of food. They eventually girdle and kill the branch or tree. They have killed tens of millions of trees in the eastern United States, including over five million trees in a 3,000 square mile area of Michigan. Adults are active in Minnesota from May 1 through September 30. They are found in deciduous forests and woodlands, in parks, and in urban and residential areas, anywhere ash trees are found. On October 8, 2003, the USDA Forest Service imposed a quarantine on emerald ash borer. It prohibited the interstate movement of all firewood and other regulated items out of infected areas. The USDA removed the quarantine effective January 14, 2021. An emerald ash borer female can fly up to 100 miles in her lifetime. The quarantine had not been effective in preventing the spread of the beetle into adjacent areas. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources estimates that there are nearly a billion ash trees in the state. Infected forests dominated by black ash will become grasslands, brushlands, or marshes. City budgets will be strained by the costs of removing dead trees from their streets. The Minnesota quarantine will remain in effect until cancelled. |
Reddish-brown stag beetle |
Reddish-brown stag beetle (Lucanus capreolus) is relatively large beetle. It occurs in the United States east of the Great Plains and in adjacent Canadian provinces. It is found around decaying logs and stumps in deciduous forests, parks, and neighborhoods with trees. Larvae feed on decaying wood, adults feed on tree sap. |
The name “stag beetle” refers to the oversized mandibles on some males that resemble deer antlers. Another common name for this beetle is pinching bug. The mandibles look fierce and are used to fight other males over a female. When confronted, it will rear back threateningly with its mandibles open. However, when handled by humans, it can give no more than a mild pinch. Adults are reddish-brown and up to 1½″ long, not including the mandibles. The antennae have 10 segments, are abruptly bent, and are expanded (clubbed) at the tip. The body appears smooth but is densely covered with very fine punctures. The third and largest segment of each leg is distinctly pale. |
Sunflower tortoise beetle |
Sunflower tortoise beetle (Physonota helianthi) is a small leaf beetle. It occurs in the United States east of the Great Plains and in adjacent Canadian provinces. It is uncommon throughout its range. There are three color phases that each adult undergoes. The teneral adult, freshly emerged from the pupal stage, is soft bodied and dingy white or ivory. The intermediate adult is black and white with numerous spots. This phase lasts about three weeks. The mature adult is entirely iridescent green. The upper thoracic plate and the two hardened wing covers each have a semi-transparent covering over the entire surface. |
Both larvae and adults feed on the underside of leaves. They occasionally defoliate the plant and can be a major pest. Larvae carry dried fecal matter over their body, presumably as a form of camouflage. The fecal matter is attached to a forked appendage on the last abdominal segment, and is held suspended over the body. |
Cocklebur weevil |
Cocklebur weevil (Rhodobaenus quinquepunctatus) is a medium-sized snout beetle. It is widespread in the eastern half of the United States. Adults eat the stalks and leaves of cocklebur, ragweed, thistle, ironweed, Joe Pye weed, sunflower, marsh elder, and rosinweed. Larvae bore into the stems and roots of the same species. It is easily controlled and does not occur in numbers high enough to become an agricultural pest. Snout beetles are identified by their very long snout. Cocklebur weevil is identified by the reddish-orange body; the oval-shaped black spot in the middle of the thorax; and ten black spots on the wing covers that usually merge to some extent with neighboring spots, especially toward the rear. |
Rhubarb weevil |
Rhubarb weevil (Lixus concavus) is a large, easily identified, true weevil. It is common from New Hampshire, south to North Carolina, and west to Utah. It is uncommon in the upper Midwest, including Minnesota. At up to ⅝″ in length and 3 ⁄16″ in width, it is one of the largest snout beetles in the United States. Rhubarb weevil adults are active from mid-May to September. They are found on stalks and leaves of thistles, sunflowers, docks, and rhubarb. They are one of only two weevil species that attack rhubarb. They can be a pest to crops of these plants but they are easily controlled. Snout beetles are easily identified by their long, flattened or cylindrical snout that is at least as long as the pronotum. Rhubarb weevil is easily identified by the bright yellowish bloom on the head, pronotum, and wing covers. |
