whitetail deer

(Odocoileus virginianus)

Conservation Status
whitetail deer
Photo by Christa Rittberg
  IUCN Red List

LC - Least Concern


N5 - Secure

SNR - Unranked


not listed


The tail is wide and ends in a black tip. There is no rump patch around the tail. When the animal runs the tail stands erect.

On males the antlers develop on a main beam that grows forward. Branches on the antlers are either unbranched prongs, or prongs with minor branches. They do not split equally.

The males are about 20% larger than the females.




Total length: 71 to 84¾

Tail: 11 to 14




In the winter scat is a pile of pelets. In the summer, when there is more moisture in the diet, the pellets bunch up into larger masses. Fresh scat is dark and shiny. After a few days it loses the sheen. It lightens in color as it ages.


Similar Species

  Isolated occurances of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in Minnesota have been reported. The mule deer has much larger ears. There is a white rump patch around the tail. The tail is thinner than the tail of the whitetailed deer, and ends in a black tip. When the animal runs the tail hangs down. On males the antlers develop on a main beam that grows upward, rather than forward. Each branch of the antlers are split into a forked pair.  

Prairies, forests, swamps, wood lots, agricultural fields.








2 to 10 years


Life Cycle






Leaves, twigs, shoots, acorns, berries, and seeds, grasses, and herbs.


Distribution Map



7, 15, 24, 29, 30.

The range of Dakota whitetail deer (O. v. dacotensis) extends into western and northwestern Minnesota.

The range of Kansas whitetail deer (O. v. macrourus) extends into southern Minnesota to about the Minnesota River Valley.

Northern whitetail deer (O. v. borealis) are found in the northeast, north-central, central, metro, and southeast regions of the state.




Common and widespread

  Class Mammalia (mammals)  
  Subclass Theria  
  Infraclass Eutheria (placental mammals)  
  Magnorder Boreoeutheria  
  Superorder Laurasiatheria (ungulates, carnivorans, and allies)  
  Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates and cetaceans)  
  Suborder Ruminantia (ruminants)  
  Infraorder Pecora  


Cervidae (deer)  


Capreolinae (New World deer)  


Odocoileus (white-tailed and mule deer)  

Subordinate Taxa


Avery Island white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus mcilhennyi)

Blackbeard Island white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus nigribarbis)

Bull Island white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus taurinsulae)

Carmen Mountains white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus carminis)

Columbian white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus leucurus)

Coues white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus couesi)

Dakota white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus dacotensis)

Florida coastal white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus osceola)

Florida white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus seminolus)

Hilton Head Island white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus hiltonensis)

Hunting Island white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus venatorius)

Kansas white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus macrourus)

Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium)

northern white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus borealis)

northwestern white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus ochrourus)

Texas white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus texanus)

Virginia white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus virginianus)






Common Names



Virginia deer


white-tailed deer

whitetail deer









Visitor Photos

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Bobbi Johnson

    whitetail deer   whitetail deer  

Dan W. Andree


Whitetail Buck in Velvet...

There was 2 of them. One ran into the woods right away. I filmed the one just entering the woods as it paused briefly to feed. I was surprised when I uploaded the footage and noticed the larger buck just inside the woods. It turned its head giving a glimpse of its antlers. Nice sized antler growth for early July on them both. Encountered these 2 bucks in velvet on July 6, 2022 in rural Norman Co. Mn. Putting together a short video of the buck in velvet encounter.

  whitetail deer  

3 Whitetail bucks...

If you look close you can see a third buck in the woods. It was nice the largest of the 3 posed nicely. The larger on is a 10 point buck though it may not be the easiest to tell.

  whitetail deer  

Whitetail buck last Spring...

While out in some woods not far from a small creek in rural Norman County, Mn. during the Spring of 2019 I noticed a large deer browsing a distance away. I could only make out parts of the deer due to brush and trees blocking the view. I could tell the body size was rather large but that was it.

I was down wind from it so I tried to get closer to get a better look since there was ample trees branches and foliage etc. blocking my view. I managed to get to an opening and noticed the buck watching me so I aimed my camera at him and took the photo. By deer hunting season this buck may have a fairly impressive full rack of antlers. I had this buck encounter June 17, 2019.

  whitetail deer  


It had a few green plant seeds stuck on it. One on the forehead and a couple on the body front area. Since they are a little bigger they seem to get around more and one needs to watch in out of the way areas or backroads one never knows when one could spook and dart out in front of a vehicle. They are cute that is for sure.

  whitetail deer  

Whitetail deer fawns...

