Belted Kingfisher

(Megaceryle alcyon)

Conservation Status
IUCN Red List

LC - Least Concern


N5B, N5N - Secure Breeding and Nonbreeding

SNRB, SNRN - Unranked Breeding, Unranked Nonbreeding


not listed

Species in Greatest Conservation Need

Belted Kingfisher
Photo by Kate Fitzgerald




11 to 14 in length

20 wingspan




Similar Species


Rivers, large streams, lakes, and beaver ponds



Early March to late November









Common migrant and breeder



The Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union All Seasons Species Occurrence Map



Aves (birds)


Coraciiformes (kingfishers and allies)


Alcedinidae (kingfishers)




Megaceryle (large crested kingfishers)


The Belted Kingfisher was formerly named Ceryle alcyon. Along with three other large kingfishers, it was formerly placed in the genus Ceryle with the Pied Kingfisher. Phylogenetic and mitochondrial DNA analysis shows that Pied Kingfisher is more closely related to the American green kingfishers than to the other four kingfishers. The four kingfishers were subsequently separated as the new genus Megaceryle.



Subordinate Taxa




Ceryle alcyon

Megaceryle alcyon alcyon

Megaceryle alcyon caurina










Visitor Photos

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Jeremiah Timm

Belted Kingfisher  


Dan W. Andree

Kingfisher...and also a Woodchuck...

While out near a creek and bluff one day I was able to sneak up on a Kingfisher. I have seen them before but the spook real easy. While I was filming it I would at times try sneak a little over to get a better view through the trees since there was a breeze blowing the branches at times back and forth.

  Belted Kingfisher
One time while I was trying to do that when I stopped and focused the kingfisher in noticed a woodchuck was there. I believe it either came from down below or came down the bluff. There was a hole near the very top of the bluff. It climbed right back up. I didn’t expect a woodchuck to climb cup a sand bluff or that it even could but it did. I only got footage of where it is in the frame grab and it climbing back up.   Belted Kingfisher
I didn’t follow it up since I was more focused on getting the kingfisher. Made it interesting. Nice setting for around here.   Belted Kingfisher


I believe this is a Kingfisher. I noticed it perched high above a stream on a dead tree limb in front of a sand cliff in rural Norman Co. Mn. It appeared to be watching the water area below possibly for any small fish etc. swimming in the stream. Made for an interesting photo.

  Belted Kingfisher

Diana Hensley

Belted Kingfisher    

Bird lover

Belted Kingfisher    

Lynn Rubey

A female Belted Kingfisher perched on a branch over a stream waiting for its next meal near the bridge in The Big Stone Wildlife Refuge in Lac qui Parle County.   Belted Kingfisher
A female Belted Kingfisher hanging out on a branch over a stream in The Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge. The female Belted Kingfisher has a rusty colored breast band and flank.   Belted Kingfisher
A Female Belted Kingfisher on a dead tree limb over a stream near the Minnesota River in The Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge along the auto tour route.   Belted Kingfisher

Kate Fitzgerald

I heard this Kingfisher make a loud SPLAT into the lake before I saw him fly up into a tree. I expected him to be carrying his catch, but apparently it got away from him because he was empty-handed.   Belted Kingfisher Photos








Belted Kingfisher
JMC Nature Photos

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher
Joshua Mayer

Belted Kingfisher

Ceryle alcyon

Craig A. Mullenbach




Visitor Videos

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Dan W. Andree

"Belted Kingfisher" female
Nov 6, 2023


I had seen a couple of these belted kingfishers along a creek at times, but they always seen me first and would fly off until one day I happen to see one first while I was behind some trees. It was a female just perched on a dead tree limb above the creek. A wood chuck was briefly on the bluff behind the kingfisher and climbed up the bluff out of sight.

Bird lover

Belted Kingfisher 01


Green Heron (Butorides virescens)
Woodbury, MN
diving for fish
Video by Bird lover

Other Videos

Hastings Park Megaceryle alcyon


Uploaded on Feb 8, 2011

This female Belted Kingfisher was on the alert for fish in the ponds at Hastings Park Sanctuary, Vancouver, BC. While waiting for some action the kingfisher's rival, the Great Blue Heron waded through behind.

( Megaceryle alcyon ) July 2003

Belted Kingfisher


Published on Dec 20, 2009

Belted Kingfishers are both elegant and comical. Enjoy watching kingfishers call, fish and express themselves with their crazy Mohawk crest.