A |
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abdominal short-winged flower beetle (Heterhelus abdominalis) |
alder borer (Agrilus pensus) |
alder leaf beetle (Calligrapha alnicola) |
alpha long-horned beetle (Sternidius alpha) |
American weevil (Ceutorhynchus americanus) |
ample sap beetle (Cryptarcha ampla) |
argus tortoise beetle (Chelymorpha cassidea) |
ash soldier beetle (Rhagonycha fraxini) |
ashen long-horned beetle (Dorcaschema cinereum) |
Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) |
B |
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banded sexton beetle (Nicrophorus investigator) |
bee-like flower scarab (Trichiotinus piger) |
bidentate leaf beetle (Calligrapha bidenticola) |
big sand tiger beetle (Cicindela formosa) |
bigeminy lady beetle (Hyperaspis bigeminata) |
bilobed soldier beetle (Rhaxonycha bilobata) |
bimaculate longhorn beetle (Molorchus bimaculatus) |
black blister beetle (Epicauta pennsylvanica) |
Blackburn’s earth-boring beetle (Geotrupes blackburnii) |
black-legged checkered beetle (Enoclerus nigripes) |
black-legged long-horned beetle (Euderces picipes) |
blacklegged tortoise beetle (Jonthonota nigripes) |
black-margined loosestrife beetle (Neogalerucella calmariensis) |
blood-necked longhorn beetle (Callimoxys sanguinicollis) |
bloody sap beetle (Glischrochilus sanguinolentus) |
blue-headed borer (Agrilus crinicornis) |
blunt knapweed flower weevil (Larinus obtusus) |
boreal long-lipped tiger beetle (Cicindela longilabris) |
bowed borer (Agrilus arcuatus) |
branch pruner beetle (Psyrassa unicolor) |
broad-foreheaded flea beetle (Disonycha latifrons) |
bronze birch borer (Agrilus anxius) |
bronze borer (Agrilus putillus) |
bronze darkling beetle (Arthromacra aenea) |
bronze poplar borer (Agrilus liragus) |
brown leatherwing beetle (Pacificanthia rotundicollis) |
butternut agrilus (Agrilus junglandis) |
C |
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cabbage curculio (Ceutorhynchus rapae) |
Canada case-bearing leaf beetle (Exema canadensis) |
Carolina cantharid (Rhaxonycha carolina) |
carpet beetles (Family Dermestidae) |
cattail minute seed weevil (Ceutorhynchus typhae) |
click beetle (Agriotes insanus) |
common brown click beetle (Athous haemorrhoidalis) |
common claybank tiger beetle (Cicindela limbalis) |
common eastern firefly (Photinus pyralis) |
complex predaceous diving beetle (Graphoderus perplexus) |
concave soldier beetle (Malthodes concavus) |
confluent leaf beetle (Calligrapha confluens) |
consular jewel beetle (Buprestis consularis) |
convex predaceous diving beetle (Desmopachria convexa) |
cottonwood leaf beetle (Chrysomela scripta) |
crimson saltflat tiger beetle (Cicindela fulgida fulgida) |
crimson saltflat tiger beetle (Cicindela fulgida westbournei) |
crowned soldier beetle (Podabrus diadema) |
currant-tip borer (Psenocerus supernotatus) |
curved lady beetle (Hyperaspis inflexa) |
D |
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dark click beetle (Agriotes fucosus) |
dark jewel beetle (Dicerca tenebrosa) |
darkened harp ground beetle (Lebia fuscata) |
desmodium leaf-mining beetle (Pachyschelus laevigatus) |
disk-marked lady beetle (Hyperaspis disconotata) |
divided case-bearing leaf beetle (Exema dispar) |
dock curculio (Lixus mucidus) |
dogwood calligrapha (Calligrapha philadelphica) |
E |
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eastern Canada soldier beetle (Polemius canadensis) |
eggplant tortoise beetle (Gratiana pallidula) |
eight-spotted flower longhorn beetle (Typocerus octonotatus) |
encircled borer (Agrilus subcinctus) |
encircled water scavenger beetle (Enochrus cinctus) |
esteemed lady beetle (Hyperaspis proba) |
excavated soldier beetle (Rhagonycha excavata) |
F |
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false click beetles (Family Eucnemidae) |
false Japanese beetle (Strigoderma arbicola) |
fancy dung beetle (Bolbocerosoma farctum) |
festive tiger beetle (Cicindela scutellaris) |
flat-headed baldcypress sapwood beetle (Acmaeodera pulchella) |
flat-headed hardwood borer (Dicerca divaricata) |
flea beetle (Disonycha fumata) |
flower longhorn beetle (Trigonarthris proxima) |
flower longhorn beetle (Typocerus deceptus) |
forest blister beetle (Nemognatha nemorensis) |
