Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge








U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service






















Printable Map(s) with GPS coordinates




18,300 acres, including a 4,500 acre lake




36289 State Highway 65
Mcgregor, MN 55760-5875

N46 32.276, W93 17.050




Sunrise - Sunset, including federal holidays




No fee

No National Wildlife Refuge in Minnesota charges a fee


Driving Directions

  Area and County  

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          Aitkin County  
          Northeast Minnesota  

Hiking Trails






Deer by archery or muzzleloader or by firearm with a permit holder in area 901 only; American Woodcock, Common Snipe, Ruffed Grouse, Spruce Grouse, Sharp-tailed Grouse, snowshoe hare, cottontail rabbit, gray squirrel, and fox squirrel.

See Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge Hunting Regulations for details.


Ecological Classification

  Ecological Classification  
  Ecological Province    

Laurentian Mixed Forest Province

  Ecological Section    

Northern Minnesota Drift & Lake Plains

  Ecological Subsection    

St. Louis Moraines
Tamarack Lowlands

  Land Type Association    

Moose-Willow Peatlands

Rice Lake Moraine


Native Plant Communities*


Beaver Wetland Complex

Central Dry-Mesic Oak-Aspen Forest

Central Mesic Hardwood Forest (Eastern)

Central Rich Dry Pine Woodland

Central Wet-Mesic Hardwood Forest

Northern Floodplain Forest

Northern Mesic Hardwood Forest

Northern Poor Conifer Swamp

Northern Poor Fen

Northern Rich Alder Swamp

Northern Rich Fen (Basin)

Northern Rich Mesic Hardwood Forest

Northern Rich Tamarack Swamp (Eastern Basin)

Northern Rich Tamarack Swamp (Western Basin)

Northern Shrub Shore Fen

Northern Terrace Forest

Northern Very Wet Ash Swamp

Northern Wet Ash Swamp

Northern Wet Cedar Forest

Northern Wet-Mesic Boreal Hardwood-Conifer Forest

Northern Wet-Mesic Hardwood Forest

Sedge Meadow

Willow - Dogwood Shrub Swamp

  * Source: The Minnesota Biological Survey, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Ecological Resources      

Natural Features


Upland hardwood forrest, lowland hardwood forest, grassland, brushland, cropland, marsh, bog, open water (lake)






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Other Videos
  Rice Lake Wildlife Refuge
2 Wheels 1 Compass

Sep 19, 2021

So you're looking for a place far out of town where you can get in touch with nature for free?

Look no further than the Rice Lake Wildlife Refuge. Our Federal tax payer dollars keep this refuge open to the public for free!

This video goes into how it was created, the significance it carries for the local Native Americans, and what you can go and find.

The park itself was created as a way to give depression-era Americans a place to work while also conserving the natural ambiance of the region.

If you're looking for a good hike or a good place to fish that exhibits little to no impact of mankind, Rice Lake is a great place to start.

  Nearly a Million ducks! Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Minnesota: wildlife video
Sparky Stensaas

Nov 4, 2020

A new one-day world record count for Ring-necked Ducks! Nearly 900,000 Ringnecks counted at northern Minnesota's Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge on October 26, 2019. This is a MAJOR stopover for many ducks, but especially Ringnecks. 25% of the World's population was here on this day! Filmed in cooperation with the Fish & Wildlife Service. Refuge manager Walt Ford talks about the importance of Wild Rice (Zizania aquatic) to migrating waterfowl and he also details the day they counted over a million ducks on the refuge.

Filmed with Panasonic GH5 at super slow motion (180fps in HD), GoPro 5, iPhone 7+



  Goin’ To The Lake: Rice Lake Wildlife Refuge
WCCO - CBS Minnesota

Jul 9, 2015

Liz Collin and Chris Shaffer visit one of the best spots in the state for waterfowl.

WCCO 4 News At 6 – July 9, 2015




Visitor Sightings

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MinnesotaSeasons.com Sightings






Twenty-two bird species with conservation status in Minnesota have been seen here:


Henslow’s Sparrow (Centronyx henslowii)

Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus)


Common Tern (Sterna hirundo)

Special Concern

American Goshawk (Accipiter atricapillus)

American White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)

Forster’s Tern (Sterna forsteri)

Franklin’s Gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan)

Lark Sparrow (Chondestes grammacus)

Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa)

Nelson’s Sparrow (Ammospiza nelsoni)

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)

Purple Martin (Progne subis)

Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus)

Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)

Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator)

Wilson’s Phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor)

Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis)


Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas Birds List

eBird Field Checklist – Rice Lake NWR

eBird Field Checklist – Headquarters

eBird Field Checklist – CCC camp

eBird Field Checklist – Viewing Platform

eBird Field Checklist – Twin Lakes

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 1.0

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 1.5

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 2.0

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 2.5

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 3.0

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 3.5

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 4.0

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 4.5

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 5.0

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 5.5

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 6.0

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 6.5

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 7.0

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 7.5

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 8.0

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 8.5

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 9.0

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 9.25

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 9.5

eBird Field Checklist – Auto Tour, m.p. 10.0


Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon)

Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata)

Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis)

Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus)

Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)

  Blue Jay  



Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas Fishes List


Fungi and Lichens


Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas Fungi List


Insects and Arachnids


Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas Insects List



  American mink (Neovison vison)      



Six plant species with conservation status in Minnesota are found here:


butternut (Juglans cinerea)


little goblin moonwort (Botrychium mormo)

narrow triangle moonwort (Botrychium lanceolatum ssp. angustisegmentum)

Special Concern

Fernald’s false manna grass (Torreyochloa pallida var. fernaldii)

least moonwort (Botrychium simplex)

small beggarticks (Bidens discoidea)


Minnesota Biodiversity Atlas and Minnesota Biological Survey Vegetation Releves Plant List


Plants frequently found in:

Central Dry-Mesic Oak-Aspen Forest MHc26

Central Mesic Hardwood Forest (Eastern) MHc36

Central Rich Dry Pine Woodland FDc24

Central Wet-Mesic Hardwood Forest MHc47

Northern Floodplain Forest FFn67

Northern Mesic Hardwood Forest MHn35

Northern Poor Conifer Swamp APn81

Northern Poor Fen APn91

Northern Rich Alder Swamp FPn73

Northern Rich Fen (Basin) OPn92

Northern Rich Mesic Hardwood Forest MHn47

Northern Rich Tamarack Swamp (Eastern Basin) FPn72a

Northern Rich Tamarack Swamp (Western Basin) FPn82

Northern Shrub Shore Fen OPn81

Northern Terrace Forest FFn57

Northern Very Wet Ash Swamp WFw64

Northern Wet Ash Swamp WFn55

Northern Wet Cedar Forest WFn53

Northern Wet-Mesic Boreal Hardwood-Conifer Forest MHn44

Northern Wet-Mesic Hardwood Forest MHn46

Sedge Meadow WMn82b

Willow - Dogwood Shrub Swamp WMn82a

    large-flowered trillium  












Migrating Waterfowl

Between 100,000 and 250,000 waterfowl, mostly Ring-necked Duck, stop here each fall during their migration.



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