They were very cute!

  whitetail deer  

Mike Poeppe

    whitetail deer      

Molly and Robert Power


Gotta love the game cam!

    whitetail deer      

Ramona Abrego

    whitetail deer      

Margot Avey

    whitetail deer   whitetail deer  
    whitetail deer      

Lynn Rubey


A Whitetail fawn stiopped to look at us as we stopped in The Big Stone Lake State Park Bonanza area.

    whitetail deer      

The Whitetail fawn seeing what is making some unexpected noise....children.

    whitetail deer      
  The Whitetail fawn frolicking in the woods before stopping to look at other noises in the deeper wooded area of The Big Stone Lake State Park Bonanza area.   whitetail deer  
  A Whitetail doe at sunset in The Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge pausing for a few moments before taking flight.   whitetail deer  

A White Tail Deer at sunset in the Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge.

    whitetail deer      

Kirk Nelson


Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary



Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary      

Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Long Meadow Lake Unit

Doe and fawn, just off the Bluff Trail

  whitetail deer  

Crosby Farm Regional Park

Whitetail deer can be seen throughout the park. I saw this buck near the parking area at Shepard Road and Elway.

  whitetail deer  
        whitetail deer  

Fort Snelling State Park

Resting deer seemed unconcerned that I was only 10-12 yards away

  whitetail deer  

Christa Rittberg

    whitetail deer   whitetail deer  
    whitetail deer   whitetail deer  

Wayne Rasmussen

    whitetail deer      

Bill Reynolds


Caught this deer working along a backyard in the city of Duluth.

    whitetail deer      
MinnesotaSeasons.com Photos


    whitetail deer   whitetail deer  
    whitetail deer   whitetail deer  


    whitetail deer   whitetail deer  

Don’t eat the blue snow

This blue urine spot is sign of a deer browsing on common buckthorn.

  whitetail deer  



Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed Deer)
Allen Chartier
  Odocoileus virginianus (White-tailed Deer)  
Craig A. Mullenbach



Visitor Videos

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Dan W. Andree

  "Whitetail Deer" Norman Co. Mn. by Dan W Andree 2022
Nov 6, 2022

A quick look at some whitetail deer late fall 2022 out in rural Norman Co. Mn.

  Whitetail doe
Published on Jan 16, 2015

A curious doe in early spring. It looks like she is not that far away from giving birth to fawns.

Published on Feb 18, 2015

While filming out in the woods I came across a fawn that first ran off then came back. I stood quietly with my camcorder ready as it approached so close I had to stop filming it and just enjoy it's closeness.

Other Videos
  White Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
Andrew Baita

Uploaded on Aug 23, 2010

some deer Odocoileus virginianus shot with a canon t1i in 720p

  Whitetail Deer (Cervidae: Odocoileus virginianus) Antlered Males
Carl Barrentine

Uploaded on Aug 2, 2010

Photographed west of the Agassiz NWR, Minnesota (02 August 2010). This one's for you, Floydstinkyboy. ;-)

  White-tailed deer - Odocoileus virginianus - YouTube

Published on Aug 20, 2012

The white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), also known as the Virginia deer or simply as the whitetail, is a medium-sized deer native to the United States (all but five of the states), Canada, Mexico, Central America, and South America as far south as Peru. It has also been introduced to New Zealand and some countries in Europe, such as Finland, Czech Republic, and Serbia. In the Americas, it is the most widely distributed wild ungulate.

In North America, the species is most common east of the Rocky Mountains, and is absent from much of the western United States, including Nevada, Utah, California, Hawaii, and Alaska.


  Whitetail deer rut behavior

Uploaded on Nov 13, 2010

A white-tailed deer buck (Odocoileus virginianus) demonstrating typical rutting behavior by rubbing on tree branches and creating a scrape with its front hooves. Visit www.eagleeyeimaging.net to view images of white-tailed deer and other wildlife.




Visitor Sightings

Report a sighting of this mammal.

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Simply email us at info@MinnesotaSeasons.com.
Be sure to include a location.
  Bobbi Johnson

Location: Silver Bay, MN

Captured yesterday, him just walking down the street, middle of the day. It was pretty cool.

whitetail deer

  A/C Christian Church of Minneapolis

Location: Westwood Hills Nature Center

At the Westwood Hills Nature Center, we saw some life on July 22 this year.

This was all found by the A/C Christian Church of Minneapolis.