fourteen-spotted lady beetle (Propylea quatuordecimpunctata) |
fraternal darkling beetle (Mycetochara fraterna) |
fraternal soldier beetle (Podabrus frater) |
free predaceous diving beetle (Graphoderus liberus) |
fringed diving beetle (Cybister fimbriolatus) |
Frost’s borer (Agrilus frosti) |
G |
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golden flea beetle (Altica aeneola) |
golden tortoise beetle (Charidotella sexpunctata bicolor) |
golden loosestrife beetle (Neogalerucella pusilla) |
granulate poplar borer (Agrilus granulatus) |
grape flea beetle (Altica chalybea) |
green june beetle (Cotinis nitida) |
green-winged harp ground beetle (Lebia viridipennis) |
guided soldier beetle (Rhagonycha recta) |
H |
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hackberry borer (Agrilus celti) |
hairy-necked tiger beetle (Cicindela hirticollis rhodensis) |
hardy soldier beetle (Silis difficilis) |
Harris’s diving beetle (Dytiscus harrisii) |
haruspex predaceous diving beetle (Hydaticus aruspex) |
hawthorn agrilus (Agrilus cratagei) |
hawthorn root borer (Agrilus vittaticollis) |
hazelnut leaf beetle (Calligrapha rhoda) |
hickory agrilus (Agrilus otiosus) |
hickory bark beetle (Scolytus quadrispinosus) |
hispine leaf beetle (Microrhopala excavata cyanea) |
hispine leaf beetle (Microrhopala excavata) |
hispine leaf beetle (Microrhopala rubrolineata) |
hispine leaf beetle (Sumitrosis rosea) |
horsemint tortoise beetle (Physonota unipunctata) |
I |
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imported willow leaf beetle (Plagiodera versicolora) |
ironweed curculio (Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus) |
ivory-marked borer beetle (Eburia quadrigeminata) |
J |
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K |
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Knab’s dogwood leaf beetle (Calligrapha knabi) |
Knab’s flea beetle (Altica knabii) |
L |
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lacking borer (Agrilus egenus) |
large rove beetle (Belonuchus formosus) |
Laurentian tiger beetle (Cicindela denikei) |
leaf beetle (Oulema collaris) |
limb soldier beetle (Polemius limbatus) |
little white tiger beetle (Cicindela lepida) |
longhorned beetle (Neoclytus mucronatus mucronatus) |
lugubrius lady beetle (Hyperaspis lugubris) |
M |
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maple agrilus (Agrilus masculinus) |
marsh gray firefly (Pyractomena linearis) |
marsh imp (Pyractomena lucifera) |
meadowsweet leaf beetle (Calligrapha spiraea) |
Medora harp ground beetle (Harpalus erraticus) |
metallic flea beetle (Altica ignita) |
metallic green dung beetle (Canthon viridis) |
metallic harpalus (Harpalus affinis) |
metallic wood-boring beetle (Agrilus paraimpexus) |
metallic wood-boring beetle (Agrilus quadriguttatus) |
metallic wood-boring beetle (Agrilus transimpressus) |
minute seed weevil (Ceutorhynchus pusio) |
mourning fire-colored beetle (Pedilus lugubris) |
muddy click beetle (Agriotes limosus) |
murky ground beetle (Harpalus caliginosus) |
N |
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neglected minute seed weevil (Ceutorhynchus neglectus) |
neglected soldier beetle (Atalantycha neglecta) |
nine-spotted lady beetle (Coccinella novemnotata) |
notched firefly (Pyractomena sinuata) |
northern barrens tiger beetle (Cicindela patruela patruela) |
northern soldier beetle (Rhagonycha septentrionis) |
O |
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oak long-horned beetle (Urgleptes querci) |
oak twig pruner (Anelaphus parallelus) |
oblique-lined tiger beetle (Cicindela tranquebarica) |
occidental predaceous diving beetle (Graphoderus occidentalis) |
ochre eastern water scavenger (Enochrus ochraceus) |
Octavia lady beetle (Hyperaspis octavia) |
Osburn’s borer (Agrilus osburni) |
P |
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pasture wireworm (Monocrepidius exsul) |
peacegul borer (Agrilus imbellis) |
Pennsylvania flea beetle (Disonycha pensylvanica) |
picnic beetle (Glischrochilus fasciatus) |
pitch-colored predaceous diving beetle (Hydaticus piceus) |
pleasing fungus beetle (Triplax thoracica) |
predaceous diving beetle (Hydroporus oblitus) |
prominent soldier beetle (Podabrus punctulatus) |
pubescent click beetle (Agriotes pubescens) |
punctate-collared soldier beetle (Dichelotarsus puncticollis) |
punctured tiger beetle (Cicindela punctulata) |
purple tiger beetle (Cicindela purpurea) |
Q |