Belted Kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon)
Carl Barrentine


Published on May 28, 2013

This female Belted Kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon) was photographed at the Turtle River State Park, North Dakota (28 May 2013).

Belted Kingfisher HD720
Sparky Stensaas


Published on Oct 6, 2013

With apologies to Kevin Costner and the creators of the movie, Field of Dreams, I have modified the phrase "Build it and they will come." to "Place it and they will come" and by "it" I'm referring to a convenient perch for a bird.

In this case, I had often seen and heard Belted Kingfishers at a nearby marsh. But they were usually perched far out in the water (Where there were perches!). Not great for photos. Plus, Kingfishers are one of the most spooky of all birds...Meaning they fly at the first sight of a human. So I found a spot on the edge of the marsh where I could get a clear view of the water. I found a good looking perch in my woods at home, hauled it to the spot and stuck it in the mud. I set up my pop-up blind about 20 yards away and waited....But I didn't have to wait very long as a Belted Kingfisher found the perch within 15 minutes!

Belted Kingfisher with Wingscapes BirdCam


Uploaded on Dec 23, 2007

The Wingscapes BirdCam took this video of this female Belted Kingfisher as it fished from the top of a lakeside fish feeder.

A new Bird Camera, BirdCam 2.0 with Flash, is available at It takes photos and videos of backyard birds and wildlife while you are away.

Please feel free to leave comments and rate our videos.



Visitor Sightings

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Jeremiah Timm

Location: Lyon County, Nordland Township, Section 27

Belted Kingfisher
Wally Knight

Location: Shoreview

Sitting on top of wood duck box.

Amy Carpenter

Location: Vadnais Heights, Mn.

Two  photographers heard it.  Very exciting.

Dozens and dozens of different types of swallows darting and swarming for bugs just above the top of the lake.

Diana Hensley

Location: 2 miles north of Kenneth, in tree next to waterway.

Belted Kingfisher

Jim Breza

Location:  Winona, MN

I had one for the past week feeding on my goldfish, twice a day, that I know of.  It is a smaller one but today I seen the small one and now a large Kingfisher, also.  It is getting frustrating  as they are feasting well.  It is a large pond so I am thinking I will lay a net out over the water to discourage them and hopefully force them to move elsewhere.

They are quite the site to watch, in action.  We had a strong  rain storm this week and that Fisher pulled three fish during the storm.  The water was so distorted by the downpour I do not know how it could even see one fish through it but it was successful, all three times!

Dan W. Andree
May 2021

Location: Norman Co., Mn.

While out near a creek and bluff one day I was able to sneak up on a Kingfisher. I have seen them before but the spook real easy. While I was filming it I would at times try sneak a little over to get a better view through the trees since there was a breeze blowing the branches at times back and forth. One time while I was trying to do that when I stopped and focused the kingfisher in noticed a woodchuck was there. I believe it either came from down below or came down the bluff. There was a hole near the very top of the bluff. It climbed right back up. I didn’t expect a woodchuck to climb cup a sand bluff or that it even could but it did. I only got footage of where it is in the frame grab and it climbing back up. I didn’t follow it up since I was more focused on getting the kingfisher. Made it interesting. Nice setting for around here.

Belted Kingfisher

Bird lover

Location: Woodbury, MN

Belted Kingfisher

Lynn Rubey

Location: Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge

A female Belted Kingfisher perched on a branch over a stream waiting for its next meal near the bridge in The Big Stone Wildlife Refuge in Lac qui Parle County.

Belted Kingfisher

Lynn Rubey

Location: Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge

A female Belted Kingfisher hanging out on a branch over a stream in The Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge. The female Belted Kingfisher has a rusty colored breast band and flank.

Belted Kingfisher

Dan W. Andree

Location: rural Norman Co., Mn.

I believe this is a Kingfisher. I noticed it perched high above a stream on a dead tree limb in front of a sand cliff in rural Norman Co. Mn. It appeared to be watching the water area below possibly for any small fish etc. swimming in the stream. Made for an interesting photo.

Belted Kingfisher

Kate Fitzgerald

Location: Lake Louise State Park

I heard this Kingfisher make a loud SPLAT into the lake before I saw him fly up into a tree. I expected him to be carrying his catch, but apparently it got away from him because he was empty-handed.

Belted Kingfisher

Gloria Pfeifer

Location: north shore of Lake Minnewaska, 1.5 miles from Starbuck,Mn

we see one Belted Kingfisher on our shoreline every year, it stays for the summer, it sits in the trees along the shore and on the dock Sightings






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