  Dan W. Andree

Location: rural Norman Co. MN

There was 2 of them. One ran into the woods right away. I filmed the one just entering the woods as it paused briefly to feed. I was surprised when I uploaded the footage and noticed the larger buck just inside the woods. It turned its head giving a glimpse of its antlers. Nice sized antler growth for early July on them both. Encountered these 2 bucks in velvet on July 6, 2022 in rural Norman Co. Mn. Putting together a short video of the buck in velvet encounter.

whitetail deer

  Mike Poeppe

Location: Houston County, MN

whitetail deer

  Molly and Robert Power

Location: Albany MN

Gotta love the game cam!

whitetail deer

  Dan W. Andree

Location: Norman Co. MN

If you look close you can see a third buck in the woods. It was nice the largest of the 3 posed nicely. The larger on is a 10 point buck though it may not be the easiest to tell.

whitetail deer

  Ramona Abrego

Location: Gunflint Trail

whitetail deer

  Margot Avey

Location: Westwood Hills Nature Center

whitetail deer

  Lynn Rubey

Location: The Big Stone Lake State Park

The Whitetail fawn frolicking in the woods before stopping to look at other noises in the deeper wooded area of The Big Stone Lake State Park Bonanza area.

whitetail deer

  Lynn Rubey

Location: Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge

A Whitetail doe at sunset in The Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge pausing for a few moments before taking flight.

whitetail deer

  Margot Avey

Location: Westwood Hills Nature Center

whitetail deer

  Lynn Rubey

Location: Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge

A White Tail Deer at sunset in the Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge.

whitetail deer

  Kirk Nelson

Location: Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary

whitetail deer

  Dan W. Andree

Location: rural Norman Co. MN

They were very cute!

whitetail deer

  Kirk Nelson

Location: Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Long Meadow Lake Unit

Doe and fawn, just off the Bluff Trail

whitetail deer

  Kirk Nelson

Location: Crosby Farm Regional Park

Whitetail deer can be seen throughout the park. I saw this buck near the parking area at Shepard Road and Elway.

whitetail deer

  Wayne Rasmussen

Location: Gull Lake, MN

whitetail deer

  Kirk Nelson

Location: Fort Snelling State Park

Resting deer seemed unconcerned that I was only 10-12 yards away

whitetail deer

  Margot Avey

Location: Westwood Hills Nature Center

whitetail deer

  Bill Reynolds

Location: St. Louis Co.

Caught this deer working along a backyard in the city of Duluth.

whitetail deer

MinnesotaSeasons.com Sightings

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Agassiz Dunes SNA (MN DNR)