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Quebec click beetle (Agriotes quebecensis) |
R |
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ragweed leaf beetle (Zygogramma suturalis) |
reddish checkered beetle (Enoclerus rosmarus) |
red-femured milkweed borer (Tetraopes femoratus) |
red-headed ash borer (Neoclytus acuminatus) |
red-necked cane borer (Agrilus ruficollis) |
ridged carrion beetle (Oiceoptoma inaequale) |
riffle beetle (Macronychus glabratus) |
rose stem girdler (Agrilus cuprescens) |
rough hermit beetle (Osmoderma scabra) |
Rowena’s leaf beetle (Calligrapha rowena) |
rural soldier beetle (Rhagonycha campestris) |
russet alder leaf beetle (Calligrapha alni) |
rustic borer (Xylotrechus colonus) |
S |
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sand willow flea beetle (Altica bimarginata) |
sandy tiger beetle (Cicindela limbata nympha) |
sandy stream tiger beetle (Cicindela macra macra) |
satiny swimming beetle (Rhantus sericans) |
Say’s firefly (Pyractomena angulata) |
scooped scarab (Onthophagus hecate) |
sculptured pine borer (Chalcophora virginiensis) |
semi-opaque earth-boring scarab beetle (Geotrupes semiopacus) |
shining leaf chafer (Anomala binotata) |
short-haired soldier beetle (Dichelotarsus puberulus) |
short-winged blister beetle (Meloe angusticollis) |
sigil lady beetle (Hyperaspis binotata) |
sigil lady beetle (Hyperaspis fimbriolata) |
sigil lady beetle (Hyperaspis signata) |
signed swimming beetle (Rhantus sinuatus) |
six-marked jewel beetle (Chrysobothris sexsignata) |
slender flower longhorn beetle (Strangalia famelica solitaria) |
slender-footed jewel beetle (Spectralia gracilipes) |
small borer (Agrilus parvus) |
softnecked soldier beetle (Dichelotarsus laevicollis) |
soldier beetles (Rhagonycha spp.) |
spinach flea beetle (Disonycha xanthomelas) |
splendid tiger beetle (Cicindela splendida cyanocephalata) |
spotted-belly buprestid beetle (Buprestis maculativentris) |
spotworm borer (Agrilus acutipennis) |
spurious soldier beetle (Podabrus nothoides) |
spurleg lady beetle (Brachyacantha dentipes) |
spurleg lady beetle (Brachyacantha felina) |
squamous minute seed weevil (Ceutorhynchus squamatus) |
stable click beetle (Agriotes stabilis) |
strangalepta flower longhorn beetle (Strangalepta abbreviata) |
striped harp ground beetle (Lebia vittata) |
stripe-necked predaceous diving beetle (Graphoderus fascicollis) |
sumac stem borer (Oberea ocellata) |
sutured leaf beetle (Calligrapha suturella) |
swampy water scavenger (Hydrobius fuscipes) |
T |
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tanbark borer (Phymatodes testaceus) |
thirteen-spotted lady beetle (Hippodamia tredecimpunctata) |
three-lined lema beetle (Lema trivittata) |
three-ribbed soldier beetle (Podabrus tricostatus) |
three-spotted flea beetle (Disonycha triangularis) |
thoroughly-horned soldier beetle (Silis percomis) |
tooth-bearing soldier beetle (Atalantycha dentigera) |
tortoise beetle (Agroiconota bivittata) |
toy soldier beetle (Rhagonycha tantilla) |
tumblebug (Canthon laevis) |
tumblebug (Canthon nigricornis) |
tumbling mourner (Mordella atrata) |
twelve-spotted tiger beetle (Cicindela duodecimguttata) |
twig pruner (Anelaphus villosus) |
twinned borer (Agrilus geminatus) |
two-coloured tortoise beetle (Chalepus bicolor) |
two-lined chestnut borer (Agrilus bilineatus) |
U |
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undulate lady beetle (Hyperaspis undulata) |
V |
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variegated tiffle beetle (Ancyronyx variegatus) |
vile soldier beetle (Rhagonycha vilis) |
vivid metallic ground beetle (Chlaenius sericeus) |
W |
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Wallis’ swimming beetle (Rhantus wallisi) |
Walsh’s soldier beetle (Rhagonycha walshi) |
water scavenger beetle (Enochrus perplexus) |
wedge-shaped beetle (Macrosiagon dimidiatum) |
weedy pond scavenger (Hydrochara obtusata) |
wheat wireworm (Agriotes mancus) |
white-fronted lady beetle (Brachyacantha albifrons) |
wide-horned soldier beetle (Polemius laticornis) |
willow gall limb borer (Agrilus politus) |
woods predaceous diving beetle (Acilius semisulcatus) |
X |
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Y |
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yellow blister beetle (Zonitis sayi) |
yellow-banded harp ground beetle (Lebia solea) |
yellow-horned flower longhorn beetle (Strangalia luteicornis) |
yellow-necked predaceous diving beetle (Liodessus flavicollis) |
