hoary puccoon

(Lithospermum canescens)

Conservation Status
hoary puccoon
  IUCN Red List

not listed


N5? - Secure

SNR - Unranked


not listed


Hoary puccoon is a 4 to 18 tall, erect, perennial forb that rises on 1 to 5 stems from a thick, red taproot.

The stems are erect and usually unbranched, though sometimes branched near the top. They are densely covered with soft, ascending to spreading, sometimes somewhat tangled hairs.

The leaves are alternate, stalkless, relatively thick, lance-shaped to narrowly oblong, ¾ to 2 long, and to ½ wide. There are usually less than 25 leaves below the inflorescence. They are angled or narrowly rounded at the base and bluntly pointed at the tip. Sometimes there is a minute, sharp point at the tip. There is a single prominent vein and no noticeable lateral veins. The upper and lower surfaces are grayish-green and are densely covered with short, fine, loosely ascending to appressed hairs. There are small, elevated, blister-like elevations (pustules) at the base of the hairs on the leaves, though this may not be apparent without a hand lens. The margins are untoothed and have a fringe of soft hairs.

The inflorescence is usually 1 to 3 leafy, branched, flower clusters at the end of the stem. Occasionally a plant will produce 1 or 2 additional flowering branches after the first flowering branches have gone to seed. The flowers at the top bloom first, the lateral flowers progressively later. The clusters are dense at first, elongate as the lateral flowers bloom, eventually becoming coiled and 1 to 4 long.

The flowers are to ½ wide and funnel-shaped. The sepals are fused at the base into a short, cup-like structure (calyx) then separated into 5 linear, flat, to ¼ long lobes. The 5 petals are orange to yellow. They are fused at the base into a ¼ to long floral tube, then separated into 5 spreading, to wide lobes. The lobes are not fringed. There are 5 stamens. The flowers are subtended by bracts that are much longer than the calyx. The flowers have a sweet scent. According to most sources, including Yatskievych & Steyermark and Gleason & Cronquist, there are no closed, self-fertilizing (cleistogamous) flowers. A recent (2012) ongoing study suggests that this may not always be the case.

The fruits are 1 to 4 egg-shaped, long, cream-colored, smooth, shiny, hard nutlets. Each nutlet contains 1 seed.




4 to 18


Flower Color


Orange to light golden yellow


Similar Species


Fringed puccoon (Lithospermum incisum) leaves are roughly hairy, not densely, softly hairy. The hairs on the stem and leaves are pustule-based, though this may not be apparent without a hand lens. The inflorescence does not elongate as the season progresses. The floral tube is much longer, ¾ to 2 long. In the late spring and summer it becomes much branched with cleistogamous flowers in the leaf axils of the new branches. The fruit is white, not cream-colored.

Hairy puccoon (Lithospermum caroliniense var. croceum) often rises on 12 or more stems. The stems are leafier. The leaves are roughly hairy, not densely, softly hairy. The hairs on the stem and leaves are pustule-based, though this may not be apparent without a hand lens. The inflorescence eventually becomes much longer, 2 to 10 long. The flowers are larger, ½ to 1 wide. The calyx lobes are longer, ¼ to ½ long when the plant is in full flower. The floral tube is longer, 9 16 to 1 long. The fruit is white, not cream-colored.


Dry to moderate moisture. Prairies, open woods, roadsides. Seldom in sandy soil.




April to June


Pests and Diseases






Distribution Map



2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 24, 28, 29, 30.









  Kingdom Plantae (green algae and land plants)  
  Subkingdom Viridiplantae (green plants)  
  Infrakingdom Streptophyta (land plants and green algae)  
  Superdivision Embryophyta (land plants)  
  Division Tracheophyta (vascular plants)  
  Subdivision Spermatophytina (seed plants)  
  Class Magnoliopsida (flowering plants)  
  Superorder Asteranae  


Boraginales (borages)  


Boraginaceae (borage)  
  Subfamily Boraginoideae  
  Tribe Lithospermeae  


Lithospermum (stoneseeds, puccoons, and gromwells)  

Subordinate Taxa






Batschia canescens


Common Names


hoary gromwell

hoary puccoon

Indian paint












The upper angle where the leaf stalk meets the stem.



The group of outer floral leaves (sepals) below the petals, occasionally forming a tube.



Automatically self-pollinating. Refers to bud-like flowers that do not open but automatically self-pollinate, or to plants with such flowers.



Long, straight, and narrow, with more or less parallel sides, like a blade of grass.



Small, elevated, blister-like elevations, usually at the base of hairs.



An outer floral leaf, usually green but sometimes colored, at the base of a flower.

“Larger, Lighter, Longer”

For a convenient mnemonic to distinguish between hairy puccoon and hoary puccoon in the field, think “Larger, Lighter, Longer."

Hairy puccoon has larger petals that are slightly but noticeably lighter in color and have longer floral tubes.








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Nancy Falkum


Hoary puccoon Lithospermum canescens w/ Partridge pea At TNC KWD Cox Unit

    hoary puccoon      

Greg Watson

    hoary puccoon      



Many of these growing in the nearby ditch. Sunny and dry soil.

    hoary puccoon   hoary puccoon  

Kirk Nelson

    hoary puccoon   hoary puccoon  
MinnesotaSeasons.com Photos


    hoary puccoon   hoary puccoon  


    hoary puccoon   hoary puccoon  
    hoary puccoon      

Floral Tube

    hoary puccoon   hoary puccoon  






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Other Videos
  Hoary Puccoon
Wapello County Conservation Board - Iowa

Nov 2, 202

The Hoary Puccoon prefers dry soils, and is found at the Eddyville Sand Prairie. A short prairie plant, which adds beautiful color the the summer prairie.

  Hoary Puccoon (Lithospermum canescens)

May 4, 2021

A video describing Hoary Puccoon, Lithospermum canescens and its heterostyly. Pin and Thrum forms are shown and described.

  Rocky Woods & Seepy Meadows: Hoary Puccoon
Sanders' Wildflowers

Mar 6, 2020

Enjoy a collection of educational videos by Dr. Roger Sanders about the spring wildflowers found throughout the southern Appalachians. These videos are a production of Core Academy of Science, a christian nonprofit based out of Dayton, TN.

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Visitor Sightings

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  Nancy Falkum

Location: Weaver Dunes Preserve, Cox Unit

Hoary puccoon Lithospermum canescens w/ Partridge pea At TNC KWD Cox Unit

hoary puccoon  
  Greg Watson

Location: Eagles Bluff Park in La Crescent, MN

hoary puccoon  

Location: Cass County

Many of these growing in the nearby ditch. Sunny and dry soil.

hoary puccoon

  Kirk Nelson

Location: Joseph A. Tauer Prairie SNA

hoary puccoon

  Crystal Boyd

Location: Pine Bend Bluffs SNA


MinnesotaSeasons.com Sightings






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