Anna Gronseth Prairie

Avon Hills Forest SNA, North Unit

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Baker Park Reserve

Banning State Park

Beaver Creek Valley State Park

Belgium Prairie

Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park

Big Stone Lake State Park

Big Woods Heritage Forest WMA

Blaine Preserve SNA

Blanket Flower Prairie SNA

Blue Mounds State Park

Bonanza Prairie SNA

Boot Lake SNA

Brownsville Bluff SNA

Buffalo River State Park

Bunker Hills Regional Park

Bur Oak WMA

Butterwort Cliffs SNA

Camden State Park

Cannon River Trout Lily SNA

Cannon River Turtle Preserve SNA

Cannon River Wilderness Area

Carley State Park

Carpenter St. Croix Valley Nature Center

Carver Highlands WMA, South Unit

Carver Park Reserve

Cedar Mountain SNA

Chamberlain Woods SNA

Charles A. Lindbergh State Park

Cherry Grove Blind Valley SNA

Chimney Rock SNA

Clear Lake SNA

Cleary Lake Regional Park

Clinton Falls Dwarf Trout Lily SNA

Compass Prairie SNA

Cottonwood River Prairie SNA

Crystal Spring SNA

Des Moines River SNA

Dodge Nature Center

Dry Sand WMA

Edward Velishek Memorial WMA

Elm Creek Park Reserve

Englund Ecotone SNA

Falls Creek SNA

Felton Prairie SNA, Bicentennial Unit

Flandrau State Park

Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park

Fort Ridgely State Park

Fort Snelling State Park

Foxhome Prairie

Franconia Bluffs SNA

Frontenac State Park

Glacial Lakes Preserve

Glacial Lakes State Park

Glendalough State Park

Glynn Prairie SNA

Gneiss Outcrops SNA

Great River Bluffs State Park

Greenwater Lake SNA

Gustafson’s Camp SNA

Hampton Woods WMA

Hardscrabble Woods / MG Tusler Sanctuary

Hastings Sand Coulee SNA

Hastings SNA

Hayes Lake State Park

Helen Allison Savanna SNA

Hole-in-the-Mountain Prairie

Holthe Prairie SNA

Hyland Lake Park Reserve

Iron Horse Prairie SNA

Iron Springs Bog SNA

Itasca State Park

Jensen Memorial WMA

John A. Latsch State Park

John Murtaugh Memorial WMA

John Peter Hoffman Spring Brook Valley WMA

Joy Park

Kasota Prairie

Kellogg Weaver Dunes SNA, Kellogg Weaver Unit

Kettledrummer Prairie

Kilen Woods State Park

La Salle Lake SNA

Laible Woods

Lake Alexander Woods SNA, South Unit

Lake Bronson State Park

Lake Byllesby Regional Park

Lake Carlos State Park

Lake Louise State Park

Lake Maria State Park

Lake Rebecca Park Reserve

Langhei Prairie SNA

Lawrence Creek SNA

Lebanon Hills Regional Park

Leif Mountain

Lost Valley Prairie SNA

Lundblad Prairie SNA

Lutsen SNA

Maplewood State Park

Margherita Preserve-Audubon Prairie

Mary Schmidt Crawford Woods SNA

McKnight Prairie

Mille Lacs Kathio State Park

Mille Lacs Moraine SNA

Mille Lacs WMA

Miller Prairie, West Unit

Minneopa State Park

Minnesota Valley NWR, Black Dog Unit

Minnesota Valley NWR, Louisville Swamp Unit

Minnesota Valley NWR, Rapids Lake Unit

Minnesota Valley NWR, Wilkie Unit

Minnesota Valley State Recreation Area, Lawrence Unit

Mississippi River County Park

Moose Lake State Park

Mound Prairie SNA

Mound Spring Prairie SNA, North Unit

Murphy-Hanrehan Park Reserve

Myhr Creek Ridge SNA

Myre-Big Island State Park

Nerstrand Big Woods State Park

North Fork Zumbro Woods SNA

Northern Tallgrass Prairie NWR, Hoffman Unit

Northern Tallgrass Prairie NWR, Spieker Unit

Northern Tallgrass Prairie NWR, Touch the Sky Prairie Unit

Old Mill State Park

Ordway Prairie

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Otter Tail Prairie SNA

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P.N. and G.M. Nelson Wildlife Sanctuary

Partch Woods SNA

Pembina Trail Preserve SNA, Crookston Prairie Unit

Pilot Knob

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Plover Prairie, East Unit

Potato Lake SNA

Prairie Coteau SNA

Prairie Creek WMA, Koester Prairie Unit

Prairie Smoke Dunes SNA

Quarry Park SNA

Racine Prairie SNA

Red Rock Prairie

Regal Meadow

Rice Lake Savanna SNA

Rice Lake State Park

Richard M. & Mathilde Rice Elliott SNA

Ripley Esker SNA

Ritter Farm Park

River Terrace Prairie SNA

Robert Ney Memorial Park Reserve

Rock Ridge Prairie SNA

Rockville County Park

Roscoe Prairie SNA

St. Croix Savanna SNA

St. Croix State Park

Sakatah Lake State Park

Sand Prairie Wildlife Management and Environmental Education Area

Sandpiper Prairie SNA

Santee Prairie SNA

Savage Fen Scientific and Natural Area

Savanna Portage State Park

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Schaefer Prairie

Schoolcraft State Park

Sedan Brook SNA

Seminary Fen SNA

Seven Mile Creek County Park

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Seven Springs WMA

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Sibley State Park

Slaughter Slough WPA

Spring Beauty Northern Hardwoods SNA

Spring Creek Prairie SNA

Spring Lake Park Reserve

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Spring Prairie Preserve

Stanley Eddy Memorial Park Reserve

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Swedes Forest SNA

Tamarack Nature Center

Tiedemann WMA

Town Hall Prairie

Townsend Woods SNA

Tribute WMA

Twin Lakes SNA

Tympanuchus Prairie

Uncas Dunes SNA

Upper Sioux Agency State Park

Vermillion Highlands Research Recreation and WMA

Vermillion River WMA

Wahpeton Prairie WMA

Western Prairie SNA

Westwood Hills Nature Center

Whitetail Woods Regional Park

Whitewater State Park

Wild Indigo SNA

Wild River State Park

William O’Brien State Park

Wood-Rill SNA

Woodland Trails Regional Park

Yellow Bank Hills SNA

Zumbro Falls Woods SNA





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