yellow-necked soldier beetle (Rhagonycha luteicollis) |
Z |
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Zimmerman’s minute seed weevil (Ceutorhynchus zimmermanni) |
A |
Acalymma vittatum (striped cucumber beetle) Acilius semisulcatus (woods predaceous diving beetle) Acmaeodera pulchella (flat-headed baldcypress sapwood beetle) Agrilus acutipennis (spotworm borer) Agrilus anxius (bronze birch borer) Agrilus arcuatus (bowed borer) Agrilus bilineatus (two-lined chestnut borer) Agrilus celti (hackberry borer) Agrilus cephalicus (dogwood agrilus) Agrilus cratagei (hawthorn agrilus) Agrilus crinicornis (blue-headed borer) Agrilus cuprescens (rose stem girdler) Agrilus cyanescens (bluish borer) Agrilus egenus (lacking borer) Agrilus frosti (Frost’s borer) Agrilus geminatus (twinned borer) Agrilus granulatus (granulate poplar borer) Agrilus imbellis (peacegul borer) Agrilus junglandis (butternut agrilus) Agrilus liragus (bronze poplar borer) Agrilus masculinus (maple agrilus) Agrilus obsoletoguttatus (beech borer) Agrilus osburni (Osburn’s borer) Agrilus otiosus (hickory agrilus) Agrilus paraimpexus (metallic wood-boring beetle) Agrilus parvus (small borer) Agrilus pensus (alder borer) Agrilus planipennis (emerald ash borer) Agrilus politus (willow gall limb borer) Agrilus putillus (bronze borer) Agrilus quadriguttatus (metallic wood-boring beetle) Agrilus ruficollis (red-necked cane borer) Agrilus spp. (metallic wood-boring beetle) Agrilus subcinctus (encircled borer) Agrilus transimpressus (metallic wood-boring beetle) Agrilus vittaticollis (hawthorn root borer) Agriotes fucosus (dark click beetle) Agriotes insanus (click beetle) Agriotes limosus (muddy click beetle) Agriotes mancus (wheat wireworm) Agriotes pubescens (pubescent click beetle) Agriotes quebecensis (Quebec click beetle) Agriotes stabilis (stable click beetle) Agroiconota bivittata (tortoise beetle) Alaus oculatus (eastern eyed click beetle) Altica aeneola (metallic flea beetle) Altica bimarginata (metallic flea beetle) Altica chalybea (grape flea beetle) Altica ignita (metallic flea beetle) Altica knabii (metallic flea beetle) Altica spp. (metallic flea beetle) Amara lunicollis (moon-collared harp ground beetle) Ampedus sanguinipennis (blood-winged click beetle) Analeptura lineola (lined longhorn beetle) Anatis labiculata (fifteen-spotted lady beetle) Anatis mali (eye-spotted lady beetle) Anatis spp. (giant lady beetles) Ancyronyx variegatus (variegated tiffle beetle) Anelaphus parallelus (oak twig pruner) Anelaphus villosus (twig pruner) Anomala binotata (shining leaf chafer) Anomoea laticlavia (clay-colored leaf beetle) Aphodius distinctus (maculated dung beetle) Arthromacra aenea (bronze darkling beetle) Atalantycha bilineata (two-lined leatherwing) Atalantycha dentigera (tooth-bearing soldier beetle) Atalantycha neglecta (neglected soldier beetle) Athous haemorrhoidalis (common brown click beetle) |
B |
Belonuchus formosus (large rove beetle) Belonuchus rufipennis (large rove beetle) Blepharida rhois (sumac flea beetle) Bolbocerosoma bruneri (Bruner’s earth-boring scarab beetle) Bolbocerosoma farctum (fancy dung beetle) Brachiacantha ursina (ursine spurleg lady beetle) Brachyacantha albifrons (white-fronted lady beetle) Brachyacantha dentipes (spurleg lady beetle) Brachyacantha felina (spurleg lady beetle) Brachypera zoilus (clover leaf weevil) Brachysomida bivittata (double-lined longhorn beetle) Brachysomida nigripennis (black-winged long-horned beetle) Buprestis consularis (consular jewel beetle) Buprestis maculativentris (spotted-belly buprestid beetle) |
C |
Calligrapha alni (russet alder leaf beetle) Calligrapha alnicola (alder leaf beetle) Calligrapha bidenticola (bidentate leaf beetle) Calligrapha californica (coreopsis beetle) Calligrapha confluens (confluent leaf beetle) Calligrapha ignota (unknown leaf beetle) Calligrapha knabi (Knab’s dogwood leaf beetle) Calligrapha multipunctata (common willow calligrapha) Calligrapha philadelphica (dogwood calligrapha) Calligrapha rhoda (hazelnut leaf beetle) Calligrapha rowena (Rowena’s leaf beetle) Calligrapha scalaris (elm calligrapha) Calligrapha scalaris group (calligrapher beetles) Calligrapha spiraea (meadowsweet leaf beetle) Calligrapha suturella (sutured leaf beetle) Callimoxys sanguinicollis (blood-necked longhorn beetle) Calomycterus setarius (imported long-horned weevil) Calopteron discrepans (banded net-wing beetle) Calopteron reticulatum (reticulated net-winged beetle) Calopteron terminale (end band net-winged