Dan W. Andree

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Insects and Arachnids (continued)

wood frog 1


marbled orbweaver 1


margined calligrapher (1)




Milbert’s tortoiseshell 2
American Bittern 2


milkweed tussock moth 1
American Redstart 16


mining bee (Andrena spp.) 1
American Redstart 14


monarch 7
Bald Eagle 6


northeastern pebble bee 2
Belted Kingfisher 4


northern amber bumble bee 1
Black-billed Cuckoo 3


northern crab spider 4
Black-capped Chickadee 1


northern flower moth 2
Blackburnian Warbler 1


oblong running spider 1
Blue-winged Teal 1


orange sulphur 1
Bobolink 1


painted lady 2
Brown Creeper 2


pigeon tremex 3
Canada Goose 5


plains clubtail 6
Common Loon 1


pure green sweat bee 1
Downy Woodpecker 3


regal fritillary 50
Eastern Phoebe 2


river jewelwing 1
Eurasian Collared-Dove 1


robber flies (Family Asilidae) 1
Great Egret 6


rusty snaketail 1
Greater Prairie-chicken 1


salt marsh moth 2
Greater Yellowlegs 2


Scudder’s bush katydids (Scudderia spp.) 3
Green-winged Teal 6


six-spotted tiger beetle 2
Hooded Merganser 1


slender crab spiders (Tibellus spp.) (2)
Horned Lark 1


slender spreadwing 2
Killdeer 1


spot-tailed lion fly 3
Magnolia Warbler 3


swamp milkweed leaf beetle 2
Mallard 1


swift crab spider 1
Marbled Godwit 4


tawny-edged skipper 1
Northern Harrier 2


tricolored bumble bee 2
Northern Shoveler 1


twelve-spotted skimmer 1
Red-tailed Hawk 4


variegated fritillary 2
Red-winged Blackbird 3


viceroy 3
Ring-necked Pheasant 3


Virginia ctenucha 1
Rough-legged Hawk 22


western honey bee 1
Ruffed Grouse 7


white-banded crab spider 5
Sandhill Crane 4


Scarlet Tanager 4



Sharp-shinned Hawk 1


American black bear 1
Snow Bunting 2


bobcat 2
Trumpeter Swan 16


common raccoon 1
Tundra Swan 1


coyote 2
Turkey Vulture 3


eastern chipmunk 1
Upland Sandpipers 4


eastern gray squirrel 2
Western Meadowlark 2


fisher 3
White-faced Ibis 2


whitetail deer 5
White-winged Crossbill 3


Wild Turkey 4



Wilson’s Snipe 1


American highbush cranberry 2
Yellow-headed Blackbird 1


American pasqueflower 9
Wood Duck 2


black-eyed Susan (1)


bloodroot 1




blue-eyed grasses (Sisyrinchium spp.) 7
Agassiz Recreational Trail, Norman County Section 2


candle anemone 1
Frenchman’s Bluff SNA 11


clammy groundcherry 1
George H. Crosby Manitou State Park 18


common bladderwort 2
Northern Tallgrass Prairie NWR, Pavia Unit 8


Culver’s root 2
Sandpiper Prairie SNA 1


eastern white pine 2

Superior Hiking Trail, Crosby-Manitou State Park to Caribou Falls State Wayside



field mouse-ear chickweed 1

Superior Hiking Trail, Lake County Road 6 to Lake County Road 7



great blanket flower


Superior Hiking Trail, Silver Bay to Tettegouche State Park and Highway 1



Great Plains ladies' tresses 1
Twin Valley Prairie SNA 2


green milkweed 3
Upper Manitou Forest Preserve 3


heart-leaved four o'clock 2


Indian hemp 1




intermediate bellflower 2
brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) 3


Kalm’s lobelia 1


lance selfheal 1

Insects and Arachnids



Leonard’s skullcap 1
Allegheny mound ant 2


lesser fringed gentian (ssp. virgata) 2
American lady 1


marsh vetchling 1
American sand wasp 3


narrow-leaved purple coneflower 1
bearded bee fly 2


northern small yellow lady's slipper 2
bicolored striped sweat bee 1


Nuttall’s evening primrose 1
black onion fly 2


plains cottonwood 2
black swallowtail 5


prairie false dandelion 1
bumble bees (Bombus spp.) 1


prairie fleabane (1)
cecropia moth 3


prairie onion 1
common checkered-skipper 2


prairie turnip 2
common green darner 1


prairie violet 7
coral hairstreak 2


purple prairie clover (1)
cuckoo wasp (Subfamily Chrysidinae) 2


quaking aspen 1
dog day cicada 2


showy milkweed 1
dogbane beetle 2


smooth rose 3
eastern eyed click beetle 2


smooth sumac 1
ebony jewelwing 1


staghorn sumac 1
eight-spotted flower longhorn beetle 1


strict blue-eyed grass

European skipper 1


sugar maple 2
forage looper moth 2


tall cottongrass 1
freeloader flies (Family Milichiidae) 1


violet wood sorrel 3
goldenrod crab spider 3


western poison ivy 2
goldenrod leaf miner beetle 1


wild bergamot 2
great black digger wasp 1


wild strawberry 1
great spangled fritillary 2


wolfberry 4
half-black bumble bee (1)


wood lily 2
horned clubtail 1


woolly milkweed 2
jagged ambush bug 2


lance-tipped darner 1



least skipper 1


common snapping turtle 3
ligated furrow bee 2


painted turtle 1
longhorn-cuckoo bees (Triepeolus spp.) 2


prairie skink 1


red-bellied snake 3
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Insects and Arachnids

American toad 1


black and yellow argiope 1


dogbane beetle 1




dot-tailed whiteface 1
American Bittern 1


eastern eyed click beetle 1
American Redstart 6


eastern pondhawk 1
Bald Eagle 1


monarch 1
Baltimore Oriole 1


northern crab spider 1
Belted Kingfisher 1


plains clubtail 1
Black-and-white Warbler 1


red admiral 1
Black-billed Cuckoo 1


regal fritillary 3
Canada Goose 1


Ruffed Grouse 1
Greater Prairie-chicken 1


rusty snaketail 1
Greater Yellowlegs 1


twelve-spotted skimmer 1
Green-winged Teal 2


viceroy 1
Magnolia Warbler 1


western honey bee 1
Northern Shoveler 1


white-banded crab spider (1)
Pileated Woodpecker 1


widow skimmer 1
Rough-legged Hawk 1


Scarlet Tanager 2



Sora 1


American beaver 1
Spotted Sandpiper 1


bobcat 1
Trumpeter Swan 4


fisher 1
White-faced Ibis 1


whitetail deer 3
White-winged Crossbill 1


Wild Turkey 1



Wood Duck 1   painted turtle 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler 1


red-bellied snake 1


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