Greg Watson

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Bacteria, Viruses, and Other Pathogens



Insects and Arachnids (continued)


horsehair worms (Order Gordioidea)



northern pearly eye 1


obscure pygmy grasshopper 1




one-spotted variant 1
Blue-winged Teal 1


orange sulphur 1
Brown Creeper 1


orange virbia moth 1
Red-winged Blackbird 2


pale beauty 1
Solitary Sandpiper 1


pale green assassin bug 1
Tennessee Warbler 2


pallidefulva-group field ants (Formica pallidefulva group)



predatory stink bug (Podisus placidus) 1

Centipedes and Millipedes



red admiral 1

flat-backed millipede (Pleuroloma flavipes)



red milkweed beetle 1
greenhouse millipede 2


round-necked longhorn beetle (Clytus ruricola) 1


running crab spiders (Philodromus spp.) 1




sachem 4

brickwork woodlouse



signal fly (Rivellia spp.) 1


six-spotted tiger beetle 1




slender flower longhorn beetle 1
Apple Blossom Overlook Park 8


spotted orbweaver 2
Eagles Bluff Park 16


striated jewel beetle 2
Great River Bluffs State Park 8


tapered mason wasp 1
King’s and Queen’s Bluff SNA 5


thick-headed fly (Myopa clausa)

Magelssen Bluff Park 19


twelve-spotted skimmer 2
Vetsch Park 4


white-winged march fly 1
Wagon Wheel Trail 5


wild indigo duskywing



woolly aphid (Subfamily Eriosomatinae) 1

Fungi and Lichens



wrinkled soldier beetle 1
Birch Polypore 1


yellow-legged flower fly 1
Crown Rust 2


Gabled False Morel 1



Golden Pholiota 1


American black currant 1
Skirted Stinkhorn 6


aniseroot 1
Snow Fungus 1


biennial beeblossom 2
Wood Ear 2


bloodroot 1


blue vervain (2)

Insects and Arachnids



bur cucumber (1)
abdominal short-winged flower beetle (1)


buttonbush 2

agreeable tiger moth



Carolina cranesbill 6
American nursery web spider 2


common liverwort 1
anchor stink bug 3


cut-leaved toothwort 1
ants (Family Formicidae) 1


downy phlox 1
banded longhorn beetle 1


early horse gentian 1
black firefly 2


flowering spurge (2)
black horse fly 2


foxglove beardtongue 1
blood-winged click beetle 1


glade mallow 4

broad-headed marsh fly



golden alexanders 2
bronze copper 2


great St. Johnswort 2
brown blister beetle 1


grooved yellow flax 1
cobra clubtail 1


hoary puccoon 1
common angle 1


lyre-leaved rock cress 1
common crane fly (Tipula submaculata) 1


Michigan lily 1
common green darner 1


Missouri gooseberry 1
common oak moth 2


mountain death camas 1
confused eusarca 1


northern pin oak 1
crocus geometer moths (Xanthotype spp.) 1


oxeye daisy (1)
cylindrical click beetle 2


prairie blue-eyed grass 1
eastern comma 1


purple meadow-rue 1
eastern forktail 1


reed canary grass 1
golden-backed snipe fly 1


rue anemone 2
goldenrod crab spider 2


spreading dogbane 1

grapeleaf skeletonizer



tall cinquefoil 1
greenish flower chafer 1


white-flowered leafcup 1
hackberry emperor 1


white wild indigo 1
harvestmen (Order Opiliones) (1)


wild columbine 1
hickory hairstreak 1


wild geranium 1
humpbacked orbweaver 1


wood betony 1
ipsilon dart 4


wood lily 1
Isabella tiger moth 1


yellow star grass 1
jagged ambush bug (Phymata americana) 3


large lace-border 1



locust borer 2


common snapping turtle 1
longlegged fly (Condylostylus patibulatus) 2


northern map turtle 1
maple-basswood leafroller moth 1


Ouachita map turtle 1
morbid owlet 1


spiny softshell turtle 5
mourning cloak 1


northern paper wasp 1


Snails and Slugs



dusky slug 1

Bacteria, Viruses, and Other Pathogens




horsehair worms (Order Gordioidea)





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