beetle) Canthon laevis (tumblebug) Canthon nigricornis (tumblebug) Canthon viridis (metallic green dung beetle) Cassida rubiginosa (thistle tortoise beetle) Cerotoma trifurcata (bean leaf beetle) Ceutorhynchus neglectus (neglected minute seed weevil) Ceutorhynchus pusio (minute seed weevil) Ceutorhynchus rapae (cabbage curculio) Ceutorhynchus spp. (minute seed weevil) Ceutorhynchus squamatus (squamous minute seed weevil) Ceutorhynchus typhae (cattail minute seed weevil) Ceutorhynchus zimmermanni (Zimmerman’s minute seed weevil) Chalcophora virginiensis (sculptured pine borer) Chalepus bicolor (two-coloured tortoise beetle) Charidotella sexpunctata bicolor (golden tortoise beetle) Chariessa pilosa (pilose checkered beetle) Charisalia americana (flower longhorn beetle) Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus (goldenrod soldier beetle) Chilocorus stigma (twice-stabbed lady beetle) Chlaenius sericeus (vivid metallic ground beetle) Chrysobothris femorata (flat-headed apple tree borer) Chrysobothris sexsignata (six-marked jewel beetle) Chrysochus auratus (dogbane beetle) Chrysomela scripta (cottonwood leaf beetle) Cicindela denikei (Laurentian tiger beetle) Cicindela duodecimguttata (twelve-spotted tiger beetle) Cicindela formosa (big sand tiger beetle) Cicindela fulgida fulgida (crimson saltflat tiger beetle) Cicindela fulgida westbournei (crimson saltflat tiger beetle) Cicindela hirticollis rhodensis (hairy-necked tiger beetle) Cicindela lepida (little white tiger beetle) Cicindela limbalis (common claybank tiger beetle) Cicindela limbata nympha (sandy tiger beetle) Cicindela longilabris (boreal long-lipped tiger beetle) Cicindela macra macra (sandy stream tiger beetle) Cicindela patruela patruela (northern barrens tiger beetle) Cicindela punctulata (punctured tiger beetle) Cicindela purpurea (purple tiger beetle) Cicindela repanda (bronzed tiger beetle) Cicindela scutellaris (festive tiger beetle) Cicindela sexguttata (six-spotted tiger beetle) Cicindela splendida cyanocephalata (splendid tiger beetle) Cicindela tranquebarica (oblique-lined tiger beetle) Clytus ruricola (round-necked longhorn beetle) Coccinella novemnotata (nine-spotted lady beetle) Coccinella septempunctata (seven-spotted lady beetle) Coleomegilla maculata (spotted pink lady beetle) Cotinis nitida (green june beetle) Cybister fimbriolatus (fringed diving beetle) Cycloneda munda (polished lady beetle) Cryptarcha ampla (ample sap beetle) |
D |
Deloyala guttata (mottled tortoise beetle) Dendroides canadensis (Canada fire-colored beetle) Denticollis denticornis (toothed click beetle) Dermestidae (carpet beetles) Desmopachria convexa (convex predaceous diving beetle) Diabrotica barberi (northern corn rootworm beetle) Diabrotica cristata (black diabrotica) Diabrotica undecimpunctata (spotted cucumber beetle) Dicerca divaricata (flat-headed hardwood borer) Dicerca tenebrica (flat-headed poplar borer) Dicerca tenebrosa (dark jewel beetle) Dichelotarsus laevicollis (softnecked soldier beetle) Dichelotarsus puberulus (short-haired soldier beetle) Dichelotarsus puncticollis (punctate-collared soldier beetle) Disonycha fumata (flea beetle) Disonycha glabrata (pigweed flea beetle) Disonycha latifrons (broad-foreheaded flea beetle) Disonycha pensylvanica (Pennsylvania flea beetle) Disonycha triangularis (three-spotted flea beetle) Disonycha uniguttata (single-spotted flea beetle) Disonycha xanthomelas (spinach flea beetle) Ditemnus latilobus (lateral-lobed soldier beetle) Dorcaschema cinereum (ashen long-horned beetle) Dytiscus fasciventris (understriped diving beetle) Dytiscus harrisii (Harris’s diving beetle) |
E |
Eburia quadrigeminata (ivory-marked borer beetle) Ellychnia corrusca (winter firefly) Ellychnia spp. (diurnal fireflies) Enochrus cinctus (ochre eastern water scavenger) Enochrus cinctus (water scavenger beetle) Enochrus perplexus (water scavenger beetle) Enoclerus nigripes (black-legged checkered beetle) Enoclerus rosmarus (reddish checkered beetle) Epicauta pennsylvanica (black blister beetle) Epicauta spp. (burning blister beetle) Epitrix cucumeris (potato flea beetle) Eucnemidae (false click beetles) Euderces picipes (black-legged long-horned beetle) Exema canadensis (Canada case-bearing leaf beetle) Exema dispar (divided case-bearing leaf beetle) |
F |
G |
Gaurotes cyanipennis (cyan long-horned beetle) Geotrupes blackburnii (Blackburn’s earth-boring beetle) Geotrupes semiopacus (semi-opaque earth-boring scarab beetle) Geotrupes splendidus (splendid earth-boring beetle) Glipa oculata (eye-spotted tumbling flower beetle) Glischrochilus fasciatus (picnic beetle) Glischrochilus quadrisignatus (four-spotted sap beetle) Glischrochilus sanguinolentus (bloody sap beetle) Grammoptera spp. (flower longhorn beetle) Grammoptera subargentata (silver flower longhorn beetle) Graphoderus fascicollis (stripe-necked predaceous diving beetle) Graphoderus liberus (free predaceous diving beetle) Graphoderus occidentalis (occidental predaceous diving beetle) Graphoderus perplexus (complex predaceous diving beetle) Gratiana pallidula (eggplant tortoise beetle) |
H |
Harmonia axyridis (multicolored Asian lady beetle) Harpalus affinis (metallic harpalus) Harpalus caliginosus (murky ground beetle) Harpalus erraticus (Medora harp ground beetle) Harpalus pensylvanicus (Pennsylvania dingy ground beetle) Helocassis clavata (clavate tortoise beetle) Heterhelus abdominalis (abdominal short-winged flower beetle) Hippodamia convergens (convergent lady beetle) Hippodamia parenthesis (Parenthesis Lady Beetle) Hippodamia tredecimpunctata (thirteen-spotted lady beetle) Hippodamia variegata (variegated lady beetle) Homorosoma sulcipenne (minute seed weevil) Hydaticus aruspex (haruspex predaceous diving beetle) Hydaticus piceus (pitch-colored predaceous diving beetle) Hydrobius fuscipes (swampy water scavenger) Hydrochara obtusata (weedy pond scavenger) Hydroporus oblitus (predaceous diving beetle) Hyperaspis bigeminata (bigeminy lady beetle) Hyperaspis binotata (sigil lady beetle) Hyperaspis disconotata (disk-marked lady beetle) Hyperaspis fimbriolata (sigil lady beetle) Hyperaspis inflexa (curved lady beetle) Hyperaspis lugubris (lugubrius lady beetle) Hyperaspis octavia (Octavia lady beetle) Hyperaspis proba (esteemed lady beetle) Hyperaspis signata (sigil lady beetle) Hyperaspis undulata (undulate lady beetle) |
I |
J |
Jonthonota nigripes (blacklegged tortoise beetle) |
K |
L |
Labidomera clivicollis (swamp milkweed leaf beetle) Larinus carlinae (Canada thistle bud weevil) Larinus obtusus (blunt knapweed flower weevil) Lebia fuscata (darkened harp ground beetle) Lebia ornata (ornate harp ground beetle) Lebia solea (yellow-banded harp ground beetle) Lebia viridis (flower lebia beetle) Lebia viridipennis (green-winged harp ground beetle) Lebia vittata (striped harp ground beetle) Lema daturaphila (three-lined potato beetle) Lema trivittata (three-lined lema beetle) Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado potato beetle) Lepturobosca chrysocoma (yellow velvet beetle) Lepyrus palustris (Poplar’s snout weevil) Liodessus flavicollis (yellow-necked predaceous diving beetle) Lixus concavus (rhubarb weevil) Lixus mucidus (dock curculio) Lucanus capreolus (reddish-brown stag beetle) |
N |
Nanophyes marmoratus (flower bud weevil) Nemognatha nemorensis (forest blister beetle) Nemognatha piazata (orange blister beetle) Nemognatha spp. (blister beetles) Neoclytus acuminatus (red-headed ash borer) Neoclytus mucronatus mucronatus (longhorned beetle) Neofidia lurida (grape rootworm) Neogalerucella calmariensis (black-margined loosestrife beetle) Neogalerucella pusilla (golden loosestrife beetle) Nicrophorus marginatus (margined burying beetle) |
O |
Oberea ocellata (sumac stem borer) Oberea tripunctata (dogwood twig borer) Odontocorynus falsus (flower weevil) Odontocorynus salebrosus (rugged flower weevil) Odontocorynus spp. (flower weevils) Odontocorynus umbellae (daisy flower weevil) Oiceoptoma inaequale (ridged carrion beetle) Oiceoptoma noveboracense (margined carrion beetle) Ontholestes cingulatus (gold-and-brown rove beetle) Onthophagus hecate (scooped scarab) Ophraella communa (ragweed leaf beetle) Ophraella conferta (crowded flea beetle) Osmoderma eremicola (hermit flower beetle) Osmoderma scabra (rough hermit beetle) Otiorhynchus sulcatus (black vine weevil) Oulema collaris (leaf beetle) |
P |
Pachyschelus laevigatus (desmodium leaf-mining beetle) Pacificanthia rotundicollis (brown leatherwing beetle) Paria fragariae (strawberry rootworm) Pasimachus elongatus (blue-margined ground beetle) Pedilus lugubris (mourning fire-colored beetle) Pelidnota Punctata (grapevine beetle) Photinus pyralis (common eastern firefly) Photuris pensylvanica (Pennsylvania firefly) Phyllobius oblongus (European snout beetle) Phyllophaga spp. (May beetles) Phymatodes testaceus (tanbark borer) Physonota helianthi (sunflower tortoise beetle) Physonota unipunctata (horsemint tortoise beetle) Plagiodera versicolora (imported willow leaf beetle) Podabrus diadema (crowned soldier beetle) Podabrus flavicollis (yellow-necked soldier beetle) Podabrus frater (fraternal soldier beetle) Podabrus nothoides (spurious soldier beetle) Podabrus punctulatus (prominent soldier beetle) Podabrus rugosulus (wrinkled soldier beetle) Podabrus tomentosus (downy leatherwing) Podabrus tricostatus (three-ribbed soldier beetle) Polemius canadensis (eastern Canada soldier beetle) Polemius laticornis (wide-horned soldier beetle) Polemius limbatus (limb soldier beetle) Polydrusus formosus (green immigrant leaf weevil) Polydrusus impressifrons (pale green weevil) Popillia japonica (Japanese beetle) Propylea quatuordecimpunctata (fourteen-spotted lady beetle) Psenocerus supernotatus (currant-tip borer) Psylliodes affinis (potato flea beetle) Psyrassa unicolor (branch pruner beetle) Pyractomena angulata (Say’s firefly) Pyractomena borealis (spring tree-top flasher) Pyractomena linearis (marsh gray firefly) Pyractomena lucifera (marsh imp) Pyractomena sinuata (notched firefly) Pyropyga decipiens (sneaky elf) |
Q |
R |
Rhabdopterus spp. (leaf beetles) Rhagonycha campestris (rural soldier beetle) Rhagonycha excavata (excavated soldier beetle) Rhagonycha fraxini (ash soldier beetle) Rhagonycha luteicollis (yellow-necked soldier beetle) Rhagonycha oriflava (gold-mouthed soldier beetle) Rhagonycha recta (guided soldier beetle) Rhagonycha septentrionis (northern soldier beetle) Rhagonycha spp. (soldier beetles) Rhagonycha tantilla (toy soldier beetle) Rhagonycha vilis (vile soldier beetle) Rhagonycha walshi (Walsh’s soldier beetle) Rhantus sericans (satiny swimming beetle) Rhantus sinuatus (signed swimming beetle) Rhantus wallisi (Wallis’ swimming beetle) Rhaxonycha bilobata (bilobed soldier beetle) Rhaxonycha carolina (Carolina cantharid) Rhodobaenus quinquepunctatus (cocklebur weevil) Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus (ironweed curculio) |
S |
Saperda tridentata (elm borer) Sarosesthes fulminans (fulminating long-horned beetle) Scarites quadriceps (pedunculate ground beetle) Scolytus quadrispinosus (hickory bark beetle) Scymnus kansanus (Kansas lady beetle) Silis difficilis (hardy soldier beetle) Silis percomis (thoroughly-horned soldier beetle) Spectralia gracilipes (slender-footed jewel beetle) Sternidius alpha (alpha long-horned beetle) Strangalepta abbreviata (strangalepta flower longhorn beetle) Strangalia famelica solitaria (slender flower longhorn beetle) Strangalia luteicornis (yellow-horned flower longhorn beetle) Strigoderma arbicola (false Japanese beetle) Sumitrosis inaequalis (unequal tortoise beetle) Sumitrosis rosea (hispine leaf beetle) |
T |
Tetraopes femoratus (red-femured milkweed borer) Tetraopes tetrophthalmus (red milkweed beetle) Trichapion rostrum (baptisia seed pod weevil) Trichiotinus assimilis (bee-mimic beetle) Trichiotinus piger (bee-like flower scarab) Trichiotinus viridans (greenish flower chafer) Trichodes nutalli (red-blue checkered beetle) Trigonarthris minnesotana (Minnesota longhorn beetle) Trigonarthris proxima (flower longhorn beetle) Triplax thoracica (pleasing fungus beetle) Trirhabda canadensis (goldenrod leaf beetle) Tropisternus lateralis nimbatus (water scavenger beetle) Tropisternus spp. (water scavenger beetle) Trypherus frisoni (soldier beetle) Typocerus deceptus (flower longhorn beetle) Typocerus octonotatus (eight-spotted flower longhorn beetle) |
U |
Urgleptes querci (oak long-horned beetle) |
V |
W |
X |
Xylotrechus colonus (rustic borer) |
Y |
Z |
Zonitis bilineata (two-lined blister beetle) Zonitis sayi (yellow blister beetle) Zonitis vittigera (brown blister beetle) Zygogramma suturalis (ragweed leaf beetle) |
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Capitalization of Common Names
Insect scientific names are governed by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). Vernacular (common) names are not. In an attempt to “assure the uniformity of (common) names of common insects” the Entomological Society of America (ESA) published Common Names of Insects and Related Organisms. ESA has no rule or guideline that addresses capitalization of common names. However, the database of common names published by ESA does not capitalize common names. Most other sources, including ITIS, BAMONA, Odonata Central, and the Peterson Field Guides, capitalize common insect names. MinnesotaSeasons.com will adhere to the convention followed by ESA.
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